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With the development of the semantic Web, the specification of Web services has evolved from a "remote procedure call" style to a behavioral description including standard constructors of programming languages. Such a transformation introduces new problems since traditional clients will not be able to interact with these sophisticated services. In this work, we develop a generic agent capable to fully control the interaction process with a Web service given its XLANG behavioral description (XLANG being one of these languages). At first, we give an operational semantic to XLANG in terms of timed transition systems. Then we define a relation between two communicating systems which formalizes the concept of a correct interaction and we propose an algorithm which either detects ambiguity of the Web service or generates a timed deterministic automaton which controls the agent behavior during the interaction with the service. Starting from these theoretical developments we have built a platform which ensures to a user the correct handling of any complex Web service dynamically discovered through the Web.
With the development of the semantic Web, the specification of Web services has evolved from a "remote procedure call" style to a behavioral description including standard constructors of programming languages. Such a transformation introduces new problems since traditional clients will not be able to interact with these sophisticated services. In this work, we develop a generic agent capable to fully control the interaction process with a Web service given its XLANG behavioral description (XLANG being one of these languages). At first, we give an operational semantic to XLANG in terms of timed transition systems. Then we define a relation between two communicating systems which formalizes the concept of a correct interaction. Finally we propose an algorithm which either detects ambiguity of the Web service or generates a timed deterministic automaton which controls the agent behavior during the interaction with the service.
Interactions between Web services are based on interfaces which de- scribe Web services on both structural and behavioral perspectives. It can happen that the interface provided by a service does no longer match (for instance, because of an evolution) the interface required by its partners. In this situation, and until the required interfaces are fixed, interactions cannot succeed. To address this issue, and focusing on the behavioral part of interfaces, we propose an approach based on a mediator which aims to seamlessly resolve incompatibilities during service interactions. We adopted a formal tool as finite-state automata, particularly Labeled Transition Systems to model the behavioral aspects of Web services.
IEEE Expert / IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2003
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 2017
This paper introduces a method to analyse and verify the BPEL language. We propose a transformation approach based on the translation of BPEL descriptions to the communicating durational action timed automata (C-DATA) model which is a distributed, real-time semantic model that is based on true-concurrency semantics and supports the distributed and the communicating aspects. In order to handle compositions of multiple web services and exchanged messages between them we represent each BPEL service by a local C-DATA, while the global system is represented by all these local C-DATAs. These local C-DATAs communicate with each other by exchanging messages through communication channels. This approach considers both timing constraints and interaction durations between web services.
… Theoretical Computer Science, 2004
Current Web service choreography proposals, such as BPEL4WS, BPSS, WSFL, WSCDL or WSCI, provide notations for describing the message flows in Web service collaborations. However, such proposals remain at the descriptive level, without providing any kind of reasoning mechanisms or tool support for checking the compatibility of Web services based on the proposed notations. In this paper we present the formalization of one of these Web service choreography proposals (WSCI), and discuss the benefits that can be obtained by such formalization. In particular, we show how to check whether two or more Web services are compatible to interoperate or not, and, if not, whether the specification of adaptors that mediate between them can be automatically generated -hence enabling the communication of (a priori) incompatible Web services.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical …, 2004
Current Web service choreography proposals, such as BPEL4WS, BPSS, WSFL, WSCDL or WSCI, provide notations for describing the message flows in Web service collaborations. However, such proposals remain at the descriptive level, without providing any kind of reasoning mechanisms or tool support for checking the compatibility of Web services based on the proposed notations. In this paper we present the formalization of one of these Web service choreography proposals (WSCI), and discuss the benefits that can be obtained by such formalization. In particular, we show how to check whether two or more Web services are compatible to interoperate or not, and, if not, whether the specification of adaptors that mediate between them can be automatically generated -hence enabling the communication of (a priori) incompatible Web services.
Proceedings of the …, 2005
In this paper we present Colombo, a framework in which web services are characterized in terms of (i) the atomic processes (i.e., operations) they can perform;
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 2007
This work faces the problem of automatic selection and composition of web services, discussing the advantages that derive from the inclusion, in a web service declarative description, of the high-level communication protocol, that is used by the service for interacting with its partners, allowing a rational inspection of it. The approach we propose is set in the Semantic Web field of research and inherits from research in the field of multi-agent systems. Web services are viewed as software agents, communicating by predefined sharable interaction protocols. A logic programming framework based on modal logic is proposed, where the protocolbased interactions of web services are formalized and the use of reasoning about actions and change techniques (planning) for performing the tasks of selection and composition of web services in a way that is personalized w.r.t. the user request is enabled. We claim that applying reasoning techniques on a declarative specification of the service interactions allows to gain flexibility in fulfilling the user preference in the context of a web service matchmaking process.
This paper introduces a novel approach for modelling and specifying behaviors of Web services. This approach excludes Web services from any composition scenario and sheds the light on two types of behaviors: control and operational. The control behavior illustrates the business logic that underpins the functioning of a Web service, and the operational behavior regulates the execution progress of this control behavior by stating the actions to carry out and the constraints to put on this progress. To synchronize both behaviors at run-time, conversational messages are developed and permit conveying various details between these two behaviors. A prototype showing the use of these conversational messages is presented in this paper as well.
International Journal of Web Services Research, 2000
Currently, Web services give place to active research and this is due both to industrial and theoretical factors. On one hand, Web services are essential as the design model of applications dedicated to the electronic business. On the other hand, this model aims to become one of the major formalisms for the design of distributed and cooperative applications in an open environment (the Internet).
ScienceRise, 2015
Issues related to improving the design of multiservice SOA networks are discussed. Issue of creation of complex services, their orchestration and choreography are considered. Problem arising when creating an integrated service is discussed. It is shown that the formal description of the service using temporal logics will perform rigorous verification service and eliminate design errors
Development of agent systems is naturally a complex task due to the fundamental characteristics of agents. In addition, agent internals and inter-agent behavior models inside Multi-agent Systems (MAS) may become even more difficult to implement when interactions of agents with web services on the Semantic Web are taken into account. Our approach consists of the utilization of a Domain-specific Modeling Language (DSML) during MAS development in order to cope with the abovementioned challenge. This paper describes how the formal semantics of this DSML can be defined by especially focusing on its viewpoint on agent-semantic service interactions and discusses the use of this semantics definition on MAS validation. Determined semantic rules are both defined and implemented by using Alloy specification language which has a strong description capability based on both relational and first-order logic.
Information Sciences, 2010
Proceedings of the the …, 2009
Web-services are broadly considered as an effective means to achieve interoperability between heterogeneous parties of a business process and offer an open platform for developing new composite web-services out of existing ones. In the literature many approaches have been proposed with the aim to automatically compose web-services. All of them assume that, along with the web-service signature, some information is provided about how clients interacting with the web-service should behave when invoking ...
Web services are fast emerging as the dominant means for connecting remotely executing programs via well established Internet protocols and commonly used machine readable representations. Software agents are now increasingly used in commercial applications to solve complex engineering problems, and these applications often expose or make use of Web services. As such, this paper presents a gateway architecture for connecting software agents and Web services in a transparent manner with fully automatic operation. This gateway allows Web services to invoke agent services and vice versa by translating message encodings and service descriptions between the two technologies. We also address how software agents offer the opportunity to introduce new modalities in the ways Web services are used and manipulated, including redirection, aggregation, integration and administration.
Recently, a plethora of languages for modeling and specifying different facets of e-Services have been proposed, and some of them provides constructs for representing time. Time is needed in many contexts to correctly capture the dynamics of transactions and of composability between e-Services. However, to the best of our knowledge, all the proposed languages for representing e-Service behaviour and temporal constraints lack both a clear semantics and an underlying conceptual model. In this paper, we propose a conceptual representation of e-Service behaviour, taking time constraints into account, and a new XML-based language, namely WSTL (WEB SERVICE TRANSITION LANGUAGE), that integrates well with standard languages in order to completely specify e-Services. In particular, WSTL allows for specifying an e-Service starting from its conceptual representation, in a straightforward way.
… 2005. NWeSP 2005 …, 2005
To fully utilize Web-services, users and applications should be able to discover, deploy, compose and synthesize services automatically. This automation can take place only if a formal semantic description of the Web-services is available. In this paper we present the design of USDL (Universal Service Description Language), a language for formally describing the semantics of information utilized and produced by Web-services. USDL is based on the Web ontology language (OWL) and employs WordNet as a common basis for understanding the meaning of services. USDL can be regarded as formal program documentation that will allow sophisticated conceptual modeling and searching of available Web-services, automated service composition, and other forms of automated service integration. The preliminary design of USDL is presented, along with examples, and its formal semantics given.
In this work, we argue the importance of including in web service descriptions also the high-level communication protocol, used by a service to interact with a client. We will motivate this claim by setting web services in a multi-agent framework, in the same line of that research area from which the DAML-S language derived. In our proposal, interaction is interpreted as the effect of action execution; we will show a typical situation in which the ability of reasoning about interactions and conversations is fundamental for choosing a web service or for personalizing the service fruition.
Proceedings of the 3rd Asia- …, 2006
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