Abui Tripartite Verbs: Exploring the limits of compositionality.


This paper describes the structure and semantics of the complex verbs in Abui that consist of three generic verbs. In Section 3, we first describe the semantic contribution of the head of the derivation, the final generic verb.We will see that the general function of generic verbs in this position is to act as a kind of ‘event classifier’, encoding various types of semantic information about the type of event denoted by the complex verb. In Section 4, the semantic contribution of generic verbs in medial position is discussed, and we argue that these medial generic verbs are in fact overt expressions of the inner aspect (‘Aktionsart’) of the event. In Section 5, we discuss the semantic contribution of initial generic verbs, and show that they encode the ‘locus’ or spatial constellation of the event participants. In Section 6, we summarize the conclusions and point out some cross-linguistic parallels.