Some Remarks on the Political Science of Hobbes

This is a translation of Leo Strauss, “Quelques remarques sur la science politique de Hobbes,” in Recherches Philosophiques (1933: 2), 609-22. It is translated from the French by Murray S. Y. Bessette. Note the French text is a translation by Alexandre Kojève of the original German, which can be found in Leo Strauss, Gesammelte Schriften, 6 Bde., Bd.3, Hobbes' politische Wissenschaft und zugehörige Schriften, Briefe, m. Sonderdruck von Bd.1 für die Subskribenten, ed. Heinrich Meier (Germany: Metzler, 2001). In light of the fact that Leo Strauss was close to and friendly with Alexandre Kojève and that he read French, I presume the French is a very good (although necessarily imperfect) reflection of Strauss’ authorial intent. Moreover, insofar as the article in question was only available in French until 1999 (a full 66 years), the French text remains of some interest, especially as there may be significant divergences, either omissions or additions, from the German. Thus, I would invite anyone with sufficient proficiency in German to make the necessary comparison.