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—Mobile ad hoc networks routing protocols rely on traditional broadcast (flooding) to establish a route to the destination. Every node which receives this broadcast packet will rebroadcast it to all neighbors. This broadcast consumes valuable network resources (e.g., battery power, bandwidth, processing time, etc.). Many schemes were proposed to restrict traditional flooding by means of probability or mathematical methods. Some of these protocols utilize the location information on the nodes to restrict the broadcast zone like Location Aided Routing (LAR). In this paper, we will propose Vectorized Broadcast Routing (VBR) as an enhancement for LAR scheme 1 to reduce the broadcast by enlarging the broadcast region around the destination. In case of discovery phase failure, VBR will enlarge the broadcast region again around the destination, unlike LAR where the network will be flooded with this request again. Simulation results show that VBR can decrease the number of routing packets b...
2015 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), 2015
Broadcasting is used in on-demand routing protocols to discover routes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). On-demand routing protocols, such as AODV (Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing, commonly employ pure flooding based broadcasting. However, pure flooding generates excessively redundant routing traffic that may lead to broadcast storm problem (BSP) and deteriorate the performance of MANETs significantly. Probabilistic broadcasting schemes were proposed in the literature to address BSP. However, these schemes do not consider thermal noise and interference which exist in real life MANETs, and therefore, do not perform well in real life MANETs. This paper presents a novel Channel Adaptive Probabilistic Broadcast (CAPB) scheme to disseminate RREQ packets efficiently. The proposed CAPB scheme determines the probability of rebroadcasting RREQ packets on the fly according to the current SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) and node density in the neighborhood. The proposed scheme and two related state of the art (SoA) schemes from the literature ([1] and [2]) are implemented in the standard AODV routing protocol to replace the pure flooding based broadcast. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the standard AODV and the two competitors in terms of routing overhead, throughput and end-to-end delay significantly.
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05)
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamically reconfigurable wireless network that does not have a fixed infrastructure. Due to the high mobility of nodes, the network topology of MANETs always changes. This makes it more difficult to find the routes that message packets use when they are routed. In this paper, we propose an efficient greedy location-aided routing (GLAR) scheme to improve the efficiency of location-aided routing (LAR) scheme for MANETs. In this scheme, we first decide a baseline, which is the line between the source node and the destination node, for route discovery. The request packet is broadcasted in a request zone based on the baseline to determine the next broadcasting node. The neighboring node with the shortest distance to the baseline is chosen as the next broadcasting node. We also propose a partial reconstruction process that maintains a routing path. When a node on a routing path finds that a link is broken, the node starts the process of routing maintenance. Simulation results show that the proposed GLAR can reduce the control overhead and increase the route lifetime than LAR.
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2010
Broadcast is a fundamental operation used in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) for many services, such as route discovery and sending information messages. The direct method to perform broadcast is a simple flooding, which can decrease the performance of MANET. Recently, a probabilistic approach to flooding has been proposed as one of most important suggested solutions to solve the broadcast storm problem, which leads to the collision, contention and duplicated messages. This paper presents the Smart Probabilistic Broadcasting (SPB) as a new probabilistic method to improve the performance of existing on-demand routing protocols by reducing the RREQ overhead during the rout discovery operation. The simulation results show that the combination of AODV and a suitable probabilistic rout discovery can reduce the average end-to-end delay as well as overhead, while achieving low normalized routing load, compared to AODV that uses fixed probability and blind flooding. Simulation experiments have been conducted to examine our proposed scheme. The results show that SPB outperforms its counterparts and opens up a promising framework towards optimal probabilistic broadcasting.
Broadcasting is an essential and effective mechanism used to disseminate data on several types of networks such as mobile ad hoc network. Such method is adopted by a considerable number of routing protocols, in particular, in the route discovery stage since the broadcasting is easy to implement and certainly provides an ideal connectivity among nodes. However, the broadcasting increases the routing overhead, packet delay, which negativity affects the throughput due to the excessive use of the redundant Route REQuest message. In addition, the network is susceptible to so-called broadcast storm problem. Therefore, developing a new routing protocol, which is able to relieve the unnecessary Route REQuest messages while boosting the performance of the network, is required. In this article, a novel routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network, called scalable neighbor-based mobile routing, is proposed. The broadcasting in this protocol is governed by the inverse relation between the number of neighbors and the probability of the rebroadcasted Route REQuest messages. Extensive simulation experiments are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol and to compare the state-of-the-art protocols, namely, neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcast, with the latest version of ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol. Simulation results show that scalable neighbor-based mobile routing outperforms both protocols, the neighbor coverage-based probabilistic rebroadcast and the ad hoc on-demand distance vector, in terms of routing overhead, medium access control collision, end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, and energy consumption. Keywords Mobile ad hoc networks, probabilistic rebroadcast, ad hoc on-demand distance vector, routing overhead, flooding
2008 International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS 2008), 2008
In a multi-hop wireless ad hoc network, broadcasting is an elementary operation to support many applications. Broadcasting by flooding may cause serious redundancy, contention, and collision in the network, which is referred to as the broadcast storm problem. Many broadcasting schemes are proposed to give better performance than simple flooding in wireless ad hoc network. How to decide whether rebroadcast or not also poses a dilemma between reachability and efficiency under different host densities. In this paper, we propose enhanced broadcasting schemes, which can reduce rebroadcast packets without loss of reachability. Simulation results show that proposed schemes can offer better reachability as well as efficiency as compared to other previous schemes.
Broadcast is a common operation used in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) for many services, such as, rout discovery and sending an information messages. The direct method to perform broadcast is simple flooding, which it can dramatically affect the performance of MANET. Recently, a probabilistic approach to flooding has been proposed as one of most important suggested solutions to solve the broadcast storm problem, which leads to the collision, contention and duplicated messages. This paper proposed new probabilistic method to improve the performance of existing on-demand routing protocol by reduced the RREQ overhead during rout discovery operation. The simulation results show that the combination of AODV and a suitable probabilistic rout discovery can reduce the average end-to-end delay as well as overhead and still achieving low normalized routing load, comparing with AODV which used fixed probability and blind flooding.
Broadcasting is a major communication primitive required by many applications and protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). It is frequently deployed for content distribution, service discovery or advertisement, and sensor data dissemination. Broadcast protocols are also a fundamental building block to realize principal middleware functionalities such as replication, group management and consensus. Broadcasting in MANETs has therefore been an active area of research recently. Most of the research conducted on broadcasting in MANETs has primarily focused only on carefully selected application and evaluation scenarios. Consequently, the developed broadcasting schemes do not yield good performance for other scenarios. Different comparative studies show that the existing broadcasting techniques are tailored to only one class of MANETs with respect to node density and node mobility, and are unfortunately not likely to operate well in other classes. Node spatial distribution is a key ...
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2003. (PerCom 2003)., 2000
We investigate the performance issues of destinationsequenced distance vector (DSDV) and ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. Four performance metrics are measured by varying the maximum speed of mobile hosts, the number of connections, and the network size. The correlation between network topology change and mobility is investigated by using linear regression analysis. The simulation results indicate that AODV outperforms DSDV in less stressful situations, while DSDV is more scalable with respect to the network size. It is observed that network congestion is the dominant reason for packet drop for both protocols. We propose a new routing protocol, congestion-aware distance vector (CADV), to address the congestion issues. CADV outperforms AODV in delivery ratio by about 5%, while introduces less protocol load. The result demonstrates that integrating congestion avoidance mechanisms with proactive routing protocols is a promising way to improve performance.
In Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), the freedom in mobility of nodes lead to rapid link breakages causing simultaneous route discoveries and variable topology shifts. Flooding is the common solution opted for finding routes. Despite its simplicity, flooding results in redundant rebroadcasts, collision and contention problems collectively referred as the Broadcast Strom Problem, increasing the routing overhead. Apart from the vital role played by the control messages (RREQ, RERR, RREP, HELLO MESSAGES) and neighbor list table, the routing overhead caused has a considerable higher impact in networks performance.In order to enhance Neighbor CoverageBased Rebroadcast (NCPR) protocol, a rebroadcast technique is proposed for minimizing routing overhead by using a time elapsed for sending HELLO MESSAGES instead of periodic ones and adding a new field num_neigh in RREQ message format for indicating the neighbor coverage. This proposal has a significant improvement in the performance and NCPR...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021
Information broadcasting in wireless network is a necessary building block for cooperative operations. However, the broadcasting causes increases the routing overhead. This paper brings together an array of tools of our adaptive protocol for information broadcasting in MANETs. The proposed protocol in this paper named WAODV (WAIT-AODV). This new adaptive routing discovery protocol for MANETs, lets in nodes to pick out a fantastic motion: both to retransmit receiving request route request (RREQ) messages, to discard, or to wait earlier than making any decision, which dynamically confgures the routing discovery feature to decide a gorgeous motion through the usage of neighbors' knowledge. Simulations have been conducted to show the effectiveness of the using of techniques adaptive protocol for information broadcasting RREQ packet when integrated into ad hoc ondemand distance vector (AODV) routing protocols for MANET (which is based on simple flooding).
In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), frequent link breakage occures due to mobility of nodes which leads to frequent route discoveries. This overhead of route discovery cannot be tolerated. Broadcasting is a fundamental data dissemination mechanism in a route discovery where mobile nodes blindly rebroadcast the RREQ packet unless it got route up to the destination. Thus it raises the broadcast storm issue. In this paper we are going to propose a protocol for reducing routing overhead in mobile ad hoc network.We propose rebroadcast delay to determine the rebroadcast order.We set a rebroadcast probability by aggregating additional coverage ratio and connectivity factor.This approach would combines the advantages of probabilistic mechanism and neighbor coverage knowledge which can reduce the number of retransmissions so as to decrease the routing overhead which will improve the packet delivery ratio.
Information broadcasting in MANETs is an essential building block for cooperative operations, group discussions, and common announcements (e.g., filling routing tables). The flooding is the simplest broadcasting scheme used in MANETs. In this scheme, source nodes broadcast at once packets to all neighbors. Broadcasting through flooding causes increased messages redundancy, collision, and wastage of bandwidth and energy. Several approaches have been proposed to solve these issues and could be classified into two main categories: static schemes and adaptive schemes. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive scheme for information broadcasting in MANETs. This scheme allows nodes to select an appropriate action, either to rebroadcast or to discard receiving messages. The decision is based on the amount and timestamps of received messages. Simulations have been conducted and results show that the proposed scheme reduces the number of packet transmissions, has better latency and SRB, good r...
– Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless ad-hoc network comprising of mobile devices which undergo peer to peer routing, to provide network connectivity instead of pre-existing network infrastructure. Despite its simplicity of network infrastructure, however it poses challenges of variable link capacity, dynamic topology, exhaustible battery power of nodes and limited physical security. In MANET, broadcasting is a conventional mechanism carried out to deliver messages from source node to all other nodes in MANET. Flooding is commonly used method for broadcasting of Route Request (RREQ) packet which is prone to broadcast storm problem. As a result, there is a need of an efficient routing strategy to build a reliable route which can neglect high variation of signal strength, collision and draining of battery power. In this paper, a new approach is introduced to rebroadcast based on an efficiency factor called delay and to provide a route repairing procedure against link failures. Our approach also focuses on disseminating neighbor coverage knowledge within nodes in order to avoid duplication problem of RREQ packets. Simulation results of our approach reveal better performance in terms of metrics such as packet delivery ratio, energy consumption and control overhead.
IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2014
Wireless networks offer more flexibility and adapt easily to changes in the configuration of the network. Wireless ad hoc network is a decentralized type of wireless network. Mobile ad hoc network is a type of ad hoc network, in which each and every node can change its location. Frequent link breakages exist due to its high mobility of nodes which leads to frequent path failures and route discoveries. An efficient and fundamental data dissemination mechanism is broadcasting, the mobile node blindly rebroadcasts the first received route request, even if there is no route to destination leads to broadcast storm problem.. In this paper a hybrid protocol is proposed, which combines the advantages of neighbor coverage based probabilistic rebroadcast protocol and adhoc on demand distance vector routing protocol and is simulated by Network Simulator. The neighbor coverage and probabilistic mechanism significantly decreases the number of retransmissions so as to reduce the routing overhead. Adhoc on demand distance vector routing protocol finds the shortest path to destination by evaluating the hop count. The shortest path reduces the average end to end delay more effectively. Thus hybrid protocol improves the routing performance.
Broadcasting is an essential and effective data propagation mechanism with several important applications, such as route discovery, address resolution and many other network services. Though data broadcasting has many advantages, it can also cause a high degree of contention, collision and congestion, leading to what is known as “broadcast storm problems”. Broadcasting has traditionally been based on the flooding protocol, which simply overflows the network with a high number of rebroadcast messages until these reach all the network nodes. A good probabilistic broadcast protocol can achieve high saved rebroadcast (SRB), low collision and a lower number of relays. When a node is in a sparse region of the network, rebroadcasting is relatively more important while the potential redundancy of rebroadcast is low because there are few neighbours which might rebroadcast the packet unnecessarily. Further, in such a situation, contention over the wireless medium resulting from Redundant broa...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Internet Multimedia Services Architecture and Applications (IMSAA), 2009
Due to the infrastructure-less mode of operation the mobile ad hoc networks have received significant research attention in recent years. They can be of immense use in case of emergency situations such as in relief operation, battlefield etc. Due to the highly dynamic nature, constantly changing topology and limited transmission range of the mobile nodes, routing in these networks is considered a critical research challenge. With the recent availability of small, low-cost and low-power positioning devices a new family of position based routing protocols have become popular. These set of protocols do not need to maintain explicit routes and therefore, can scale well in highly dynamic scenario. In this work we present the design of a new position based routing scheme called Circular Quadrant Routing Protocol (CQRP). We have incorporated a new circular quadrant architecture and multi-granular location information strategy in order to reduce the costs associated with location update and location query. The analysis part of this paper illustrates that we have been able to achieve a good asymptotic bound for the costs associated with the major location management functions.
A major challenge faced in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is locating devices for communication, especially in the case of high node mobility and sparse node density. Present solutions provided by the ad hoc routing protocols range from flooding the entire network with route requests, to deploying a separate location management scheme to maintain a device location database. Many applications as well as various unicast routing protocols such as Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), and Location Aided Routing (LAR) use broadcasting or a derivation of it. Flooding is expensive in terms of overhead and wastes valuable resources such as bandwidth and power. We propose to develop a strategy to reduce the redundant transmission of packets in normal flooding used in broadcasting and we describe strategies for choosing only a minimal set of nodes to re-broadcast in grid networks. Our strategies reduce the redundant transmission of packets, thus packets are forwarded with a minimal number of transmissions. To determine the minimal set of nodes we propose a new algorithm called Efficient Broadcasting by Selective Forwarding (EBSF) that uses a distance-based approach in selecting the nodes among all the nodes in a grid network. The distance-based approach is implemented for broadcast and rebroadcast to a set of nodes with the help of a threshold value that reduces the number of redundant transmission. This threshold value can be tuned to show the performance enhancement.
Dynamic nature of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) has made routing of data difficult by the existing protocols in Wireless Networking. This has led to the proposal of a few ones that are targeted at ensuring effective routing in this setup. The most popular one is Ad-hoc On-demand distance vector (AODV), a reactive extended version of Distance Vector (DV). However, performance metrics such as routing overhead, packets delay, packet delivery ratio and packets loss have limited its commercial application. An improved version, Ad-hoc On-demand Multiple-path Distance Vector (AOMDV) has also been proposed, which improves packet delivery ratio and reduces packets loss but routing overhead is still a significant burden on limited bandwidth. Moreover, routing overhead consumes a proportionate portion of the limited bandwidth which could make its commercial application less attractive. Thus, this paper proposes a layer of protocols named Ad-hoc On-demand Multiplepath Distance Vector Location Aided Zone Routing protocol (AOMDV-LAZRP), which is expected to compliment AOMDV shortfalls by lowering the routing overhead.
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