Trajectory effects in a novel serial reaction time task

The serial reaction time (SRT) task, which measures how participants' keypress responses speed up as a repeating stimulus sequence is learned, is popular in implicit and motor learning research, and may help us understand the basic learning mechanisms underlying the acquisition of complex skills (e.g., riding a bike). However, complex action sequences are not simple stimulus-response chains, but rather require representing sequential context in order to learn. Moreover, human actions are continuous, temporally-extended movements that are not fully measured in the discrete button presses of the SRT task. Using a novel movement adaptation of the SRT task in which spatial locations are both stimuli and response options, participants were trained to move the mouse cursor to a continuous sequence of stimuli. We replicate the Nissen and RT results with the trajectory SRT paradigm and show sequential context effects-predictive bends in response trajectories-that promise to reveal cognitive processes underlying sequential action learning.