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2008, Women and Birth
5 pages
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a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / w o m b i
Problem: Most midwives and nurses do not write for publication. Previous authors on this topic have focussed on the processes of writing and getting published. Although definitive English usage style guides exist, they are infrequently consulted by new midwifery authors.
Effective communication through writing is an essential professional skill. Although most of us have learned the basics of grammar and how to construct sentences, paragraphs, and essays, the art of presenting research findings clearly, concisely, and in a manner that captures the reader's attention may seem daunting. Writing scientific research articles: Strategy and steps provides tools to develop effective writing skills that are accurate, clear, concise, and engaging. Margaret Cargill and Patrick O'Connor are well versed in academic prose and have extensive experience teaching research communication skills. They offer the process of scientific writing as a series of manageable steps to increase the likelihood of publication, and they fulfill the expectations of the book's title.
Microsurgery, 2012
50 Writing for Publication: Part Two Kathleen Fahy Abstract The rules for writing a research report for publication are well defined but are much less clear for scholarly scientific papers. The purpose of this paper is to enable new writers to confidently apply the skills of scientific writing within a scholarly paper for publication. Similarities and differences between scientific argument and debating are discussed. Achieving the right 'tone'and emphasis in writing is considered. How to use the correct verb tense is outlined.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2001
Health care practitioners who are inexperienced in writing for publication are sometimes daunted by the publication process and fail to submit their work on quality improvement to a journal. New authors can acquire experience in writing a paper by working through a systematic thought process that includes consideration of what journal readers and editors want and if the work is ready for publication. The most important part of writing a paper is to think through the key ideas and messages for readers and then to organize the ideas into a logical structure. Writing clear answers to 10 key questions may be one way to start the process.
Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students, 2011
Practice Development in Health Care, 2008
Writing for publication is an important part of professional practice in the health care professions. It is one way of refl ecting on and improving practice, and writing skills developed through the publication process may enhance practitioners' ability to communicate more broadly. This article describes a method of teaching writing for publication skills to a multidisciplinary group of health care professionals. It outlines a step-by-step process for writing and illustrates three ways for health care professionals to work towards achieving publication: (i)
This book shows scientists how to apply their analysis and synthesis skills to overcoming the challenge of how to write, as well as what to write, to maximise their chances of publishing in international scientific journals. The book uses analysis of the scientific article genre to provide clear processes for writing each section of a manuscript, starting with clear ‘story’ construction and packaging of results. Each learning step uses practical exercises to develop writing and data presentation skills based on reader analysis of well-written example papers. Strategies are presented for responding to referee comments, and for developing discipline-specific English language skills for manuscript writing and polishing. The book is designed for scientists who use English as a first or an additional language, and for individual scientists or mentors or a class setting. In response to reader requests, the new edition includes review articles and the full range of research article formats...
The production of publications is a key component of one's career advancement in medicine. The goal of this piece is to discuss five tips to help health profession students get started in medical writing. First, students should take full advantage of the time-saving resources at the local academic biomedical library. Second, outlining a manuscript is one of the essential first steps for producing a successful, high-quality publication. Third, planning the manuscript and writing efficiently is critical since many young authors are either in medical school or residency and do not have ample time to devote to the writing process. Fourth, communicating complex concepts, thoughts, ideas, and observations in a simple way is important and helps limit redundancies, awkward passages, and improves reader comprehension. Lastly, a student can maximize their chances at publication if they are persistent in how they approach manuscript submission. The chances for successful publication of a project can be increased if young authors consider the tips supplied here.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2022
Scientific writing is a technical form of writing that is designed to communicate scientific information to other scientists. Scientific writing is predicated on the rigors of scientific inquiry; therefore, it must reflect the same precision as that demanded in the research process. Successful scientific writing depends on the individual writer’s projection of a shared professional context. Writers seek to embed their writing in a particular social world which they reflect and conjure up through approved discourses. The objective of scientific writing is to record data and all ideas which must be supported by evidence, with appropriate citations of the source of the evidence. This paper therefore looks at introduction to scientific writing, types of scientific writing and their styles. This is underscored by the fact that without a written record of the findings and observations of researchers, no proof exists that any research was conducted. Scientific writing should build on and extend prior research. Becoming familiar with existing scientific literature is a crucial first step in planning. In fine understanding the criteria of doing good scientific research is key for communicating your findings in a clear and interesting fashion focusing on the subject matter.
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Journal of Urban Ecology, 2017
Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2008
Australasian Medical Journal, 2008
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 2014
Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry, 2021
Biologia Futura, 2021
Australian Health Review, 2004
British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing)
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine, 2020
Veterinary Pathology, 2002
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 2002