Thyroid cancer in Belarus after Chernobyl

2007, International Congress Series

During 20 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe (1986-2005 inclusive) thyroid cancer was diagnosed in more than 12,000 patients of Belarus. The peak incidence in children was observed in 1995 and since 2001 only sporadic cases occur in the age group under 15 years old. In adolescents, the maximum was registered in 2001. By contrast, in the age group of 46 years or over, the current tendency is a marked increase in the number of primary thyroid cancers that dictates a correspondent intensification of special kinds of treatment. Despite a great number of patients, disease-associated mortality remains stably low; the increasing incidence indicates that thyroid malignancies have proved an actual medical problem in 5 of the 6 administrative regions of Belarus.