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ÖZ: Bu araştırmada, tarihleri Anadolu Selçukluları devrine kadar uzanan Meram ve çevresindeki su değirmenlerinin özellikleri, çalışma biçimi ve yerleri hakkında bilgi vermeye çalışılmıştır. Sayısını 50'den fazla tespit ettiğimiz bu değirmenler, su kaynaklarının azalması, yeni teknolojilerin ortaya çıkması ve ilgisizlik nedeniyle günümüze sağlam olarak ulaşabilmiş değildirler.
Since water is the source of life for humanity, it has been the basic element of life that has been needed in every period of history. This necessity has become one of the most important application areas of charity and good deeds, especially in Turkish-Islamic society. For this reason, different architectural structures related to water such as baths, spas, fountains, public fountains, sikaye, rivers and icehouses were built. Although the Anatolian Seljuk state signed many works in the field of public works, it is seen that the principalities which came after it also followed this tradition. In
Old Water Resources of Istanbul; cisterns, 2018
Bu calismada, Istanbul’a su temini amaciyla yapilmis, Bizans donemi sarniclarinin konumlari, yapim tarihleri, yapiminda kullanilan malzemeler, yapim teknikleri ve gunumuzdeki kullanim durumlari incelenmis ve tablo haline getirilerek siniflandirilmistir. Ayrica Google Earth Pro programinda sarniclarin konumlari belirtilmistir. Sarniclar tarihi yapilar olduklari icin o doneme ait yerlesim bilgileri, sosyo-kulturel durumlari vs. bilgiler ortaya konmustur. Ayrica tarih turizmi icin de ulkemize ekonomik anlamda da katki saglayabilirligi tartisilmistir.
Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 2014
Wheat is always the most important nutrition source for mortality. For its consumption as bread on boards, it had to be converted to flour. Hence different mills were used. This using changed according to climate or geography. Mills can work with human, animal, water, wind and electricity. And they have evolved technologicaly. Before the modern times, they could be added as small industry installations. In Ottoman Empire they were divided four groups according to the their working. These were water, flood, ding and wind. But many of them worked by water. In Konya kaza nearly all of them worked by water. They were added as "âsiyâb". Mills in Konya condensed Meram and its neighbours, Konya, Hatunsaray, Sudiremi and Saidili nahiyes. The water supplies were very important for this current state. There were no mills all of the village. So peasants moved the other villages which had the mills. For this, the road networks and social relations in rural areas were formed around the mills. Mills could be active for six months or a year or less time. In this stiuation, the bills' water sources of quality are very important. These mills were taxed as the name of resm-i âsiyâb. Their price were five akçe per months. Ramshackle and extinct mills were not taxed. It was watched out the new mills which was founded on the same water and they were wanted to damage from new ones to the old ones. For this, it was wanted that, the distance between two mills had to about 500 m. Since the middle of XVI. century; ıt was fixed that most of the mills work for six months and above six months. All of the mills which worked this time vanished. The vestiges were built in next times. While the millers participated the portion whose rate 1/30, after that this portion was 1/20.
Turkish studies, 2014
Wheat is always the most important nutrition source for mortality. For its consumption as bread on boards, it had to be converted to flour. Hence different mills were used. This using changed according to climate or geography. Mills can work with human, animal, water, wind and electricity. And they have evolved technologicaly. Before the modern times, they could be added as small industry installations. In Ottoman Empire they were divided four groups according to the their working. These were water, flood, ding and wind. But many of them worked by water. In Konya kaza nearly all of them worked by water. They were added as "âsiyâb". Mills in Konya condensed Meram and its neighbours, Konya, Hatunsaray, Sudiremi and Saidili nahiyes. The water supplies were very important for this current state. There were no mills all of the village. So peasants moved the other villages which had the mills. For this, the road networks and social relations in rural areas were formed around the mills. Mills could be active for six months or a year or less time. In this stiuation, the bills' water sources of quality are very important. These mills were taxed as the name of resm-i âsiyâb. Their price were five akçe per months. Ramshackle and extinct mills were not taxed. It was watched out the new mills which was founded on the same water and they were wanted to damage from new ones to the old ones. For this, it was wanted that, the distance between two mills had to about 500 m. Since the middle of XVI. century; ıt was fixed that most of the mills work for six months and above six months. All of the mills which worked this time vanished. The vestiges were built in next times. While the millers participated the portion whose rate 1/30, after that this portion was 1/20.
ULISA Analysis is a publication of Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University’s Institute for International Relations and Strategic Research (IIRSR)., 2022
Küresel bir sorun olan iklim değişikliği Türkiye’de nehir akımlarında %30’a varan azalmalara yol açmıştır. Artan nüfus ve azalan su kaynakları suyun yaklaşık 2/3’ünü kullanan tarım sektöründe büyük sorunlara yol açmaktadır. Konya Kapalı Havzasında 3 milyon hektar, GAP Bölgesinde 1,7 milyon hektar ve Küçük Menderes Havzasında ise yaklaşık 120 bin hektar arazi bulunmaktadır. Bu üç havza Türkiye’nin toplam tarım arazilerinin yaklaşık 2/3’ünü oluşturmaktadır. Bu üç havzada da su sıkıntıları yaşanmakta, yer altı su seviyelerinde büyük düşüşler gözlemlenmekte, özellikle Konya Kapalı havzasında ise yer altı suyu çekimine bağlı obruklar oluşmaktadır. Diğer yandan GAP’ta çok büyük bedeller ödenerek hayata geçirilen Mardin Ceylanpınar Ovaları Projesi’nde ise su sıkıntısı yaşanmaktadır. Bu makalede her üç havzaya ait projelerde su sıkıntılarının nasıl giderileceğine dair alternatifler sunulmakta, suyun ve enerjinin verimli kullanılması için öneriler yer almaktadır. Diğer taraftan dünyada yaşanan gıda arzı sorununa hızlı çözüm üretebilmek için DSİ Genel Müdürlüğünün Cumhurbaşkanlığına bağlanarak hızlı karar alma mekanizmasının geliştirilmesi tavsiye edilmektedir.
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Işık Şahin'e Armağan, Ed. S.Melike Zeren-Hasdağlı, Emre Taştemür, Trakya Üniversitesi Yayınları, Edirne, 2022, s.267-296.
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Türk Arkeoloji Ve Etnografya Dergisi(83), 127-141.
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Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 2016
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The Journal of Social Sciences, 2020