Measures of Pseudorandomness for Finite Sequences: Minimal Values

2006, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing


Mauduit and Sárközy introduced and studied certain numerical parameters associated to finite binary sequences EN ∈ {−1, 1} N in order to measure their 'level of randomness'. Those parameters, the normality measure N (EN ), the well-distribution measure W (EN ), and the correlation measure C k (EN ) of order k, focus on different combinatorial aspects of EN . In their work, amongst others, Mauduit and Sárközy (i) investigated the relationship among those parameters and their minimal possible value, (ii) estimated N (EN ), W (EN ), and C k (EN ) for certain explicitly constructed sequences EN suggested to have a 'pseudorandom nature', and (iii) investigated the value of those parameters for genuinely random sequences EN .