Vectorized Broadcast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


—Mobile ad hoc networks routing protocols rely on traditional broadcast (flooding) to establish a route to the destination. Every node which receives this broadcast packet will rebroadcast it to all neighbors. This broadcast consumes valuable network resources (e.g., battery power, bandwidth, processing time, etc.). Many schemes were proposed to restrict traditional flooding by means of probability or mathematical methods. Some of these protocols utilize the location information on the nodes to restrict the broadcast zone like Location Aided Routing (LAR). In this paper, we will propose Vectorized Broadcast Routing (VBR) as an enhancement for LAR scheme 1 to reduce the broadcast by enlarging the broadcast region around the destination. In case of discovery phase failure, VBR will enlarge the broadcast region again around the destination, unlike LAR where the network will be flooded with this request again. Simulation results show that VBR can decrease the number of routing packets b...