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From the early 1960's, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has grown to become one of the most prominent areas of EFL teaching today. Its development is reflected in the increasing number of universities offering an MA in ESP (e.g. The University of Birmingham, and Aston University in the UK) and in the number of ESP courses offered to overseas students in English speaking countries. There is now a well-established international journal dedicated to ESP discussion, "English for Specific Purposes: An international journal", and the ESP SIG groups of the IATEFL and TESOL are always active at their national conferences.
The study of specialized discourse has burgeoned over the last twenty years or so, and, with English becoming ever more the lingua franca of this globalized world, English for Specific Purposes has rapidly assumed a key position in language studies in general. This has coincided with an increasingly "functionalist" approach to education in general, with the emphasis ever more on the acquisition of skills that can be utilized in a professional context, at the expense of a more theoretical, idealistic perspective which views education as an intellectual endeavour concerned with an individual's personal and cultural development as a whole. Let us begin with a simple question: what does the "S" in ESP stand for, "specific" or "special"? Google can provide us with a rough answer, with "English for Specific Purposes" outnumbering "English for Special Purposes" by a ratio of roughly 14 to 1 (respectively 955,000 hits vs 66,200 hits). 1 The marked preference for "Specific" denotes an awareness that the type of language that ESP scholars are concerned with is not so much "special" in itself as pertaining to "specific" spheres of professional and institutional communication in English. ESP comes within the realm of "specialized" (as opposed to "special") discourse. Secondly, how do we define ESP? Definitions abound in the literature. Here are just a few: English for specific purposes (ESP) refers to the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language where the goal of the learners is to use English in a particular domain. (Paltridge & Starfield 2013: 2) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centered approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative The future of ESP studies: building on success, exploring new paths, avoiding...
Retrieved November, 1997
This paper first defines the 'English for Specific Purposes' (ESP) approach to language teaching in terms of absolute and variable characteristics offered by Dudley-Evans in the plenary speech of the first Japan Conference on English for Specific Purposes. Then, under the headings of teacher, collaborator, course designer and materials provider, researcher, and evaluator proposed by Dudley-Evans, a comparison is made between the 'General English' teacher and the so-called ESP practitioner.
Proceedings on Engineering Sciences
The present study focuses on teachers' perceptions regarding the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Seeking to assess qualitative aspects and the value of ESP as a subject of major relevance, the paper reports initial results from a study on the application of ESP in tertiary level language instruction at the
International Journal of Language Studies, 2019
In this interview, Mohammad Hassan Tahririan reflects on his experiences, perceptions, and views about English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by first identifying the differences between the General English Language and ESP courses, and then pinpointing recent practices of teaching ESP. He discusses the future directions and areas of ESP research in Iran and points out some challenges that both ESP learners and teachers encounter during learning and teaching the courses. He also emphasizes that if stakeholders insist on offering ESP courses, the required conditions should be provided. If the students are not convinced that learning English is a must for them, imposing ESP courses on them will not be much different from unwanted General English courses. Tahririan believes that the future of most EFL programs in Iran will be in ESP, if understood and offered as expected.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2021
ESP as a branch of Applied Linguistics is concerned with teaching, testing methods, analysis of students’ demands and inquiry into the linguistic and discourse structures of specific texts. ESP is a very important subject in Universities nowadays for many reasons. Technology is mostly developed in English speaking countries and specialized language is so widely used in all walks of life. ESP courses aim to prepare students with skills and vocabulary required in their studies and professions. They have to attend conferences, workshops and seminars worldwide and specific terminology is intertwined with their research area. In the case of teaching and learning English for IT, being familiar with the technical terms, translation of equivalent terms, using specific language in communication, are among the challenges. Grammar is an important skill for language mastery though not included in ESP course books and syllabi. Compiling adequate syllabuses based on the five skills including Gram...
Journal of the IATEFL ESP SIG, 2012
This review article attempts to tackle the fundamental questions in ESP practice and will also provide a methodological framework for designing and implementing ESP courses. In recent times, the ESP approach has cogently exerted its influence on language teaching practice around the world, especially in the EFL setting. This article captures the development of the ESP approach and specifically examines how ESP is differentiated from general English teaching. The ESP approach is centered on the premise that learners’ needs and wants are fully addressed. A typical ESP course incorporates authentic materials, specialized linguistic resources and communicative training. ESP course development and implementation is a spiraling, cyclical progression, which is based on a set of essential curricular procedures. This article offers a concise overview of the principles and practices of the ESP approach while focusing particularly on the pedagogy.
CONTRACT 205-2723 NOTE 123p. PUB TYPE Guides -Classroom Use -Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage.
English Language Teaching, 2010
English for Specific Purposes is an obligatory subject for the first two levels at the Sudanese Universities. It is taught as a university requirement. Accordingly, the students obsess is how to pass the examination not achieve any development in the language field. Even the teachers concentrate on the content rather than the skills, which the students ought to gain.
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2022
Vol. 29 (2022): Miasto Przyszłości, 2022
This article discussed about prospects of English for Specific Purpose course and recommendation of utilizing methodological approaches and selection of suitable materials. Furthermore, there is focused on the solution of practical problems aimed at active participation in intercultural communication associated with academic and professional fields of activities are utilized in learning and teaching process.
, is a practical manual for graduate and undergraduate students, experienced teachers and researchers, whose interests lie in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). The book opens with an introduction, which outlines the main issues and assumptions of the book, gives an overview of its content, and explains how it should be used. The main part of the book is divided into three sections: (i) Contextualising ESP, which describes the background to ESP as a field of enquiry; (ii) Understanding the four pillars of ESP, which explains the theories and practices that form the basis of the four key pillars of ESP; and (iii) Applying ESP in realworld settings, which first defines ways to implement ESP, then discusses the main challenges that instructors have to deal with while teaching ESP and, finally, outlines the future direction of the field. The sections are further divided into ten chapters in total. They all have the same structure and exhibit the same features: each chapter is initiated with a brief statement describing the relevance of the topic to be addressed, then it contains a short review of what will be covered, and, lastly, it offers an explanation of what
Education journal, 2018
This study presents and examine the specific needs of English language ESP for students of different faculties at Red Sea University. The study was carried out in five faculties using descriptive analytical method to find out How, ESP plays a vital role in the learning process nowadays The statement of the problem is that: most of Sudanese university do not have any kind of readymade EAP materials designed by experts in the field of syllabus design. The EAP teachers compile the EAP materials by themselves. most of the students conceive that the compiled material by the English language instructors is inadequate in some ways and should be developed to become effective in classes. Students, also, see that the English language instruction does not help them to acquire vocational English efficiently and it should be improved to increase their learning capacity in that type of ESP The Questionnaire as a research tool was distributed to 100 respondents (male and female students) of five faculties and the data was collected and analyzed by using tables of percentages for each scale in this study. In addition to the teachers Interview. The findings of the study reveal that A/Limited use of ESP books as reference caused Insufficient ESP Competencies. B/ Drawbacks in ESP materials are due to the absence of needs analysis in the process of syllabus design C/ Many of ESP learners in Sudanese higher institutions are not aware of both their learning and target situation needs. The results of the investigation have revealed the following: 1/. the respondents need the four skills in learning ESP as academic purpose with the following ranking: listening, reading, writing, speaking conversely for the career purpose with these four skills. 2/. many of ESP learners in Sudanese higher institutions are not aware of both their learning and target situation needs. The study concluded with some recommendations. 1/. the importance of determining the English language for specific purposes based on the students need and thus designing the courses based on this analysis gathered. 2/. ESP courses which are taught in Sudanese universities should be tailored to the students' specific needs.
This paper takes a panoramic view of language, situates English and ESP in the broad spectrum and argues that Polytechnic students are ESP learners whose needs must be identified before deciding on what to teach them. The paper explains the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, the precursor of ESP, and makes some recommendations which it hopes will enhance the relevance of ESP in Nigerian Polytechnics.
Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 2019
Hereby the claim is presented that among adult population of learners of English language in academia and life-long learning formats, the predominant approach in English Language Teaching (ELT) needs to be English for Specific Purposes (ESP), since General English has mostly been mastered by then, and because those learners then need linguistic training that would enable them to upgrade their professional efficacy and so remain competitive as demanded by contemporary professional/scientific global community. Nonetheless, such relevance of ESP for adult learners has not yet been recognized by main stakeholders in the field of ELT, namely academia and most famous ELT textbooks and reference books publishing houses, leaving ESP practitioners still on their own regarding professional development. This general overview is an attempt to rationalize the reasons for this paradoxical situation.
This paper aims to explore the necessity of designing “ESP” courses based on the essential approaches as the learner’s needs analysis in order to improve the teaching atmosphere by providing a new learning context depending on students real needs. When the exceptional rapid expansion of science, business and technology called for an international language for specialists, “ESP” has witnessed a speedy and firm development, becoming nowadays one of the most important branches of English Language Teaching (ELT). In this paper the researcher attempts to provide a brief definition of English for Specific Purpose (ESP), and its ultimate relation with learner’s needs analysis(LNA), learner’s center approach and communicative approach which are essential in ESP syllabus design and mostly considered to be in appropriateness with the general objective of ESP courses “to enable learners to function adequately in a target situation”. Thus, that vital relation constructs the basis for ESP course...
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