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Topçu Mülâzım-ı evvellerinden Bağdadlı Mehmed Muhiddin (Artillery Warrant Officer Mehmed Muhiddin from Baghdad) / Düvel-i Muhtelifenin Bu Def’a Kabul Etdiği Küçük Çaplı ve Mükerrer Ateşli Yeni Tüfenkler (New Small Diameter and Repeated Firearm Rifles which is Accepted at this Time by Various States) 1312 / 1896
Arms & Armour, 2020
The Martini-Henry and other Martini-action rifles have played an important part in the cultural, martial, and commercial histories of Afghanistan. The Martini-Henry was the first purpose-designed breechloading rifle adopted by the British military. Over the course of its lifespan, the Martini-Henry and its successors saw service in all corners of the British Empire, including Afghanistan and the neighbouring Northwest Frontier Province of British India. Afghan forces took quickly to the weapon. Copies of the Martini were produced in Afghanistan around the time of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880), imported from Great Britain in subsequent years, and finally industrially produced at the Kabul Arsenal from 1894. These rifles helped Afghanistan's emirs to put down rebellion and maintain control, before being turned back on the British during the Third Anglo-Afghan War of 1919. In recent years industrially-produced examples originating from Great Britain, Belgium, Austria, and from the Kabul Arsenal in Afghanistan-as well as craft-produced examples from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan-have proven popular mementos. Many of these are now held in private collections in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and elsewhere, often brought home by International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops and others who deployed to Afghanistan from 2001 onwards. Despite the popularity of Martini-type rifles purchased in Afghanistan, little has been written about the local history of these weapons. In this article, the authors aim to: present an overview of the history of the Martini-type rifle in Afghanistan; clearly articulate the models of Martini-type rifles produced in Afghanistan; explain how to
Tarih-i Esliha ve Zamân-ı Hâzırda Düvel-i Muhtelife Topçulukları, Cild-i Evvel / The History of Weapons and The Artillery of Various States’ in the Present Time, Vol.1., 1886
Atatürk Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi kayıtlarında yazar ismi Receb Rahmî olarak verilmiştir. Kitap kapağında ve mukaddime bölümünde yazar Ahmed Muhtar olarak görülmektedir. Detaylı bilgi için bkz. / In the records of Atatürk University Library, the name of the author is given as Receb Rahmi. The author is seen as Ahmed Muhtar on the cover of the book and in the introduction. For detailed information, see/ ; EK.1 Kitap Kapağı s. 9. 2 Okunamamıştır / It couldn't read. 3 İsim benzerliğinden dolayı zaman zaman Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Paşa ile karıştırılan Ahmet Muhtar Paşa'nın son rütbesi Ferik'tir. Kendisi Mekteb-i Harbîye'de Topçuluk başta olmak üzere silahlarla ilgili teknik dersler vermiştir. Aynı konularda kaleme aldığı eserlerin yanında birçok tercümeye de imza atmıştır. Bkz. / The last rank of Ahmet Muhtar Pasha, who is sometimes confused with Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Pasha due to the similarity of the name, is Ferik. He gave technical lectures on weapons, especially artillery, at the Military Academy. In addition to the works he wrote on the same subjects, he also interpreted many studies. For some samples of his publications see;
Proceedings of the Regional Conference Research, Preservation and Presentation of Banat Heritage: Current State and Long Term Strategy, Vršac, Serbia 17-19 November 2011, pp. 187-191., 2012
Encyclopaedia Iranica
1999 FIRE ALTARS-FIREARMS I. HISTORY 6t9 Ritual on Achaemenid Seals." in Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses fiir Kunst und Archc)ologie, Milnchen 1976, AMI Ergiinzungsband 6, Berlin, 1979, pp.218-26. G. A. pugadhenkova, ,,Un temple du feu dans le 'grand Soghd'," in F. Grenet, ed., C ult e s e t monume nt s r e I i g i e ux dans I' As ia c e ntral e prdislamique, Paris, 1987, pp. 53-72.
Şerefe. Studies in Honour of Prof. Géza Dávid on His Seventieth Birthday., 2019
“Firangi, Zarbzan, and Rum Dasturi: The Ottomans and the Diffusion of Firearms in Asia,” in Pál Fodor, Nándor E. Kovács and Benedek Péri eds., Şerefe. Studies in Honour of Prof. Géza Dávid on His Seventieth Birthday, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest: Research Center for the Humanities, 89–104.
Abstract: Persian manuscripts on firearms reveal valuable information on casting bronze cannons, using rockets in warfare, the function of howitzers, mortars and cannons, cannon formation, etc. The barrels of Persian muskets show a variety of beautiful patterns of welded steel. But there are almost no period Persian manuscripts which report about the making of these beautiful pattern welded steel barrels and also their corresponding names in Persian. There is one Persian manuscript titled Tārix-e Delgošā-ye Ewaz (The Delightful History of Ewaz) which provides valuable information on some types of welded steel patterns. The following article deals with the chapter on firearms in the mentioned manuscript.
NGSBA Archaeology, Volume 6, 2022
The bayonet found in Khirbet Sheikh Sa’ad belongs to a series issued by the German arms company “Mauser” in 1890. Bayonets of this type were common in the Ottoman army during the First World War. Based on the archaeological finds and the historical information regarding the battles in the area, it seems that the hill on which the site is located served as one of the Ottoman army’s strongholds in the eastern part of the Ottoman defense system along the Yarkon River. The site was taken on the night between the 20th and 21st of December 1917, in a campaign led by the 4th Battalion of the 155th Division of the British 52nd Brigade
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2009
A wide variety of handmade firearms have been involved in criminal cases in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Although they are often very similar to commercially manufactured firearms in terms of design, loading and locking mechanisms, and cocking and firing arrangements, these guns are constructed from cheap materials and are not safe for firing. Handmade firearms manufactured in the Black Sea region of Turkey, particularly in the city of Trabzon, are similar to pistols manufactured by Browning, Luger, Star, Smith and Wesson, Berretta, and MAB. A total of 201 handmade guns referred to the Criminal Police Laboratories for examination from 2003 to 2005 were evaluated with respect to type, number of barrels, size and caliber, rifling, design, mechanism, operability, legality, and similarity to commercial models. We found that most of these handmade guns resembled commercial models in several aspects.
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Small Arms Defense Journal, 2018
Golden Horde Review (Zolotoordynskoe Obozrenie), 2023
A History of INNOVATION U.S. Army Adaptation in War and Peace, 2009
Journal of Forensic …, 2009
in Venturi, Federica and Travers, Alice (eds), Defence and Offence: Armour and Weapons in Tibetan Culture, Special Issue of theAnnali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale, 2021
Cultural Encounters in the Ottoman World and Their Reflections: Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Filiz Yenisehirlioglu,, 2017
Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, Fasciculus XXV, 2012