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Wireless sensor network is more prone to adversary compare to common wireless network. This is due to the nature of wireless sensor network that encompasses many nodes, thus making the system more vulnerable. Another reason is the nature of wireless sensor network as an ad-hoc network, making it having no hierarchal structure, complicating management tasks. Deploying new technology without security in mind has often proved to be unreasonably dangerous. One of the most fundamental rights in a "healthy" society is the right of every citizen to be left alone. Article 12 of the U.N, Universal Announcement of Human Rights, states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence.", in genuineness, though this right is more and more being trod upon, along with undreamed of comforts and amenities for the population in common. The digital riot has made it possible to gather as well as store facts about human performance on a considerable scale. We leave electronic routes everywhere we go, routes that are being watched, analyzed and sold without our knowledge or even control. With this Security and Confidentiality solutions are mandatory aspects when developing new pervasive technologies such as wireless sensor networks (WSN). This paper analyses the security issues, threats and attacks and requirements of wireless sensor networks. This paper further proposes security framework and security architecture to integrate existing technologies with WSN technology, to provide secure and private communications to its users.
Wireless Sensor Network Security , 2019
This thesis explores security issues in wireless sensor networks security (WSNs), it is vital that the Sensor network technologies involved become sufficiently mature and robust against Malicious attack to be trustworthy. The inclusion of wireless communication technology also incurs various types of security threats. The intent of this paper is to investigate the security related issues, the challenges and to propose some solutions to secure the WSN against these security threats. While the set of challenges in sensor networks are diverse, this paper focus only on the challenges related to the security of Wireless Sensor Network. This paper begins by introducing the concept of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The introductory section gives brief information on the WSN components and its architecture. Then it deals with some of the major security issues over wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper also proposes some of the security goal for Wireless Sensor Network. Further, as security being vital to the acceptance and use of sensor networks for many applications; I have made an in depth threat analysis of Wireless Sensor Network. Lastly it proposes some security mechanisms against these threats in Wireless Sensor Network.
NCCSIGMA-16, 2016
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is promising topic of technical, social, and economic importance. The sensing technology combined with processing power and wireless communication makes it rewarding for being exploited great quantity in future. The inclusion of wireless communication technology also incurs various types of security threats. Meanwhile, supplying privacy and security is an inseparable part of this technology. Without providing enough security, the promising benefits of this flourishing technology will be misused and worthless. In this paper we investigate the security related issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks. We identify the security threats, review proposed security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks. We also discuss the holistic view of security for ensuring layered and robust security in wireless sensor networks.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has a huge range of applications such as battlefield, surveillance, emergency rescue operation and smart home technology etc. Apart from its inherent constraints such as limited memory and energy resources, when deployed in hostile environmental conditions, the sensor nodes are vulnerable to physical capture and other security constraints. These constraints put security as a major challenge for the researchers in the field of computer networking. This paper reflects various issues and challenges related to security of WSN, its security architecture. The paper also provides a discussion on various security mechanisms deployed in WSN environment to overcome its security threats.
Communications of the ACM, 2004
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an emerging technology that shows great promise for various futuristic applications both for mass public and military. The sensing technology combined with processing power and wireless communication makes it lucrative for being exploited in abundance in future. The inclusion of wireless communication technology also incurs various types of security threats. The intent of this paper is to investigate the security related issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks. We identify the security threats, review proposed security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks. We also discuss the holistic view of security for ensuring layered and robust security in wireless sensor networks.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a rising technology that points out huge promise for several future applications for military & mass public. WSN are often deployed for collecting data from unachievable or adversary environment. Various application specific sensor network data collecting based protocols have been introduced in research literatures. However, Several kind of introduced algorithms have given small consideration to the security related issues The combination of sensing technology along with processing power & wireless communication builds it fruitful to be absorbed in ampleness in future. The wireless communication technology's inclusion also receives several kinds of security threats. The purpose of this dissertation is to find out the security related issues over WSN [1]). we have discovered common security threats in WSN and build an pervasive study to extensive study to classify available data collecting protocols and examine possible security threats on them. We identify common requirements of security, security threats, intrusion system detection, target localization & key distribution schemes are introduced. In order to facilitate applications that need packet distribution from one or more senders to plenty , provisioning security in cluster interaction is shown as a terrifically & challenging aim. Introduced issues are important for futuristic wireless sensor network's implementation. The objective of this article is to find out the security issues for coming generation wireless sensor networks and discuss the vital parameters that need pervasive investigations. We have discovered common security threats in WSN and build an pervasive study to extensive study to classify available data collecting protocols and examine possible security threats on them. We identify common requirements of security, security threats, intrusion system detection, target localization & key distribution schemes are introduced.
Our civilization has entered an era of big data networking. Massive amounts of data is being converted into bits for transmitting over the Internet and shared all over the world every second. The concept of “smart” devices has conquered preconceived notions of daily routines. Smartphones and wearable device technologies have made humans to be continuously interconnected, making distance a factor of no limitation. “Smart” systems are based on a single concept called the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a web of wirelessly networked devices embedded with electronic components and sensors that monitors physical and environmental conditions and acquires data to be shared with other systems. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a combination of hardware and software network that uses a system of sensors to detect physical phenomena. WSN is being widely used in industrial and consumer applications. Privacy is a key factor of WSN, it is imperative to secure data that is used, transmitted, or s...
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a recent advanced technology of computer networks and electronics. The WSN increasingly becoming more practicable solution to many challenging applications. The sensor networks depend upon the sensed data, which may depend upon the application. One of the major applications of the sensor networks is in military. So security is the greatest concern to deploy sensor network such hostile unattended environments, monitoring real world applications. But the limitations and inherent constraints of the sensor nodes does not support the existing traditional security mechanisms in WSN. Now the present research is mainly concentrated on providing security mechanism in sensor networks. In this context, security aspects of the sensor networks like requirements, classifications, and type of attacks etc., is analyzed in this survey paper.
Wireless sensor networks are comprised of large numbers of resource-constrained and wirelessly communicating computing devices. Advances in computing and communication technology have made it possible to integrate sensing capabilities, wireless communication interfaces, and microprocessors into tiny devices that allow to embed compuational power in arbitrary environments. The applications of wireless sensor networks range from surveillance and environmental monitoring to healthcare and the provisioning of context information for computing applications. Many of these applications have a direct impact on the welfare of human beings or are of high economic significance. Security breaches might lead to grave consequences, so it is important to protect wireless sensor networks against such threats.
- In this paper, a survey on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and their technology, standards, prototype and applications was carried out. A wireless sensor network consists of thousands of inexpensive miniature devices capable of computation, communication and sensing. It provides a bridge between both the real and virtual worlds. Allow the ability to observe the previously non-observable at a fine resolution over large spatio-temporal scales. Have a wide range of potential applications to agriculture, health, transport system, disaster detection, and defence. This paper supports the difficulties of operating such sensor network in the most hostile environments. Although the measurements and analysis demonstrated that control deployment was possible to some extent.
Communications and Network, 2015
The confluence of cheap wireless communication, sensing and computation has produced a new group of smart devices and by using thousands of these kind of devices in self-organizing networks has formed a new technology that is called wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs use sensor nodes that placed in open areas or in public places and with a huge number that creates many problems for the researchers and network designer, for giving an appropriate design for the wireless network. The problems are security, routing of data and processing of large amount of data etc. This paper describes the types of WSNs and the possible solutions for tackling the listed problems and solution of many other problems. This paper will deliver the knowledge about the WSN and types with literature review so that a person can get more knowledge about this emerging field.
2012 National Days of Network Security and Systems, 2012
Computing Research Repository, 2007
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences