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1997, Physics Letters B
We discuss properties of D-brane configurations in the matrix model of type IIB superstring recently proposed by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya. We calculate central charges in supersymmetry algebra at infinite N and associate them with one-and five-branes present in IIB superstring theory. We consider classical solutions associated with static three-and five-branes and calculate their interactions at one loop in the matrix model. We discuss some aspects of the matrix-model formulation of IIB superstring.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
We address the problem of a non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory by means of the recently proposed matrix models. For the model by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya (IKKT), we perform one-loop calculation of the interaction between operator-like solutions identified with D-brane configurations of the type IIB superstring (in particular, for parallel moving and rotated static p-branes). Comparing to the superstring calculations, we show that the matrix model reproduces the superstring results only at large distances or small velocities, corresponding to keeping only the lowest mass closed string modes. We propose a modification of the IKKT matrix model introducing an integration over an additional Hermitian matrix required to have positive definite eigenvalues, which is similar to the square root of the metric in the continuum Schild formulation of IIB superstrings. We show that for this new matrix action the Nambu-Goto version of the Green-Schwarz action is reproduced even at quantum level. *
Nuclear Physics B, 2010
We consider type IIB superstring theory with embedded D5-brane and choose boundary conditions which preserve half of the initial supersymmetry. In the canonical approach that we use, boundary conditions are treated as canonical constraints. The effective theory, obtained from the initial one on the solution of boundary conditions, has the form of the type I superstring theory with embedded D5-brane. We obtain the expressions for D5-brane background fields of type I theory in terms of the D5brane background fields of type IIB theory. We show that beside known Ω even fields, they contain squares of Ω odd ones, where Ω is world-sheet parity transformation, Ω : σ → −σ. We relate result of this paper and the results of [1] using T-dualities along four directions orthogonal to D5-brane.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007
We study (p, q) = (2, 4k) minimal superstrings within the minimal superstring field theory constructed in hep-th/0611045. We explicitly give a solution to the W 1+∞ constraints by using charged D-instanton operators, and show that the (m, n)-instanton sector with m positive-charged and n negative-charged ZZbranes is described by an (m + n) × (m + n) supermatrix model. We argue that the supermatrix model can be regarded as an open string field theory on the multi ZZ-brane system. *
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998
We investigate the NBI matrix model with the potential XΛ + X −1 + (2η + 1) log X recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. With the proper normalization, using Virasoro constraints, we prove the equivalence of this model and the Kontsevich matrix model for η = 0 and find the explicit transformation between the two models. *
Physics Letters B, 1996
We consider configurations of six-branes, five-branes and eight-branes in various superstring backgrounds. These configurations give rise to (0, 1) supersymmetric theories in six dimensions. The condition for RR charge conservation of a brane configuration translates to the condition that the corresponding field theory is anomaly-free. Sets of infinitely many models with non-trivial RG fixed points at strong coupling are demonstrated. Some of them reproduce and generalise the world-volume theories of SO(32) and E 8 × E 8 small instantons. All the models are shown to be connected by smooth transitions. In particular, the small instanton transition for which a tensor multiplet is traded for 29 hypermultiplets is explicitly demonstrated. The particular limit in which these theories can be considered as six-dimensional string theories without gravity are discussed. New fixed points (string theories) associated with E n global symmetries are discovered by taking the strong string coupling limit.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014
In the previous paper, the authors pointed out correspondence of a supersymmetric double-well matrix model with two-dimensional type IIA superstring theory on a nontrivial Ramond-Ramond background from the viewpoint of symmetries and spectrum. In this paper we further investigate the correspondence from dynamical aspects by comparing scattering amplitudes in the matrix model and those in the type IIA theory. In the latter, cocycle factors are introduced to vertex operators in order to reproduce correct transformation laws and target-space statistics. By a perturbative treatment of the Ramond-Ramond background as insertions of the corresponding vertex operators, various IIA amplitudes are explicitly computed including quantitatively precise numerical factors. We show that several kinds of amplitudes in both sides indeed have exactly the same dependence on parameters of the theory. Moreover, we have a number of relations among coefficients which connect quantities in the type IIA theory and those in the matrix model. Consistency of the relations convinces us of the validity of the correspondence.
We promote a study of D-branes of type IIB string on the AdS_5 x S^5 background. The possible D-branes preserving half of supersymmetries were classified up to and including the fourth order of fermionic variable \th in our previous work [hep-th/0310228]. In this paper we show that our classification is still valid even at the full order of \th. This proof supplements our previous results and completes the classification of D-branes in the type IIB string theory on the AdS_5 x S^5.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2000
In order to consider non-perturbative effects of superstrings, we try to apply dynamical triangulations to the type IIB superstrings. The discretized action is constructed from the type IIB matrix model proposed as a constructive definition of superstring theory. The action has the local N=2 supersymmetry explicitly, and has no extra fermionic degrees of freedom. We evaluate the partition function for some simple configurations and discuss constraints required from the finiteness of partition functions.
Physics Letters B, 1999
We construct the supergravity solution for the intersecting D1-D5 brane system in Type I String Theory. The solution encodes the dependence on all the electric charges of the SO(32) gauge group. We discuss the near horizon geometry of the solution and a proposed dual (0, 4) superconformal field theory.
Physics Letters B, 2001
Type IIB superstring models with the standard model gauge group on D3-branes and with massless matter associated with open strings joining D3-branes to D3-branes or D3-branes to D7 3-branes are studied. Models with gauge coupling constant unification at an intermediate scale between about 10 10 and 10 12 GeV and consistency with the observed value of sin 2 θ W (M Z) are obtained. Extra vector-like states and extra pairs of Higgs doublets play a crucial role.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
We present a maximally supersymmetric IIB string background. The geometry is that of a conformally flat lorentzian symmetric space G/K with solvable G, with a homogeneous fiveform flux. We give the explicit supergravity solution, compute the isometries, the 32 Killing spinors, and the symmetry superalgebra, and then discuss T-duality and the relation to M-theory.
Physical Review D, 1999
We present a geometric formulation of type-IIA and-IIB superstring theories in which the Wess-Zumino term is second order in the supersymmetric currents. The currents are constructed using supergroup manifolds corresponding to superalgebras: the IIA superalgebra derived from M-algebra and the IIB superalgebra obtained by a T-duality transformation of the IIA superalgebra. We find that a slight modification of the IIB superalgebra is needed to describe D-string theories, in which the U(1) gauge field on the worldsheet is explicitly constructed in terms of D-string charges. A unification of the superalgebras in a (10 + 1)-dimensional N = 2 superalgebra is discussed too.
Physics Letters B, 1998
It is well-known that the low energy string theory admits a non-singular solitonic super five-brane solution which is the magnetic dual to the fundamental string solution. By using the symmetry of the type IIB string theory, we construct an SL(2, Z) multiplet of magnetically charged super five-branes starting from this solitonic solution. These solutions are characterized by two integral three-form charges (q 1 , q 2) and are stable when the integers are coprime. We obtain an expression for the tension of these (q 1 , q 2) five-branes as envisaged by Witten. The SL(2, Z) multiplets of black strings and black fivebranes and the existence of similar magnetic dual solutions of strings in type II string theory in D < 10 have also been discussed.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000
We provide a classification of the IIB Dp-and NSp-branes in which the brane action exists due to a non-trivial class of the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of free differential algebras. We then present a new geometric formulation of the IIB Dp-and NSp-branes (p ≤ 5) in which the manifestly superinvariant Wess-Zumino terms are constructed in terms of the supersymmetric currents. The supercurrents are obtained by using supergroup manifolds corresponding to the IIB-brane superalgebra, which is characterized by the generators of D3-, D5-, NS5-and KK5-branes in addition to the previously introduced generators of supertranslations, F-and D-strings. The charges of D1-, F1-and D3-branes are related to those of the M-algebra, but some charges of D5-and NS5-branes are not. The S-duality of the type-IIB theory is realized as transformations of the supercurrents generalizing the SO(2) R-symmetry of the superalgebra. We thus find that the superalgebra is lifted into twelve-dimensions with signature (11,1).
Nuclear Physics B, 2001
Open superstring theory is formulated in terms of a nondegenerate supertranslation algebra. A supercharge for a tachyonic superstring can be also defined classically by taking into account the leakage of the supercurrent which is compensated by fermionic and bosonic auxiliary fields. The anticommutator of two supercharges of the tachyonic superstring does not contain the zero eigenvalue and so this string is not a BPS state. Brane-antibrane annihilation scenarios are described by these superalgebras defined on the sum of world-volumes of a D-brane, an anti-D-brane and a tachyonic superstring.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
Via compactification on a circle, the matrix model of M-theory proposed by Banks et al suggests a concrete identification between the large N limit of two-dimensional N = 8 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and type IIA string theory. In this paper we collect evidence that supports this identification. We explicitly identify the perturbative string states and their interactions, and describe the appearance of D-particle and D-membrane states. * Here we work in string units α = 1. A derivation of (1) from matrix theory and a discussion of our normalizations is given in the appendix.
Modern Physics Letters A, 1997
We calculate an effective action and measure induced by the integration over the auxiliary field in the matrix model recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. It is shown that the measure of integration over the auxiliary matrix is uniquely determined by locality and reparametrization invariance of the resulting effective action. The large-N limit of the induced measure for string coordinates is discussed in detail. It is found to be ultralocal and, thus, possibly is irrelevant in the continuum limit. The model of the GKM type is considered in relation to the effective action problem. *
Nuclear Physics B, 2002
We study a class of type I string models with supersymmetry broken on the world-volume of some D-branes and vanishing tree-level potential. Despite the non-supersymmetric spectrum, supersymmetry is non-linearly realized on these D-branes, while it is spontaneously broken in the bulk by Scherk-Schwarz boundary conditions. These models can easily accommodate 3-branes with interesting gauge groups and chiral fermions. We also study the effective field theory and in particular we compute the four-fermion couplings of the localized Goldstino with the matter fermions on the brane. * On leave of absence from CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, UMR du CNRS 7644. 1 The parameter C f is related to the parametrisation of other authors by C f = − α 4 [17] = C f f 2 [18].
We construct four dimensional intersecting D6-brane models that have locally the spectrum of the N=1 Supersymmetric Standard Model. All open visible string sectors share the same N=1 supersymmetry. As expected in these supersymmetric classes of models, where the D6-branes wrap a toroidal orientifold of type IIA, the hierarchy may be stabilized if the string scale is low, e.g. below 30 TeV. We analyze the breaking of supersymmetry in the vicinity of the supersymmetric point by turning on complex structure deformations as Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. Positive masses for all squarks and sleptons, to avoid charge/colour breaking minima, may be reached when also two loop contributions may be included. In the ultimate version of the present models N=1 supersymmetry may be broken by gauge mediation. The constructions with four, five and six stacks of D6-branes at M s are build directly. Next by the use of brane recombination we are able to show that there is a continuous, RR homology flow, between six, five and four stack models. Moreover, we examine the gauge coupling constants of the Standard Model SU(3) C , SU(2) L , U(1) Y at the string scale in the presence of a non-zero antisymmetric NS B-field.
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