Transport as the factor of sustainable economic development

2010, Mpra Paper


One of the key elements in achieving sustainable economic development of the country is transport, including roads and other infrastructure. The strength and role of the services has grown in developed countries, but has brought a new investment cycle in countries of Balkan, including Kosovo. The transport sector is introduced to us as an economic branch, with a capacity to generate new jobs and possibilities for employment. The level of the destruction of environment is in direct link with the transport sector. Changes needed to be done in order that the transport sector would be able to respond on the demand of the domestic economy and society, but also be able to meet the standards that are implemented in Europe. The adjustment will have to be based on the resources country has, and possibilities to find the loans with accepted interest, that will finance the development of the sector. Introduction of the new approach to management will result with identification of all qualitative and quantitative dates' about the actual situation and the objectives for future.

Key takeaways

  • With the energy sector, transport system is the most important potential of Kosovo, as a driver of economic development, particularly in small and medium enterprises, which indirectly may have an important role in the process of creating new jobs and reduce unemployment.
  • Learning in the first place from neighbor countries as: Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and wider in Europe, analyzing their experience in the industry of Transports, Kosovo can make advanced steps in the way of transforming this economic activity in order to be able to attract investitures to invest in the transport resources already have and develop new one.
  • The Ministry has to negotiate the contract and be careful not involving other airport or airspace of country in concession, that will bring Kosovo to situation not being able to expand on this branch of transport.
  • So named Postal system that is present in Kosovo is similar to this one in region, which require adapting to requirements of surrounded postal systems.
  • Development of Kosovo among other factors is planned to be based on the development of the road network and sustainable transport system that is in the phase where we can say that a bit is done but the hard piece of the work still must be done and that is preparing and innovating a strategy for privatization, stabilization of ongoing projects on transports with the necessary actions on the regulation of the management systems on transport, and finding ways to define long term development strategy.