The Logic of the Samdhinirmocanasutra

2010, Logic in Earliest Classical India, Brendan S. Gillon (ed.), Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference held in Helsinki, Finland, 13-18 July 2003 (General editors: Petteri Koskikallio & Asko Parpola), vol. 10.2, Delhi 2010 (January), pp.139-166.

AI-generated Abstract

The paper delves into the logic presented in the Saüdhinirmocanasūtra (SNSū), focusing on the concept of upapattisādhanayukti as a method for establishing Buddhist tenets. It contrasts this reasoning with later Buddhist logical thought, particularly the notion of anumāna, and highlights differences in definitions and approaches within various translations of the SNSū. The analysis emphasizes the significance of the seven impure characteristics of reason described in the text, aiming to clarify the conditions necessary for correct reasoning and to contribute to the understanding of early Indian epistemology and logic in the Buddhist tradition.