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This article discusses some issues pertaining to humor. It touches on the assumption that human beings are bound to be in search of happiness a portion of which is met by enjoying funny and amusing humors. The article will talk about some theories about humor. It will also address kinds of humors which include personal humors, slang humors, and artistic humors. The article will also address the functions of humor which encompass the notions of communication message, media critique, and antidepressant .
Majalah Berkat 124, 2019
[Popular Publication] Bertolak belakang dengan pandangan banyak orang, yang cenderung menolak eksistensi humor dalam Alkitab, tulisan ini akan memperkenalkan apa itu humor dan beberapa bentuk kemunculannya dalam Kitab Suci.
Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
The humor type and function contained in the Indonesian Lawak Klub (ILK) program are interesting to research. There are three types of humor theories in ILK that explain the reasons why someone can laugh or smile. The three types of humor are the theory of liberation (release), the theory of excellence (superiority), and the theory of incongruity. Whereas the seven functions of humor as communication activities in the social context discussed in this paper are the functions of social control, face-searching tools, building common ground, intelligence, regulating discourse, strengthening social bonds of friendship, and improving tense situations. This paper aims to describe the type of humor theory and the function of humor contained in the ILK program. This research uses the method of qualitative description with observing, note-taking, and study literature techniques. The results of this research then find out how things can arouse laughter or amusement on someone and various func...
The purpose of this study is to look at the other side of humor, meaning that besides producing fun, it turns out that humor can also bond and can even build social relations. The method used in the study was descriptive qualitative. The results showed that humor plays a role in shaping trust, norms and solidarity in groups. Humor as a social capital bonding in building social relations by being inward looking as an initial way of fostering trust and becoming glue in groups, then paving the way for faster growth with the ability to create strong networking. Humor as a bridging social capital in connecting members to one another. Indirectly humor creates more intense interactions involving all members. Humor can be a link to the creation of interactions between group members, so members can understand each other's characters. Humor also indirectly forms the norm in the form of habits interacting with the aggressive style of humor that is agreed upon by members and becomes an iden...
Jurnal CMES, 2017
This article discusses phonetic thoughts of Ibnu Jinni, scientist who became a central figure in the development of Arabic phonetics. His work named Sirru Shinâ"atil-I"râb is the first phonetic book in Arabic. He also called this science with terminology "Ilmul-Ashwât which is still used by Arabic scientist until now. These features are behind the writing of this article. This article to describe Ibnu Jinni curriculum vitae, the book Sirru Shinâ"atil-I"râb, and phonetic thoughts of Ibnu Jinni and his contribution in Arabic phonetic progress The conclusion is that Ibnu Jinni has given big contribution in Arabic phonetic progress. The most important thing is his research about vowel. There are so many vowel studied and be the main reference for the next study.
Perkembangan komik Indonesia yang terbaru adalah maraknya penerbitan buku komik dalam bentuk majalah yang berisi kumpulan komik-komik pendek. Komik-komik pendek yang bersambung ini, jika dirasa mendapat pembaca yang sesuai harapan penerbit, kemudian akan dirangkai dan dicetak sebagai buku tunggal. Pola kompilasi atau majalah memang marak juga pada era komik Indie pertengahan tahun 1990-an, namun paska tahun 2015, kompilasi komik dapat dilihat sebagai upaya untuk menguji pasar pembaca. Pola ini sangat dekat dengan pola penerbitan komik di Jepang, salah satu kiblat komikus Indonesia. Pola kompilasi ini juga dapat ditemukan pada penerbitan komik di Amerika tahun 1940-an yang dikenal awalnya sebagai pulp magazine atau majalah berharga murah yang isinya didominasi oleh komik strip. Komik strip yang dikumpulkan dan dicetak ulang menjadi buku, kemudian menginspirasi penerbit untuk berkesperimen membuat satu buku baru yang berisi komik-komik baru. Pasar dan pembaca mau tidak mau menjadi pem...
This article aims to describe the humor emergence and its implicatures caused by maxim infringements in the Kartun Ngampus , an online cartoon made based on students’ life in Jogja. The data in this research were collected from Facebook through an online search conducted in May 2014. There were 31 cartoons as a whole population, which then classified in order to match some similar category based on the implicatures found. Humors in Kartun Ngampus were not only caused by cooperative maxims but also by conversational maxims infringements. These violations arises certain situations where there were some disagreements between the speakers and the opponents. These kind of situations are able to cause humours which were clearly reflected in Kartun Ngampus. As implications from these humours, some implicatures related to the situation pictured in the cartoon were obtained. They are jokes, lies and irritations. Of all these implicatures, joking seems to be the main implication caused by hum...
Abstrak Mayoritas orang menganggap humor adalah hal kekanak-kanakan dan berkontradiksi dengan di dunia kerja yang terkenal serius dan kaku. Seiring meningkatnya stres di lingkup masyarakat kerah putih, banyak petinggi-petinggi perusahaan mencari jalan keluar dengan menginvestasikan uangnya untuk insentif dan program "hiburan" kepada subordinatnya. Namun humor adalah alternatif yang minim dilirik sebagai opsi oleh mereka.Dengan melibatkan humor pada sela sela pekerjaan adalah langkah efisien dalam rangka mengurangi tingkat stres para pegawai disuatu perusahaan tanpa mengurangi konsentrasi pada pekerjaan. Abstract Majority of the people consider humour as a childish thing and in contrast with workplace which tend to be a serious and stiff place. As the stress level increases among white collar workers, many of the boards seek the solution of this problem by investing on incentive and entertainment program for their subordinates. Humour is not their favourite alternative option. By involving humour between working is an efficient way to cope with stress without decreasing their focus on the work.
Buletin Al-Turas, 2018
Abstrak Tak diragukan lagi bahwa humor itu ada dalam khasanah agama islam. Kisah Nabi dan para sahabatnya menunjukan bahwa humor dan anekdot itu ada, yang secara eksplisit muncul dalam konteks al-Quran dan hadits. Islam tidak pernah melarang tertawa, bahkan berusaha mengelola dan membatasi tertawa sebagai sebuah bentuk kebahagiaan saja, bukan keterlenaan terhadap kenikmatan duniawi. Artikel ini mencoba membahas tertawa, lelucon dan humor dalam sudut pandang Islam. Pembahasan topik tersebut dibagi ke dalam empat bahasan. Pertama, rasa humor itu sendiri yang meliputi fenomena humor dan teori humor. Kedua, jenis-jenis humor dalam al-Quran dan Hadits. Ketiga, etika humor dan fungsi humor. Keempat, hubungan antara humor dan agama. Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukan bahwa selera humor adalah sebuah anugerah dari Tuhan. Menciptakan humor atau sesuatu yang lucu untuk membuat orang lain bahagia adalah sebuah ide yang baik. Walaupun begitu, agama tetap mengingatkan agar tidak melupakan kehidupa...
Japanese Research on Linguistics, Literature, and Culture
The main objective of this study is to develop a theoretical tool to analyze humorelements in Japanese comic (manga). The authors narrow the definition of “tool” as atheoretical framework that can be used in an inductive research. Developing this tool isof importance since evaluating the quality of humor in comic is difficult and subjective,due to the inclusion of humor as a cognitive and cultural product (Hurley et al, 2011).The authors strongly emphasize that this study was a theoretical review one. Weaimed to develop a theoretical foundation pertaining to semiotic analysis in humorousmanga products. To achieve the aim, we applied qualitative content analysis to buildthe foundation inductively. The authors identify that in order to analyze humor inmanga, Berger’s theory of humor techniques (1976, 1993) can be utilized to explorecomical effect in manga. Furthermore, Wilson and Sperber’s framework (2004) canalso be used to evaluate the context of situation pictured in manga. The for...
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IMAJI: Film, Fotografi, Televisi, & Media Baru, 2020
Al-Din: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2020
Haluan Sastra Budaya, 2017
Nusa: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2017
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2013