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Akşehir, Konya İli ve İlçelerinin Tarihî Süreç Çerçevesinde Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği, 2023
Konya Ticaret Odası Konya Kitabı XVII - Geçmişten Günümüze Göçler, Cilt 1, 2019
XV-XVI. CENTURY AKŞEHİR MIGRATIONS ABSTRACT The phenomenon of migration that started with the existence of human beings has formed in Akşehir and its environs in 15-16th century is based on two main characters: mass and individual. Individual migrations have also been manifested in four sub-groups: city to city, city to village, village to city, and village to village. Since arrivals, departures and settlements of nomadic groups take place in the countryside within or outside of the sanjak, their movements were also evaluated in the last two groups. The first mass exodus was made by exile to Trabzon, Istanbul and Rumelia after 1466, the second one was made to Cyprus in 1572 with the same method. While in the first one, the establishment of Ottoman domination in the region and the acceleration of the Ottomanization process were requested, in the second, it was aimed to strengthen the island of Cyprus with secure elements and to turn it into a homeland as soon as possible. These two waves of migration were essentially imperative and it had a character from the inside out. Individual migrations were more prevalent than mass migrations and could be followed at any period between 1466-1584. In this period with the movements of nomadic groups, migrants came forward from the village to the city and from the village to the village. Nomadics are seen as either excluding groups, which are members of different administrative and economic units, or retail settlements in various villages, while land is the center of the journey from village to town and from village to village. All of the settlers in Akşehir are landless peasants with the status of caba and bennak. Also, people who immigrated from village to village are those who cannot find land or want to cultivate more land where they live. From this point of view, it can be said that mass migrations in Akşehir are carried out by state force and individual migrations are done by people’s own will. While in the first, the priorities of the central government came to fore, in the other, it is seen that the concerns such as the livelihoods of individuals and a better future are highlighted. Since such issues as livelihood, security and a better future constitute the most natural expectations of every human being, such migration movements have been seen in every period and it will continue to seen. Keywords: Peasant, Nomadic, Land, Settlement, Exile
Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 2008
As it is known, although Akşehir is a county, it is an important settlement in Anatolia with regard to policy, economy, and strategy. There were also intensive activities during the National Struggle in Akşehir. It cannot be said that sufficient studies have been done on Akşehir, one of the important centres of Western front during the Turkish-Greek War. In this study, the relevant documents in the archives and other sources were scanned in order to determine the place of Akşehir in the National Struggle. Thanks to the field research method, some recollections were added to the literature and Vefayata Mahsus Vukuat Defterleri (The registers of the events related with the dead) were scanned and detailed information about the martyrs from Akşehir were brought to the light.
Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi, 2012
Square is a statue of Alexander the Great in the historic Stone Bridge in Skopje, Macedonia is at a location between the Turkish bazaar. The bridge over the Vardar River divides the city east and west. All archival documents the name of the bridge, the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, as it turned out the names among the people called Vardar Bridge or Stone Bridge. Sultan Mehmet II the construction of the bridge. Murat started, Fatih Sultan Mehmet completed. For this reason, the official name of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge kayıtlrda recorded. Despite the declaration of each living thing, Serbian, Macedonian and
ÖZET İlk çıkış noktasında insanlığın ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla üretilen el sanatları zamanla milli bir kimlik kazanarak kısmen de olsa günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Konya İli Akşehir İlçesi tarihi geçmişi ve kültürel birikimiyle önemli bir yerleşim birimidir. Anadolu'nun fethiyle birlikte stratejik konumu itibarıyla önemini sürekli muhafaza eden ilçede gelişen teknoloji ve hayat şartlarından dolayı ülke genelinde olduğu gibi özellikle el sanatlarıyla alakalı yöresel özellikler taşıyan pek çok meslek yok olmayla karşı karşıyadır. Bildiride ilçedeki kaybolmaya yüz tutan bazı mesleklerin son temsilcileri ve üretimleri üzerinde durulacaktır. ABSTRACT The first point humanity needs in order to product the crafts by the time national identity partially coming this day. Konya Region Akşehir Country history and the cultural heritage is an important settlement. Due to its stratrgic location as the importance of constantly developing tecnology that maintains the county and across the country as well as living conditions. Particularly those that are related to local feature crafts with many professions do not have to counter-face with the conquest of Anatolia. Is to report on recent representatives and production of certain professions vanishing in the district.
Konya, bugünkü sınırları ile Türkiye'nin en geniş topraklarına ve tarihi itibariyle de en eski yerleşmelerine sahip bir coğrafyadır. Tarihi yolların kesişme noktasında bulunan şehre dere, ırmak vb. su engellerinde ve vadilerde inşa edilen köprülerle geçişler sağlanmıştır. Bildiri konumuz Konya'nın merkez ilçelerinden Selçuklu ilçesi merkez, belde ve köylerinde bulunan köprülerdir. Bu köprülerin bir kısmı küçük yerleşmeleri birbirine bağlarken bir kısmı tarihi kervan yolu üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Günümüzde kullanılanların yanı sıra değişen yol güzergahları nedeniyle kullanım dışı kalmış olanlar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma Tübitak tarafından desteklenen "Konya ve Çevresinin Tarihi Köprü ve Su Değirmenleri" isimli projenin bir bölümüdür.
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