Ramsey methods in analysis

2007, The Mathematical Intelligencer


BASEL, BIRKHAUSER, 2005, PP 257, C38, ISBN 3-7643-7264-8 REVIEWED BY HANS-PETER A. KLINZI Ihe book introduces the reader i ] to sophisticated Ramsey-theoretic I methods that have recently been used in the theo W of Banach spaces.

Key takeaways

  • Some readers will certainly be av,are of the recent progress in the theo W of separable infinite dimensional Banach spaces.
  • The use of infinite-dimensional Ramsey theo W in Banach spaces was developed A~rther by Gowers during investigations which were part of the work for which he was awarded the Fields Medal in 1998.
  • the known ideas and methods from combinatorial Ramsey theo W inspire new techniques and principles which are applicable to Banach spaces.
  • of finite and infinite block sequences, and approximate and strategic Ramsey theo W of Banach spaces.
  • Todorcevic argues that while the space [~ [:q has numerous interesting applications to Banach space theory, the block spaces such as FIN I~1 of all infinite block sequences of finite sets seem to be more relevant to the deeper problems of that theory.