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The critics of the Atlas of Europe edition published by the Lexicographic Institute in Zagreb contains a more detailed review of its content, subject matter, methodology used and its importance in exploring the European continent, using various aspects of geo-scientific, particularly political-geographical, historical-geographical and the demographic approaches. Prikaz Atlasa Europe u izdanju Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža u Zagrebu sadrži opširniji osvrt na njegov sadržaj, tematiku, metodologiju izrade i važnost za upoznavanje europskog kontinenta, s različitih aspekata geoznanosti, posebice s političko-geografskog, povijesno-geografskog i demogeografskog.
The interrelated dimensions of social, national and supranational identity are closely connected to !he: consciousness of a social belonging, 10 the memory associated with this sense of belonging, and to the social representations of the groups and the physical and sociopolitical conlCxt in which they are and where they ~inter-act." Bcc.ause these dimensions innucncc expectations for the future and intervene in thc construction of the social reality both in the group and in the context, they are also closely connected to thcir transfonnations. This paper descri bes how the identity projections of subjects, anchored in a proximal! distal way to their own country and!or LO the EU, and the geopolitical tendencies of subjects, obtained by the polarity index in relation to North, South, East, West, organize the representations of Europe's territory into clusters and mosaic pieces of images of Europe. It discusses in a cross-cultural perspective some of the results we obtained from data collected on a sample of2 ,251 university students from 10 different cuilural backgrounds, using some of the instruments employed in the questionnaire created for the EuroSkyCompass research program (de Rosa, 2002-2(03). These also included an attitude scale towards European countries, the response to a semistructured question about countries that are considered close to becoming EU members and the EuroSkyCompass (de Rosa, O'Ambrosio, 2005a, 2005b) and the representational system in which the EU is inserted (Nation, Europe, World) (de Rosa, d'Ambrosio, Bocci, 2(05). The EuroSkyCompass is a projective tool of a graphical and associative nalUre , inspired by the MultidimensionalldentilY Model (de Rosa, 19%). It is designed to survey identity projections (the subjects "Selr) in dynamic relation to their own coun try, the EU, and their favourite country in a graphic space characterized by the geopolitical represemations evoked by the stimuli North, South, East and West.
Petar Marinov
The continent of Europe, as a localization for the development of modern human civilization from the most ancient times to the present day, has always been influenced by anthropogenic peculiarities that determine the number and movement of the population through the various geographic and historical segments of time events. The various factors of the nature of their situation have had a positive or negative impact on the number and dynamics of the human population of the Old Continent. In the report I make a chronological survey of the population, its number for a certain geographical and historical period. I analyze the current state of play of the public geodemographic massif of the continent Europe in the regional aspect for the period 2014-2018. Abstrakt Der Kontinent Europa als Ort der Entwicklung der modernen menschlichen Zivilisation von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart wurde immer von anthropogenen Besonderheiten beeinflusst, die die Anzahl und die Bewegung der Bevölkerung durch die verschiedenen geographischen und historischen Zeitabschnitte bestimmen. Die verschiedenen Faktoren der Art ihrer Situation haben sich positiv oder negativ auf die Anzahl und die Dynamik der menschlichen Bevölkerung des Alten Kontinents ausgewirkt. In dem Bericht mache ich eine chronologische Übersicht über die Bevölkerung, ihre Zahl für einen bestimmten geographischen und historischen Zeitraum. Ich analysiere den aktuellen Stand des öffentlichen geodemographischen Massivs des Kontinents Europa unter dem regionalen Aspekt für den Zeitraum 2014-2018. Schlüsselwörter: Europa, Geographie, Bevölkerung, Geodemographie Résumé Le continent européen, en tant que lieu de développement de la civilisation humaine moderne depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'à nos jours, a toujours été influencé par des particularités anthropiques qui déterminent le nombre et les mouvements de la population à travers les différents segments géographiques et historiques des événements temporels. Les différents facteurs de la nature de leur situation ont eu un impact positif ou négatif sur le nombre et la dynamique de la population humaine du Vieux Continent. Dans le rapport, je fais un relevé chronologique de la population, de son nombre pour une certaine période géographique et historique. J'analyse l'état actuel du massif géodémographique public du continent Europe sous l'aspect régional pour la période 2014-2018.
Sodobni vojaški izzivi, 2017
Članek analizira geostrateške spremembe v današnji Evropi in svetu, ki smo jim priča od konca hladne vojne in predvsem od leta 2014 naprej. Klasična geopolitična dinamika se je vrnila in geopolitične teorije, kot sta osrčje in obrobje, so ponovno aktualne. Posledično se na svetovni oder vračajo tudi klasični geostrateški igralci. Članek analizira premike v treh evropskih državah in hkrati članicah Evropske unije, ki so v preteklih stoletjih krojile usodo Evrope, in sicer Francije, Nemčije in Združenega kraljestva. Geostrateške igre v Evropi so zmeraj imele globalne posledice, zato je bila v članku posebna pozornost namenjena tudi ZDA in Rusiji, njunim geopolitičnim interesom in geostrateškemu repozicioniranju. Sčasoma postaja jasno, da smo v tranziciji in na poti k oblikovanju nove evropske in svetovne strateške arhitekture. V tem smislu članek prepoznava nove porajajoče se geostrateške vektorje v Evropi. Ti lahko po eni strani opredeljujejo novo prihajajoče ravnotežje sil, po drugi strani pa možnost kolizije teh vektorjev. Pri slednjem smo lahko priče nepredvidljivim varnostnim posledicam tako za Evropo kakor tudi za ves svet.
The Cartographic Journal, 2004
The overarching issues of the european space: the territorial diversity of opportunities in a scenario of crisis. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto., 2014
The article discusses some aspects of the relation between territory and space. In political-geographical sense the dynamics of the ratiocinations of Bulgarian and foreign scientists, politicians, public figures on the nature of spatial relations and their taxonomy has been traced. A variant for hierarchization of taxonomy units in different fields of Geography has been proposed. Resumo O presente texto discute alguns aspetos da relação entre o território e o espaço. Em termos político-geográficos é analisada a dinâmica da conceção de cientistas búlgaros e de outros países, bem como de políticos e figuras públicas sobre a natureza das relações espaciais e a sua taxonomia. É proposta uma alternativa para a hierarquização das unidades taxonómicas em diferentes domínios da Geografia.
Central Europe is as much invented as the continent of Europe, and as any human concept for that matter. But when people subscribe to and act in accordance with a concept of this kind, it becomes reality, that is, part of social reality. This essay, in an interdisciplinary manner, traces the origins and the functioning of Central Europe as a concept through the lens of cartography, history and culture. From the vantage of intellectual and political discourse, the usually nebulous idea of Central Europe was a reply to the disappearance of empires in this region after 1918, and to the rise of totalitarianism in 1938-48. After the period of “occlusion” during the communist years (when the concept was preserved among Central European e;migre; scholars in the West as “East Central Europe”), it resurfaced in the 1980s as a cultural-cum-political banner, under which refusniks and dissident intellectuals proclaimed their protest, seeing the Soviet bloc countries as different from the Soviet Union, then identified with Eastern Europe. In the postcommunist 1990s Central Europe flourished as a cultural and political concept, but following the 2004-07 eastward enlargement of the European Union, its significance was reduced to culture only. Time will show whether any need for Europa Centralis may still remain.
EUROPA XXI jest wydawnictwem Instytutu Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego PAN, w którym od 1997 r. działa Centrum Studiów Europejskich (CSE). Zgodnie ze schematem organizacyjnym Instytutu, obowiązującym od 1 lipca 2001 r., CSE jest międzyzakładowym zespołem studyjnym, stanowiącym bezpośrednie zaplecze wydawnictwa EUROPA XXI. Pozycję wydawnictwa umacnia ogólnopolska Rada Redakcyjna, powołana z dniem 7 marca 2001 r. * * * EUROPA XXI is a publication of the Stanislaw Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and is the main effect of the activity of the Centre for European Studies (CES), which functions since 1997. According to the organizational scheme of the Institute valid since July 2001, the CES is an interdepartmental study group. The national-wide Editorial Board established on March 7. 2001 EUROPA XXI 7 2002 Table of Contents
Perifèria. Revista d'investigació i formació en Antropologia, 2007
A pesar que la denominación "Balcanes" parece hacer referencia a una zona geográfica, en realidad esta cadena montañosa no representa ni determina la variedad de territorios, pueblos y culturas que han sido incluidos en esta denominación a lo largo de la historia. A través de un estudio de los libros de viajes a la zona, se identifican las diferentes denominaciones y la construcción de un área ideal que representa la otra Europa, la Europa que recoge la dominación otomana.
Abstract: There are a number of publications under the title ‘Atlas of Serbia’, but few of them are real atlases, i.e. cartographic works in the traditional sense of the word. In the last century, a small number of geographical, geological, historical, linguistic and other atlases were published for Serbia individually or in the Yugoslav state, and there has not been any larger, complex, synthetic atlas belonging to the category of national atlases. At the beginning of this century, cartographic activity in the country ceased to be a state monopoly, which has resulted in certain progress in the production of atlases, but they have mostly been made by foreign licenses, and only in some cases with certain complements, or with modest attempts on independent work. This paper refers to analysis of conditions and production of the atlas of Serbia at the turn of centuries, as well as needs and opportunities of developing new atlases, including the development of the national atlas of Serbia.
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Geografski vestnik = Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Ljubljana
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2019
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 2016
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cviji?, SASA, 2011
In: Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.), Idealization XIII: Modeling in History (Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 97). Amsterdam/New York NY, pp. 231-268., 2009
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 2021
Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2022
Proceedings of the ICA, 2021