"The Risk Environment of Small-Nation Filmmaking"

2015, Small Cinemas in Transition


This chapter builds on the results of a collaborative, interdisciplinary project involving Toby Miller, Hamid Naficy, Faye Ginsburg, Rod Stoneman, Mike Pokorny, and John Sedgwick, among others. The purpose of the collaborative project, the results of which appear in the edited volume entitled Film and Risk, 1 is to demonstrate that thinking about risk provides an opportunity for further concept development in the area of Film Studies, and a means of deepening our understanding of a wide range of well-established topics, including cinematic authorship, film spectatorship, film festivals, film and cultural policy, and screen acting. My aim here is to explore the extent to which focusing on risk can help to sharpen ongoing debates about small-nation filmmaking. Part of the specificity of small-nation filmmaking, I believe, is that it is both "risk diverse" and "risk intensive", and this for reasons that are worth spelling out.