How (not) to offend people in English

As comedian Jerry Seinfeld observes: "If you've ever been to a foreign country, the first thing you learn are the curse words." However, Thai learners of English “curse words” face several obstacles. First, non-native learners tend to focus on the literal meaning of words. Taboo words, however, are usually used for their emotional impact, so are more likely to be interpreted connotatively by listeners. Also, the use of taboo words relies heavily on context, including who (a kindergarten teacher or a longshoreman), where (in a church or in a locker room), and how (angrily or jokingly). Finally, linguistic taboos in English are different from Thai language taboos, so Thai speakers of English may feel they are being insulted when a native speaker is simply expressing strong feelings, or when hearing a word (such as "dog") which, in Thai, has a derogatory meaning but does not necessarily have one in English.