The Global Economy: A Matter of Perspective



Human population is reaching a scale in which a creative, eco-literate, socially conscious, planetary citizenry is necessary for the continued survival of the world ecosystem with humanity as a part of it. The gap between such a system, and our current increasingly interdependent web of scarcity driven, mutually exclusive regional and global socio-economic and political systems may seem great. However, it is my contention that the gap is simply a matter of clear differentiation on the part of the individual, along with alignment with a shared vision. Whether aware if it or no, each person alive today is connected by a web of subsystems which are contained almost completely within the space, or interactions between them. What this means is that the seemingly behemoth, glacial organizations we customarily consider to hold all of the power in our human lives are merely the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, they themselves, apart from the agreed upon cooperation of people, are nothing more than stacks of paper, computers, buildings, and machines. Or as Olhoff and Walcheski put it, “when you get down to the smallest bits of matter, those particles are no longer things – they are interactions” (54). With this in mind, I explore the idea that the restructuring of human society can be done simply by injecting new memes* at a grass roots level. A higher ordering of human interaction will occur when humans, as a whole, share a higher level vision. Keywords: Economics, System, Chaos, Leverage, Change