Modelling Web Services Interoperability



With the development of the semantic Web, the specification of Web services has evolved from a "remote procedure call" style to a behavioral description including standard constructors of programming languages. Such a transformation introduces new problems since traditional clients will not be able to interact with these sophisticated services. In this work, we develop a generic agent capable to fully control the interaction process with a Web service given its XLANG behavioral description (XLANG being one of these languages). At first, we give an operational semantic to XLANG in terms of timed transition systems. Then we define a relation between two communicating systems which formalizes the concept of a correct interaction and we propose an algorithm which either detects ambiguity of the Web service or generates a timed deterministic automaton which controls the agent behavior during the interaction with the service. Starting from these theoretical developments we have built a platform which ensures to a user the correct handling of any complex Web service dynamically discovered through the Web.