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This paper describes an integrating hardware and software ensemble for the development of microcontroller-based computer numerical control system. The discuss is focused on design and implementation of the communication between the PC and a numerical control machine. Among topics covered are: the C#/.NET serial port programming, and further, how to create a Windows application for sending, trough a COM port, the Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing data needed by a numerical control machine. A PIC microcontroller-based communication hardware module was developed and tested.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, 1978
The availability of a compact and inexpensive microprocessor central processing unit (CPU) is likely to change the emphasis in TAPE READEF MEMORY numerical control (NC) system design from hardware to software. The software control of a majority of the machine tool functions increases the flexibility and reliability of the system. This requires a careful tradeoff between hardware and software. NTERFACE In the present paper, the design of a microprocessor (INTEL 8080 A) based NC system for a milling machine with two-axis contouring is described. Hardware is used to achieve parallelism in the operation wherever timing considerations necessitate it. An interrupt driven mode is U. i employed for the control software with a major cycle mode being used for monitoring. A detailed discussion of the hardware and software aspects is presented. Fig. 1. Block diagram of gp-based
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2001
Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing for distributed monitoring or automation, and to allow fast system reconfiguration. The project is inspired by the reference models defined by the ISO/OSI Manufacturing Message Specification for remote machine tool supervision (MMS) and the Open System Architecture within Control Applications (OSACA). Instead of proposing MMS or OSACA protocols for communication, we propose a unified object-oriented solution based on the OMG-CORBA software bus. Adopting a common object-oriented approach for both remote communication and internal architecture of a NC platform is conceivable. It leads to a design very close to the one proposed in the mentioned standards. The consequences of including a Manufacturing Object Messaging System on the NC design model are discussed. A Java and CORBA based demonstration prototype has been developed. The end of the paper describes how we address real-time constraints on communications.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Theme: Sustainable Development and Smart Planning, IMDC-SDSP 2020, Cyperspace, 28-30 June 2020, 2020
The paper aims to implement and simulate a prototype of industrial multiprocessor communication systems through serial communication RS-232 protocol using an 8051 microcontroller. The created model is used for experimental purposes by the microcomputer trainer (MTS-51). Many simulators are present for the 8051 microcontrollers, many of them do not support multi microcontroller communication, or simulate all the embedded peripherals. A few of them can simulate external peripherals. The proposed simulation has been accomplished using the PROTEUS program. In this work, the RS-232 serial mode of communication using an 8051 microcontroller is used, with an emphasis on interfacing it with an LCD screen and a hex keypad, stepper motor, speaker and a seven-segment display. The operation of several microcontrollers in the master-slave configuration is explained. It is verified that both the stepper motor and speaker is controlled at each slave using the master controller. The used communication protocol is a very simplified one, highlighting how simple such communications are accomplished in high-tech industrial environments. Moreover, perfecting the use of the RS-232 for transferring small blocks of information has resulted in simple use and support of the maximum number of communicating processors.
This paper is designed to develop a low cost and flexible device for controlling the Computer Numerical Control machine controller. The purpose of a Computer Numerical Control machine is to facilitate system to a specified computerized control, then to maintain it at that control a controlled manner machining. Using Micro controller PIC-16F84 is one of the best way for precise control with low cost. We can complete it with the help of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) but it's too costly with respect to our project. By using the PIC-16F84A Micro controller technology has made it possible, practical and desirable to have the Computer numerical control included in the same instrument that is also controlling the other aspects of the equipment. At the end of the project, a prototype of microcontroller based Computer Numerical Control System will be developed.
CNC technology has not only brought innovation to the traditional manufacturing industry, but also promote d the rapid deve lopme nt of high-technology industry. The core of computer nume rical control te chnology is the CNC system. The high-end CNC system is very expensive, and the low-e nd marke t capacity is very big; the refore, an embe dde d highly cost-e ffective low-end embedded CNC system is designe d to de ve lop. This paper introduces the characte ristics of STM32F407 controlle r. It proposes a ne w embe dde d CNC syste m base d on this processor. It analyses hardware architecture , software design method and achieve d function of this CNC syste m. The syste m has conducte d e xpe riments testing a nd e ngineering applications, and the results showe d that the achie ve d function is comple te correct, the spee d and accuracy has met the requirements, high e fficie ncy has achie ve d. And it has a much lowe r cost, there fore it got a ce rtain application in practice and actual production.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1980
The software system for a distributed digital instrumentation system is described. The system is intended for applications in the process industry and could be used for direct digital control, sequence control, protection systems, interlocks and alarming systems. The application programming is performed with an user oriented language of the "fill in the blanks1' type. The language specified makes it easy for process engineers with no experience in computer programming to program wanted control functions.
Abstract: Open Manufacturing Equipment is mandatory to answer the demand of modern manufacturing for distributed monitoring or automation, and to allow fast system reconfiguration. The project is inspired by the reference models defined by the ISO/OSI Manufacturing Message Specification for remote machine tool supervision (MMS) and the Open System Architecture within Control Applications (OSACA). Instead of proposing MMS or OSACA protocols for communication, we propose a unified object-oriented solution based on the OMG-CORBA software bus. Adopting a common object-oriented approach for both remote communication and internal architecture of a NC platform is conceivable. It leads to a design very close to the one proposed in the mentioned standards. The consequences of including a Manufacturing Object Messaging System on the NC design model are discussed. A Java and CORBA based demonstration prototype has been developed. The end of the paper describes how we address real-time constrai...
Abstract The authors analyze the new requirements of the numerical control (NC) in network environment at present and propose a novel architecture of the network NC (NNC). In this architecture, the service-oriented NC system based embedded technology is the core part, providing abundant functions and more diversified processing abilities through networks. Both the hardware and software structures of the service-oriented embedded NC system (SOENCS) are presented in the paper.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2009
This paper describes a new industrial communicatio n protocol, dNet protocol suite, and its application in control systems. Protocols in this s uite have some useful properties known from higher communication protocols. For example, abstract of a ddresses and connection, encryption and application services. They also have some characteristics typic al rather for industrial protocols, e.g. simple implementation in microcontrollers, compatibility w ith existing bus standards (CAN), support for program downloading and device configuration. The s uite can be operated almost over any data link layer. Document then presents a typical way of prot ocol usage, definition of application services and networks management.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2003
This paper describes the design and implementation of a flexible tool for use in developing embedded software and software algorithms. This tool is new and novel because of its capability of monitoring variables used in multiple internal processes (tasks) inside a modern microcontroller while simultaneously acquiring digital and analog data from a physical system to which the microcontroller is connected. Additionally, these data are automatically converted to engineering units. Many types of analog and digital signals (e.g., thermocouples, strain gauges, speeds, solenoid signals) that are not monitored by the processes inside the controller can be acquired. The internal microcontroller data is time aligned with the external digital and analog data so that information, on events and conditions that a control algorithm internal to the controller is subjected to, can be obtained and correlated to the internal state of the process running in the microcontroller. All data acquired with this tool is processed and sent to a host laptop computer via an Ethernet link and archived directly on the hard-drive of the laptop. Another novelty and new development with this tool is a new file format that accommodates large data files and allows for a post-analysis software package to be used to analyze the data.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This article describes the construction of a low-cost, mobile, CNC (Computerized Numerical Command) mini machine, bringing as its objective the gain of experience in relation to machining knowledge, where the device executes a list of movements written in the programming language G. For the development of the project, the Arduino Nano embedded system, two CD / DVD players and two H bridges (L293D) were used. Afterward, the assembly, programming and results of the project in question are described.
Currently, there is a strong interest in the process of technological upgrading of conventional machine tools to CNC machine tools, because of the advantages that this process offers. The process of conversion to computerized numerical controls involves a huge effort in conceptualizing and control of the key components of each machine tool, including the high cost of the hardware used. This paper presents the design of a software set-up wizard, to develop a Universal Numeric Control based-on Linux real-time, using universal numerical controllers in open source. The developed software allows the generation of numerical controls based on low-cost software for each machine tool converted, ensuring its universality. Describes the system architecture, the core and all associated tools. The selection of components, the G code preprocessor, different interpolation algorithms and various types of hardware options allow the user to build specific numerical controllers for each machine tool. We present two case studies. The first case concerns the generation of a numerical control for a conventional machine tool. The second case study concerns the development of a numerical control for a reconfigurable micro machine tool. Both cases showed the feasibility of using this numerical control generator based-on low cost software.
Advanced industrial automation system can be monitored and controlled by real time situation is more useful than other formal systems in the sector of industrial life. Distributed Control System (DCS) is more popular than any other control systems in the modern industrial processes. This research leads to "Real Time Graphical User Interface Monitoring System" for Micro-Factory. The current research project is based on the construction of DCS based Micro-factory. The Industrial Local Area Network (LAN) is built between the server for the operator and the clients for the two robots control and only one CNC milling machine. The client-server model is more suitable for this research. The existing DCS can be divided into two sections: the first one is cheap and inflexible control and the second one is expensive but it is flexible control system. This research leads to cheap and flexible distributed control system. In this research, the simulation of the whole process is described in realtime condition by using Visual Basic.Net programming under Visual Studio 2005 software. The parallel ports of Client computers and the controllers have been communicated with parallel port interface VB.Net program.
This paper presents a framework for developing applications based on a Microchip PIC microcontroller (μC). Consisting of hardware and software tools it supports the development and transfer of program code from a personal computer to the microcontroller, and evaluation of its execution on rapid prototyping hardware. The first part of the paper focuses on hardware design, which is based on a modular approach, i.e. recomposed for the design of each application, in order to ensure maximum adaptability. The MPIC development system (MPICds) thus consists of a programmer, a main board including adapters for a variety of chip packages, and plug-in modules. All these hardware components are designed so that they can be fabricated by any potential user. Selected microcontroller is programmed in the standard ICSP mode using one of the freely available PC programs. These are presented in the second part of the paper describing the software part of the framework, which besides programming tools also discusses the code development tools. The stress is given to the use of high-level tools, where the algorithms are described in the form of different graphical notations, i.e. block diagrams, instead in C or assembly code. Throughout the paper, a special attention is given to the use of framework in the electrical engineering education process. Besides giving some suggestions for the use at different educational levels, the emphasis is on the implication of contemporary design methods, and the hardware's robust design, which is deliberately planned in such a way that even an incorrect use cannot harm any of its components.
This paper presents a framework for developing applications based on a Microchip PIC microcontroller (μC). Consisting of hardware and software tools it supports the development and transfer of program code from a personal computer to the microcontroller, and evaluation of its execution on rapid prototyping hardware. The first part of the paper focuses on hardware design, which is based on a modular approach, i.e., recomposed for the design of each application, in order to ensure maximum adaptability. The MPIC development system (MPICds) thus consists of a programmer, a main board including adapters for a variety of chip packages, and plug-in modules. All these hardware components are designed so that they can be fabricated by any potential user. Selected microcontroller is programmed in the standard ICSP mode using one of the freely available PC programs. These are presented in the second part of the paper describing the software part of the framework, which besides programming tools also discusses the code development tools. The stress is given to the use of highlevel tools, where the algorithms are described in the form of different graphical notations, i.e., block diagrams, instead in C or assembly code. Throughout the paper, a special attention is given to the use of framework in the electrical engineering education process. Besides giving some suggestions for the use at different educational levels, the emphasis is on the implication of contemporary design methods, and the hardware's robust design, which is deliberately planned in such a way that even an incorrect use cannot harm any of its components.
Distributed Control System (DCS) is more popular than any other control systems in the modern industrial processes. This research aims to develop “Real Time Graphical User Interface Monitoring System†for Industrial Automation. The current research project is based on the construction of DCS based Vehicle Spare Parts Manufacturing Plant. The Industrial Local Area Network (LAN) is built between the server and the clients. The client-server model is used for this research because the datagram client program and datagram server program have been created by JAVA programming. This research focuses on cheap and flexible distributed control system. In this research, the simulation of the whole process is conducted in real-time condition by using Visual Basic.Net programming. Theparallel ports of Client computers and the controllers have been communicated with parallel port interface VB.Net program.
With the gradual promotion of Microsoft .NET platform, C# as an object-oriented programming language based on the platform has been widely used. Therefore, more attention is concentrated on how to achieve the communication between Panasonic PLC and PC efficiently and fast in C#.NET environment. In this paper, a method of using SerialPort control which could be used for achieving communication between PLC and PC is introduced. Meanwhile, the reason of abnormal thread when displayed the receiving data in form is analyzed and the programming method to solve the problem of thread safety is designed. Achieving the communication of Panasonic PLC and PC in C#.NET environment can give full play to the advantages of the .NET framework. It is practical, easy communication, high reliability and can combine with other measurement and calibration procedures effectively and conveniently. Configuration software is expensive and can only communicate with PLC separately, but these shortcomings can be solved in C#.NET environment. A well-designed user interface realized real-time monitoring of PLC parameters and achieved management and control integration. The experiment show that this method of data transfer is accurate and the program' running is stable.
Preface xv Chapter 2 This chapter describes various expansion systems which can be used to extend the I/O capability of the PC. These systems include the original Industry Standard Architecture 8-and 16-bit PC expansion bus, the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), and the PC/104 architecture. Representative expansion cards and bus configurations are discussed in some detail. The chapter concludes with a detailed examination of the Universal Serial Bus (USB). Chapter 3 This chapter is devoted to the facilities offered by the PC's operating system whether it be a basic DOS-based system or one operating under Windows 9x, NT, or XP. Each of the most popular MS-DOS commands is described and details are provided which should assist readers in creating batch files (which can be important in unattended systems which must be capable of initializing themselves and automatically executing an appropriate control program in the event of power failure) as well as executing and debugging programs using the MS-DOS debugger, DEBUG. The chapter also describes the facilities offered by the Windows operating system as a platform for the development and execution of control, instrumentation and data acquisition software. Chapter 4 Programming techniques are introduced in this chapter. This chapter is intended for those who may be developing programs for their own specialized applications and for whom no 'off-the-shelf-' software is available. The virtues of-modular and structured programming are stressed and various control structures are discussed in some detail. Some useful pointers are included for those who need to select a language for control, instrumentation and data acquisition applications. Chapter 5 This chapter deals with assembly language programming. The x86 instruction set is briefly explained and several representative assembly language routines written using the original Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) and its 32-bit reincarnation (MASM32) are included. Chapter 6 The BASIC programming language is introduced in this chapter. Generic BASIC programming techniques and control structures are introduced, and sample routines are provided in QBASIC, PowerBASIC, and the everpopular MS Visual BASIC. Chapter 7 This chapter is devoted to C and C++ programming. As with the two preceding chapters, this chapter aims to provide readers with a brief introduction to programming techniques and numerous examples are included taken from applications within the general field of control, instrumentation, and data acquisition. Chapter 8 The ever-popular IEEE-488 instrument bus is introduced in this chapter. A representative PC adapter card is described which allows a PC to be used as an IEEE-488 bus controller. Chapter 9 This chapter deals with the general principles of interfacing analogue and digital signals to PC expansion bus modules, analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion. A variety of sensors, transducers, and practical interface circuits have been included. Chapter 10 Virtual instruments can provide a flexible low-cost alternative to the need to have a variety of dedicated test instruments available. This chapter provides an introduction to virtual test instruments and describes, in detail, the use of a high-performance digital storage oscilloscope. Chapter 11 Commercial software packages are frequently used in industry to deal with specific data acquisition and instrumentation requirements. This chapter provides details of several of the most popular packages and has been xvi PC Based Instrumentation and Control designed to assist the newcomer in the selection of a package which will satisfy his or her needs. Chapter 12 The general procedure for selection and specification of system hardware and software is described in this chapter. Eight practical applications of PC-based data acquisition, instrumentation, and control are described in detail complete with specifications, circuit diagrams, screen shots and code where appropriate. Chapter 13 This chapter deals with reliability and fault tolerance. Basic quality procedures are described together with diagnostic and benchmarking software, and detailed fault-location charts. A glossary is included in Appendix A while Appendices B and C deal with fundamental SI units, multiples, and sub-multiples. A binary, hexadecimal, and ASCII conversion table appears in Appendix D. A further nine appendices provide additional reference information including an extensive list of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors, useful web sites and a bibliography. The third edition includes: • Updated information on PC hardware and bus systems (including PCI, PC/104 and USB). • A new chapter on PC instruments complete with examples of measurement and data logging applications. • An introduction to software development in a modern 32-bit environment with the latest software tools that make it possible for applications running in a Windows NT or Windows XP environment to access system I/O. • New sections on MASM32, C++, and Visual BASIC including examples of the use of visual programming languages and integrated development environments (IDE) for BASIC, assembly language and Visual Studio applications. • New sections on LabVIEW, DASYLab, Matlab with an updated section on DADiSP. • An expanded chapter with eight diverse PC applications described in detail. • A revised and expanded chapter on reliability and fault-finding including detailed fault-location charts, diagnostic and benchmarking software. • Considerably extended and updated reference information. • A companion web site with downloadable executables, source code, links to manufacturers and suppliers, and additional reference material. The companion website,, has a variety of additional Companion website resources including downloadable source code and executable programs. A visit to the site is highly recommended! This book is the end result of several thousand hours of research and development and I should like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all those, too numerous to mention, who have helped and assisted in its production. May it now be of benefit to many!
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