Kompleksowe leczenie alergicznego nieżytu nosa

Allergic rhinitis represents global health problems for all age groups. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Poland has dramatically increased in the past two decades. Rhinitis symptoms; congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal pruritis, can significantly affect the quality of life. Last years has seen the development of a number of guidelines and position papers on the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Nonquestionable advantage of intranasal glucocorticosteroids is their strong anti-inflammatory local action and little impact on general health. According to PoSLeNN and ARIA 2010 recommendations intranasal corticosteroids are considered the first line drugs for moderate and severity intermittent and all stages of persistent allergic rhinitis. Though in everyday practice it seems advantageous to use more than one group of medicines at the same time in order to treat allergic rhinitis comprehensively, especially in patients with severe symptoms or polymorphous allergy.