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Duke of Tuscany, give significant architectonic descriptions of the buildings and construction sites in Paris. At the time, the French capital attracted artistic talent from all over Europe, acting as a workshop for new styles, aimed at glorifying the Sun King. The two texts date from almost the same time as the unpublished Journal, in which Paul de Chantelou related details of Bernini's stay in the city in 1665. This article investigates the different objectives of the two authors and tries to distinguish the specific nature of their points of view, comparing them with that of Bernini, as conveyed by Chantelou. Locatelli's diary entries reflect his state of mind, his tastes and moods, while those of Magalotti provided the Prince with a clear description of monuments, interiors, collections, libraries and the esprit du temps. Both texts contain interesting observations of the building sites of the Louvre, of the palace of Versailles, of the Val-de-Grâce and of the Collège des Quatre Nations. It seems that, thanks to Chantelou, Magalotti was familiar with some passages of the Journal, and was also informed of some observations of Bernini which the French nobleman did not report in the diary. So the opinions and criticism of the famous artist indisputably influenced the Florentine diplomat and his annotations appear to attest to the early impact of the Journal. These three diaries are complementary sources which transmit a more authentic idea of the situation in Paris before and after Bernini's sojourn in 1665 and reveal the fundamental renewal of architectonic styles and the way in which the French drew inspiration from Bernini's projects.
rl legno della crocetta di Godego ApRrANo cRApr o-rrzraNn unso t4 Premessa Castello di Godego è un piccolo paese nelle vicinanze di Casteìfranco Vcneto, in provincia di freviso. Dal ritrovamenti di costruzioni e di monete romane si fa risalire ai primi periodi dell'Impero Romano tr' pr"r.lnru-in loco di un insediamento militare, im_ portante .strategicamente per la vici_ nanza della strada romanà postumia. Tuttavia il primo documento scritto che testimoni I'esistenza di un castello di Godego risale al decimo secolo dopo Cristo, e precisamente al972,net quie Godego, compreso nel Contado Vi"rn_ tino, risulta infeudato da Ottone i al Vescovo di Frisinga ed alla Chiesa Ji S.eandido in Intica (Carinzia). facendo cosr pensare che la zona losse ancora sotto un'antica signoria gotica (Vicen_ tmr). Pieve Goticana era coperta di bosca_ glie. e tra queste passava una via che dalla Castellana portava verso Bassa_ no. Proprio in queste foreste, nei pressi dr questa via.il2luglio 1420 successi i fatti prodigiosi narrati dalla leggenda che venne tramandata di ge_ ner azione in generazione. Un mercante ungherese di buoi transitava.da Godego seguendo Ia sua mandna drretto a Bassano attrar.erso Ia densa foresta. Essendo lu noitr, smarrì il bestiame e non riusci u .o.j prendere quale direzione esso ur...r. preso ad un bivio della strada. Uomo l,emnlice..e-religioso. invoco disperato
e essay aims to outline the stages of the signiicant migration of Bolognese architects over a long period of time, from the last quarter of the 15 th century until the end of the 18 th century. On the basis of research carried out for the series Crocevia e capitale della migrazione artistica: forestieri a Bologna e bolognesi nel mondo (secoli XV-XVIII) (published in 3 volumes in 2010, 2012 and 2013), the work describes the roots and reasons behind this extraordinary artistic migration, which took place in many diierent ways. e Bolognese architects managed to combine styles inspired by Roman architecture, or other innuences from the main Italian cities, with traditions from their host country, although only in a few cases did they act as mediators for their own culture. Many prestigious projects were commissioned as a means of gloriication by European princes, and became increasingly expressive from the Renaissance onwards. e quadratura style of illusionistic ceiling painting meant that artists from the Emilia region achieved a long-lasting pre-eminence, and was progressively adopted by local painters who later elaborated and adapted the technique according to local tastes. Several examples, however, reveal that the political and religious conditions in which the implementation of imported models took place made it more diicult for such changes to occur, particularly in the eld of sacred architecture. ere is also evidence of exchanges or even contamination between Bolognese architects working abroad, as they pressed for circulation processes. A signiicant contribution to architectural renewal in many European countries was made by the treatises of Sebastiano Serlio and Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, providing prototypes and rules whose assimilation was often linked to social and religious requirements, as well as a means of displaying status or asserting claims. Several biographies of Bolognese architects give us information about their contact with patrons and their personal lives, although comparative research still needs to be done in order to gain a better understanding of how they lived their lives in foreign countries, the problems they had to deal with and the choices they made regarding their future.
BRIZZI, Il dibattito sui doveri degli amministratori in rapporto alla crisi di impresa (a proposito di un libro recente
A review of the book "Irriducibile" by F.Faggin, 2022
La Loggetta n. 135, 2023
A Bolsena, Corrado Ricci, ospite illustre, assisterà ai Misteri di Santa Cristina la sera del 23 e il mattino del 24 luglio 1927, quindi parlerà delle feste popolari che ancora all'epoca si svolgevano nei paesi rivieraschi, alcune delle quali oggi non esistono più ma se ne è rimasta la memoria ancora viva.
mappa dei luoghi storici della sinistra negli anni 70, mappa delle case occupate (al 2000), casa occupata di via Aldini, centro sociale ex emerson
Installazione della rete GPS Stazione MASTER installata con apparati di comunicazione e computer industriale Configurazione della rete dalla Stazione MASTER Configurazione e gestione rete GPS * Ing. RICCI Paolo -Coordinatore delle attività di monitoraggio -Ufficio Progettazione Gallerie della Società Italiana Per Condotte d'Acqua S.p.A. [email protected]
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LE LETTERE AI CORINTI - Secondo volume, 2018
Le Religioni in Italia - Massimo Introvigne - PierLuigi Zoccatelli (sotto la direzione di)
Panorama numismatico, 2018