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Education is significant in receiving the correct knowledge starting at a young adolescent age. Changes in education have impacted students and educators year after year causing positive and negative transformations in learning development. Throughout the past 100 years of edification, different systems have been used in order to get information and data rooted into student's lives. Plenty of research articles have proven that certain methods tried over the years have provided good and bad development in teaching methods. These strategies have created and formed learning approaches that are current today. Each day there are distinctive methods produced in order to help students achieve. The issue is if students are benefiting from these changes. With the help of improving technology, core curriculum and increasing standards, students will have to adjust to the many transformations that will occur in their educational careers.
The main objective of this article is to focus on the analysis of teaching techniques, ranging from the use of the blackboard and chalk in old traditional classes, using slides and overhead projectors in the eighties and use of presentation software in the nineties, to the video, electronic board and network resources nowadays. Furthermore, all the aforementioned, is viewed under the different mentalities in which the teacher conditions the student using the new teaching technique, improving soft skills but maybe leading either to encouragement or disinterest, and including the lack of educational knowledge consolidation at scientific, technology and specific levels. In the same way, we study the process of adaptation required for teachers, the differences in the processes of information transfer and education towards the student, and even the existence of teachers who are not any longer appealed by their work due which has become much simpler due to new technologies and the greater ease in the development of classes due to the criteria described on the new Grade Programs adopted by the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, it is also intended to understand the evolution of students' profiles, from the eighties to present time, in order to understand certain attitudes, behaviours, accomplishments and acknowledgements acquired over the semesters within the degree Programs. As an Educational Innovation Group, another key question also arises. What will be the learning techniques in the future?. How these evolving matters will affect both positively and negatively on the mentality, attitude, behaviour, learning, achievement of goals and satisfaction levels of all elements involved in universities' education? Clearly, this evolution from chalk to the electronic board, the three-dimensional view of our works and their sequence, greatly facilitates the understanding and adaptation later on to the business world, but does not answer to the unknowns regarding the knowledge and the full development of achievement's indicators in basic skills of a degree. This is the underlying question which steers the roots of the presented research.
This rapidly changing world demands new skills and competencies for students and teachers whose role as professionals is also changing. Traditional approach to teaching/learning process involves the directed flow of information from a teacher as sage to students as receivers. How effective this transmission of the information has been can be tested by different tests. In OECD Background Report for the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (2012) it is stated that changes in the demand for skills have evident implications that teachers themselves need to acquire new competencies to be able to work effectively. In today’s world where young generation is IT literate, routine or subject based knowledge is being digitized, teachers “need to enable people to become lifelong learners, to manage non-rule-based complex ways of thinking and complex ways of working that computers cannot take over easily” (p. 35).
Technologies and communications existing in today ́s world have changed people's lifestyle, both in their personal life and in their work environment. The amount of information available today, as well as the means of access to information, was unimaginable some years ago. Education in general, but mainly Universities, must adapt to these changes, developing in their graduates skills and competences that will let them face the future world. Today's students adapt better to change, because they have grown up in a world that is constantly changing, and have been practically born with technology. This fact should improve student learning when teaching, as a basis to develop competencies and skills that they will later use in their professional lives. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes in the way of teaching, by introducing innovation, modifying the dynamics of the classes, taking into account the interests of the students, and attending to their different styles of lear...
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2001
IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies, 2015
Training, as each other range of our general public, has advanced by a wide margin lately. Customary teaching procedures, construct mostly in light of an educator clarifying a theme and understudies taking notes, may in any case be valuable every so often, yet training today spins more around urging the student to stir their interest and craving to learn. Various distinctive teaching procedures have risen because of this adjustment in training. Huge numbers of these teaching methods are not quite in any case! The utilization of innovation in the classroom has essentially given instruction another lease of life permitting us to approach old thoughts in new ways.
The author reviews various elements of what may be considered as evidence that the long-awaited shift in the education paradigm is actually happening. Concepts like student-centered learning, attainment-based evaluation, knowledge based constructivism and effort based intelligence are growing, are being more widely recognized as important and seem to be affecting the general way in which many educators are now conceptualizing education. These and other related ideas are evaluated and the author
With the constant technological development and globalization of our world, many professions have to keep up with these changes. Teachers are ones of them. They take responsibility not only for themselves but also for their pupils as their main task is to prepare their students for an independent life. Consequently, teachers are to keep up with all the novelties including innovative methods of teaching and development of new skills.
This chapter introduces a series of case studies into teaching and schooling. The chapter scaffolds the question: To what extent have schools and teaching changed since you were at school? How well positioned are these constructs to ensure students starting Prep next year are prepared for the next 20 years, at least?What does responding accordingly mean? This book is a collection of essays that focus on issues that are informing the work of the contemporary teacher. While somewhat broad in scope, the book provides the reader with a snap-shot of research endeavors that are informing teacher work. Essentially the book examines the changing nature of teacher work, including capabilities for the information age, the changing curriculum, new understandings about the brain, the diverse range of learners needs in inclusive classrooms and enhancing the mental health and well-being of students.
Academia, 2022
Pursuance of education is one of the most valuable achievement that a person can attain in humanlife. Education is the key to all human developments and strives to raise the standard of intelligence efficiency, understanding patriotic favour,and nationalistic spirits for social preposition and financial development. It is the root of a cultured and civilized society of national significance. The aim of school is not only to impart knowledge but also to make students efficient and responsible citizens.Learning tries to identify and foster the hidden talents of the students which, in future enable them to solve the problems of life creatively and effectively. A comprehensive university education is the need of the hour. Higher education must not yield experts in specific areas alone but must produce youth with a sense of social consciousness. Higher education is the cure for many social, economic and political evils. The pursuit of higher education must be to create a society known for its sense of values and add quality to our national life.
This article examines the evolving landscape of education through both modern approaches and new trends, highlighting their unique characteristics and shared goals in enhancing learning. Though the phrase modern approaches in education is much frequented in educational and pedagogical parlances, a clear meaning of the same is found lacking in the literature. Based on bibliometric analyses and educational theories, this paper explores the distinction between modern approaches, such as Experiential Learning, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), Competency-Based Education (CBE), and Personalized Learning, which focus on long-term, researchbased methodologies, and new trends like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Gamification, and Microlearning, which respond to technological advancements and emerging needs. A total of 15 modern approaches/ trends in education after two-decades have passed the new millennium are briefly depicted and described. These strategies aim to develop critical thinking, collaboration, and emotional intelligence while promoting adaptive, studentcentered learning environments.
There is a broad consensus that the public school system is not delivering on its promise of quality education for all children, particularly for the disadvantaged learners. Under this circumstance, today there is an unprecedented level of support for doing things differently; and widespread recognition that new approaches and new structures will be essential to address the situation. When other sectors, e.g. health, finance, management, economics, have turned to innovation -new ways of doing things that bring about an improved result -it is sadly ironic that this is weaker in public education than in almost any other field, even though the purpose of this field is to advance learning among the students. There is a lot of promising energy behind innovation in public education today. Any innovation in education sector, be it in student assessment, curriculum design, use of technology, content organization or approaches to learning, aims at promotion or advancement of learning. Therefore, knowledge of emerging theories of learning and pedagogies created from them, is a pre-requisite while designing innovations, particularly pedagogical innovations.
Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación., 2013
En este artículo se analiza si existe relación entre el enfoque de aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos, mediando como variable independiente el empleo de WEbCT. Se realiza en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación (ETSIE), de la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre una muestra de 176 alumnos. En función de las necesidades del análisis estadístico se recurrirá a la t de student, t de Welch, U de Mann-Whitney, ANOVA (F de Snedecor o F de Welch) o la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Los resultados obtenidos indican que no existe correlación entre el enfoque y el rendimiento académico, con docencia mediada por plataforma educativa. This article analyzes the correlation between the learning approach and the academic performance of students, the use of WebCT is an independent variable. The study is done in the Building Engineering School (ETSIE) at the University of Seville, the sample size is 176 students. Depending on the statistical analysis the t test, Welch's t, Mann-Whitney, ANOVA (F of Snedecor or Welch F) or Kruskal-Wallis test are used. The results do not indicate a correlation between the learning approach and the academic performance, the teaching methodology includes a virtual learning platform.
This study examined the effectiveness of educational methods-Learning by Using Active Methods-on improving the student's learning efficiency. We deal with less homogeneous university classes since a part of our students are teenagers coming from high schools and a part are of different ages coming from the educational system. Therefore to understand students as learners and to improve their abilities as learner are required. Our study tried to emphasize how students perform in each practice of a knowledge component. We try to find optimal learning methods by using different strategies, in order to improve students' learning efficiency. With a control group design, we analyzed the learning performance of Study programme Primary and Preschool Pedagogy students participating in the Optimized Learning Teaching study. Results were compared to students participating in traditional learning without using modern methods. Analyses indicated that students in the optimized condition are more interested in study and their motivation grows. There was significant difference in the learning performance of the two groups in either an immediate post test or a two-week-later retention test.
It is tried to improve education by underlying reform endeavors in the whole world. But in these endeavors, a problem of becoming meaningless is experienced. Because it attracts attentions that most endeavors performed for education as usage of technology, standardization, accreditatio n were discussed, learned, implemented in different significations previously. In this article, implementations become a current issue under the title of reforming education will be discussed. Dialectic discussions revealed in this article can be useful to mirror to the steps especially mentioned under the title of reform in education recently. In this context, wrongs will be tried to be found out within corrects and corrects within wrongs by discussing educational models and thoughts at the dialectic point of view. Thoughts having characteristics of thesis and antithesis presented in this article can make contribution to approaching projects perceived as exaggerated projects for education from a critical view point.
Graduates who are deemed to be knowledgeable, marketable, equipped with problem solving and critical thinking skills are what most universities aspire to produce. This kind of graduates are considered an asset to any organisation and are in constant demand because they are equipped with hard skills as well as soft skills. Thus, educators are constantly striving to find effective teaching strategies that encourage meaningful learning among their students. In order to make the process of learning more efficient, interesting and engaging for the students a majority of educators are constantly aiming to innovate and thus improve their teaching techniques. Unfortunately most students' emphasis is less on the real learning process, which is to actually understand what they are learning and applying the knowledge they have gained later in life, but more on rote learning. This leads us to question whether the students' learning approach has any bearing on their academic achievement. Therefore, the influence of two different learning approaches which are, deep approach and surface approach, on students' academic achievement among the final year students in UiTM (Perak) will be investigated in an empirical study. The objectives of this research include, 1) to identify the level of academic achievement for final year students'; 2) to determine the final year students' learning approaches; and 3) to investigate the correlation between students' learning approaches and their academic achievement. The method that will be used is the Student's Process Questionnaire (SPQ) by . The SPQ contains 20 items which include 10 items focussing on Deep Approach while the other 10 items focus on Surface Approach. The SPQ will be distributed to the students in UiTM (Perak) from FSPU, FSKM, FSSR and FP to obtain the data needed for this research. Data from the questionnaire survey will be analysed quantitatively using descriptive statistics involving frequency and percentage distribution and also Pearson Correlation analysis by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2021
In this transforming universe, the whole ball of wax, materialistic and non-materialistic, is changing their original forms. The attitude of the human beings is also changed. Attitude is one of the aspects of identifying people by observing the behavior, action, and the way of looking the things in a different way. Every human being has their own point of view towards any person, thing, and event. Like that teachers also have the different viewpoints regarding any noun. There are standard changes seen in teaching-learning process, the ideal change from the traditional classroom teaching to modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based teaching. For joyful learning, effective teaching, and to achieve the set objectives there are vivid innovative ideas are adopted. The teacher educators use those practices to teach students in teacher education institutions to produce competent, skilled, efficient, and proficient teachers. Role play, team teaching, individualized learning, mobile learning, flipped learning, blended learning etc. are some of the examples of innovative practices. But there are various factors that constitute problems in implementing these new ideas. It is very much needed to overcome from all these problems and issues and keep going with the emerging trends in the field of education.
UTMS Journal of Economics, 2020
Education is our hope for a better future. As the Nobel Prize winner, Nelson Mandela said: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." It is the best-known instrument for promoting human rights, democracy, reducing poverty and creating a mindful social evolution. No human being can lead a dignified life and build its own identity without education. In today's knowledge economies, it is a new currency for economic competitiveness, peace and prosperity. We live in the era of globalization and technology which is significantly transforming all aspects of our lives. However, the education as the most remarkable technology invented by man lags behind the modern technologies. New inventions emerge every day and instead of being a partner of these inventions, education remains static and modeled on decades' old approach. A new paradigm in education is highly needed for addressing the rapid changes and pressing challenges humanity face nowadays. Education should not be part of the problem with these positive changes. It should not continue relying on the traditional model of teaching by simply memorizing the facts when the everyday smart phones provide direct access to a mountain of information.
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