Resultative Expressions in Romanian

2011, Ianua. Revista Philologica Romanica 11: 67-88


"The aim of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, it proposes to reconsider Romanian resultative constructions by examining lexicalized (idiomatic) expressions of the type a bate mar ‘beat flat//beat as soft/red as an apple’ or a freca luna/oglinda ‘scrub clean/shiny//scrub as clean/shiny as the moon/mirror’ which have not been the object of intense research and which have largely been ignored from several discussions on Romanian resultatives. The focus is on semantic, aspectual, syntactic and l-syntactic pieces of evidence which are all meant to show that these and similar structures are resultative constructions. On the other hand, without diminishing or abolishing the systematic difference that exists between Germanic and Romance languages from the perspective of these predicate constructions, the paper emphasizes the importance of language-specific considerations and it stresses the fact that syntactic and cross-linguistic conclusions should not be drawn on the basis of Romance or other language families more generally, but they need to be related to the analysis of resultatives in a specific language / in specific languages. In this sense, the paper sheds light on some interesting di fferences among these predicate structures in Romance. Keywords: resultative construction, Romanian, Romance, small clause"