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2000, Random Structures and Algorithms
A bipartite random mapping T K,L of a finite set V = V 1 ∪ V 2 , |V 1 | = K and |V 2 | = L , into itself assigns independently to each i ∈ V 1 its unique image j ∈ V 2 with probability 1/L and to each i ∈ V 2 its unique image j ∈ V 1 with probability 1/K. We study the connected component structure of a random digraph G(T K,L ) , representing T K,L , as K → ∞ and L → ∞. We show that, no matter how K and L tend to infinity relative to each other, the joint distribution of the normalized order statistics for the component sizes converges in distribution to the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution on the
Random Structures & Algorithms, 1994
In this paper we consider the component structure of decomposable combinatorial objects, both labeled and unlabeled, from a probabilistic point of view. In both cases we show that when the generating function for the components of a structure is a logarithmic function, then the joint distribution of the normalized order statistics of the component sizes of a random object of size n converges to the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution on the simplex ∇ = {{x i } : x i = 1, x 1 ≥ x 2 ≥ ... ≥ 0}. This result complements recent results obtained by Flajolet and Soria [9] on the total number of components in a random combinatorial structure. American Mathematical Society 1980 subject classifications. Primary 60C05; Secondary 60B10.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 1999
We prove a joint local limit law for the distribution of the r largest components of decomposable logarithmic combinatorial structures, including assemblies, multisets and selections. Our method is entirely probabilistic, and requires only weak conditions that may readily be verified in practice.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2000
Let $\rho _n$ be the fraction of structures of "size" $n$ which are "connected"; e.g., (a) the fraction of labeled or unlabeled $n$-vertex graphs having one component, (b) the fraction of partitions of $n$ or of an $n$-set having a single part or block, or (c) the fraction of $n$-vertex forests that contain only one tree. Various authors have considered $\lim \rho _n$, provided it exists. It is convenient to distinguish three cases depending on the nature of the power series for the structures: purely formal, convergent on the circle of convergence, and other. We determine all possible values for the pair $(\liminf \rho _{n},\;\limsup \rho _{n})$ in these cases. Only in the convergent case can one have $0 < \lim \rho _{n} < 1$. We study the existence of $\lim \rho _{n}$ in this case.
Random Structures and Algorithms, 2007
In this paper we consider a cutting process for random mappings. Specifically, for 0 < m < n, we consider the initial (uniform) random mapping digraph G n on n labelled vertices, and we delete (if possible), uniformly and at random, m non-cyclic directed edges from G n . The maximal random digraph consisting of the uni-cyclic components obtained after cutting the m edges is called the trimmed random mapping and is denoted by G m n . If the number of non-cyclic directed edges is less than m, then G m n consists of the cycles, including loops, of the initial mapping G n . We consider the component structure of the trimmed mapping G m n . In particular, using the exact distribution we determine the asymptotic distribution of the size of a typical random connected component of G m n as n, m → ∞. This asymptotic distribution depends on the relationship between n and m and we show that there are three distinct cases:
Journal of Applied Probability, 2002
In this paper we introduce a compound random mapping model which can be viewed as a generalisation of the basic random mapping model considered by Ross [36] and Jaworski . We investigate a particular example, the Poisson compound random mapping, and compare results for this model with results known for the well-studied uniform random mapping model. We show that although the structure of the components of the random digraph associated with a Poisson compound mapping differs from the structure of the components of the random digraph associated with the uniform model, the limiting distribution of the normalized order statistics for the sizes of the components is the same as in the uniform case, i.e. the limiting distribution is the Poisson-Dirichlet (1/2) distribution on the simplex ∇ = {{x i} : xi ≤ 1, xi ≥ xi+1 ≥ 0 for every i ≥ 1}.
Consider n points (or nodes) distributed uniformly and independently on the unit interval [0, 1]. Two nodes are said to be adjacent if their distance is less than some given threshold value. For the underlying random graph we derive zero-one laws for the property of graph connectivity and give the asymptotics of the transition widths for the associated phase transition. These results all flow from a single convergence statement for the probability of graph connectivity under a particular class of scalings. Given the importance of this result, we give two separate proofs; one approach relies on results concerning maximal spacings, while the other one exploits a Poisson convergence result for the number of breakpoint users.
Random Structures and Algorithms, 2008
In this paper we introduce a new random mapping model, TD n , which maps the set {1, 2, ..., n} into itself. The random mapping TD n is constructed using a collection of exchangeable random variableŝ D 1 , ....,D n which satisfy n i=1D i = n. In the random digraph, GD n , which represents the mapping TD n , the in-degree sequence for the vertices is given by the variablesD 1 ,D 2 , ...,D n , and, in some sense, GD n can be viewed as an analogue of the general independent degree models from random graph theory. We show that the distribution of the number of cyclic points, the number of components, and the size of a typical component can be expressed in terms of expectations of various functions ofD 1 ,D 2 , ...,D n . We also consider two special examples of TD n which correspond to random mappings with preferential and anti-preferential attachment, respectively, and determine, for these examples, exact and asymptotic distributions for the statistics mentioned above.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2010
The two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution is the law of a sequence of decreasing nonnegative random variables with total sum one. It can be constructed from stable and Gamma subordinators with the two-parameters, α and θ, corresponding to the stable component and Gamma component respectively. The moderate deviation principles are established for the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and the corresponding homozygosity when θ approaches infinity, and the large deviation principle is established for the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution when both α and θ approach zero.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2012
In this paper, we consider random variables counting numbers of observations that fall into regions determined by extreme order statistics and Borel sets. We study multivariate asymptotic behavior of these random variables and express their joint limiting law in terms of independent multinomial and negative multinomial laws. First, we give our results for samples with deterministic size; next we explain how to generalize them to the case of randomly indexed samples.
Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 2003
We study the limiting behavior of uniform measures on finite-dimensional simplices as the dimension tends to infinity and a discrete analog of this problem, the limiting behavior of uniform measures on compositions. It is shown that the coordinate distribution of a typical point in a simplex, as well as the distribution of summands in a typical composition with given number of summands, is exponential. We apply these assertions to obtain a more transparent proof of our result on the limit shape of partitions with given number of summands, refine the estimate on the number of summands in partitions related to a theorem by Erdős and Lehner about the asymptotic absence of repeated summands, and outline the proof of the sharpness of this estimate.
Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-probabilites Et Statistiques, 2008
We find limit shapes for a family of multiplicative measures on the set of partitions, induced by exponential generating functions with expansive parameters, a k ∼ Ck p−1 , k → ∞, p > 0, where C is a positive constant. The measures considered are associated with the generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann models in statistical mechanics, reversible coagulation-fragmentation processes and combinatorial structures, known as assemblies. We prove a central limit theorem for fluctuations of a properly scaled partition chosen randomly according to the above measure, from its limit shape. We demonstrate that when the component size passes beyond the threshold value, the independence of numbers of components transforms into their conditional independence (given their masses). Among other things, the paper also discusses, in a general setting, the interplay between limit shape, threshold and gelation.
Journal of Applied Probability, 1989
Petrovskaya and Leontovich (1982) proved a central limit theorem for sums of dependent random variables indexed by a graph. We apply this theorem to obtain asymptotic normality for the number of local maxima of a random function on certain graphs and for the number of edges having the same color at both endpoints in randomly colored graphs. We briefly motivate these problems, and conclude with a simple proof of the asymptotic normality of certain U-statistics.
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 1996
The asymptotic distributions of the number of vertices of a given degree in random graphs, where the probabilities of edges may not be the same, are given. Using the method of Poisson convergence, distributions in a general and particular cases (complete, almost regular and bipartite graphs) are obtained.
Given a Poisson process on a bounded interval, its random geometric graph is the graph whose vertices are the points of the Poisson process and edges exist between two points if and only if their distance is less than a fixed given threshold. We compute explicitly the distribution of the number of connected components of this graph. The proof relies on inverting some Laplace transforms.
International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 2014
In this article we correct [DM10, Remark 3] and improve upon the proof of [DM10, Theorem 2.5]; the large deviation principle (LDP) for empirical neigbourhood distribution of symbolled random graphs conditioned to a given empirical symbol distribution and empirical pair distribution. We show that the LDP for the empirical degree measure of the classical Erdős-Rényi graph is a special case of [DM10, Theorem 2.5]. From the LDP for the empirical degree measure, we derive the LDP for the the proportion of isolated vertices in the classical Erdős-Rényi graph.
Electronic Journal of Probability, 2013
We study the normal approximation of functionals of Poisson measures having the form of a finite sum of multiple integrals. When the integrands are nonnegative, our results yield necessary and sufficient conditions for central limit theorems. These conditions can always be expressed in terms of contraction operators or, equivalently, fourth cumulants. Our findings are specifically tailored to deal with the normal approximation of the geometric U -statistics introduced by Reitzner and Schulte (2011). In particular, we shall provide a new analytic characterization of geometric random graphs whose edge-counting statistics exhibit asymptotic Gaussian fluctuations, and describe a new form of Poisson convergence for stationary random graphs with sparse connections. In a companion paper, the above analysis is extended to general sequences of U -statistics with rescaled kernels.
Random Structures and Algorithms, 2005
We study random subgraphs of an arbitrary finite connected transitive graph G obtained by independently deleting edges with probability 1 − p. Let V be the number of vertices in G, and let Ω be their degree. We define the critical threshold p c = p c (G, λ) to be the value of p for which the expected cluster size of a fixed vertex attains the value λV 1/3 , where λ is fixed and positive. We show that for any such model, there is a phase transition at p c analogous to the phase transition for the random graph, provided that a quantity called the triangle diagram is sufficiently small at the threshold p c . In particular, we show that the largest cluster inside a scaling window of size |p − p c | = Θ(Ω −1 V −1/3 ) is of size Θ(V 2/3 ), while below this scaling window, it is much smaller, of order O( −2 log(V 3 )), with = Ω(p c − p). We also obtain an upper bound O(Ω(p − p c )V ) for the expected size of the largest cluster above the window. In addition, we define and analyze the percolation probability above the window and show that it is of order Θ(Ω(p − p c )). Among the models for which the triangle diagram is small enough to allow us to draw these conclusions are the random graph, the n-cube and certain Hamming cubes, as well as the spread-out n-dimensional torus for n > 6.
In this paper we consider a random mapping,T n , of the finite set {1, 2, ..., n} into itself for which the digraph representationĜ n is constructed by: (1) selecting a random number,L n , of cyclic vertices, (2) constructing a uniform random forest of size n with the selected cyclic vertices as roots, and forming 'cycles' of trees by applying a random permutation to the selected cyclic vertices. We investigatê k n , the size of a 'typical' component ofĜ n , and, under the assumption that the random permutation on the cyclical vertices is uniform, we obtain the asymptotic distribution ofk n conditioned onL n = m(n). As an application of our results, we show in Section 3 that provided L n is of order much larger than √ n, then the joint distribution of the normalized order statistics of the component sizes ofĜ n converges to the Poisson-Dirichlet(1) distribution as n → ∞. Other applications and generalizations are also discussed in Section 3.
Combinatorics, …, 2000
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 1997
Assemblies are labelled combinatorial objects that can be decomposed into components. Examples of assemblies include set partitions, permutations and random mappings. In addition, a distribution from population genetics called the Ewens sampling formula may be treated as an assembly. Each assembly has a size n, and the sum of the sizes of the components sums to n. When the uniform distribution is put on all assemblies of size n, the process of component counts is equal in distribution to a process of independent Poisson variables Z i conditioned on the event that a weighted sum of the independent variables is equal to n. Logarithmic assemblies are assemblies characterized by some θ > 0 for which i EZ i → θ. Permutations and random mappings are logarithmic assemblies; set partitions are not a logarithmic assembly. Suppose b = b(n) is a sequence of positive integers for which b/n → β ∈ [0, 1]. For logarithmic assemblies, the total variation distance d b (n) between the laws of the first b coordinates of the component counting process and of the first b coordinates of the independent processes converges to a constant H(β). An explicit formula for H(β) is given for β ∈ (0, 1] in terms of a limit process which depends only on the parameter θ. Also, it is shown that d b (n) → 0 if and only if b/n → 0, generalizing results of Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré for the Ewens sampling formula. Local limit theorems for weighted sums of the Z i are used to prove these results.
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