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2017, Turner, Bryan S. (ed.) (2017). The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Chichester, UK: Jon Wiley & Sons.…
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In the context of evaluating the empirical adequacy of scientific theories and hypotheses, the term ‘falsification’ denotes having obtained a negative result when testing a comparatively more theoretical prediction against more observational data. The falsifiability and the empirical adequacy of hypotheses and theories remain central goals in all empirical sciences. Since falsification always pertains to directly confronting an applied theoretical hypothesis with data, to bring a falsification about ever presupposes the trustworthiness of various background assumptions.
Sage Research Methods Foundations, 2020
This PDF has been generated from SAGE Research Methods. "Falsification" is an approach to empirical research, in the natural and social sciences, which is based on the view that we know the world through fallible theories that can be currently supported or disproved by the data but never proved. The concept of "falsification" played a key role in debates about the philosophy and methodology of the natural sciences and the social sciences. The term was coined by Karl Popper who developed the concept of falsification as part of his rejection of the logical positivism of the Vienna Circle. Logical positivism dominated debates about the philosophy of the natural sciences during its heyday in the 1920s and 1930s. Popper's Logik der Forschung, which set out his case against logical positivism and for falsificationism, was published in 1934 and translated into English as The Logic of Scientific Discovery in 1959. Popper used his commitment to falsification to develop his critique of psychoanalysis and Marxism, set out in The Open Society and Its Enemies, written during World War 2 and first published in 1945 (in two volumes), and The Poverty of Historicism, first published in 1957. Some quantitative social scientists, such as John Goldthorpe, argued that a scientific social science needed to develop causal explanations using statistics combined with a falsificationist method for theory testing. This entry outlines the key points of logical positivism and then explains how Popper set his methodological arguments for falsificationism against these. The application of Popper's method of falsification to contemporary quantitative social science is then addressed. Finally, some of the major criticisms of falsification are discussed.
A scientific theory, according to Popper, can be legitimately saved from falsification by introducing an auxiliary hypothesis to generate new, falsifiable predictions. Also, if there are suspicions of bias or error, the researchers might introduce an auxiliary falsifiable hypothesis that would allow testing. But this technique can not solve the problem in general, because any auxiliary hypothesis can be challenged in the same way, ad infinitum. To solve this regression, Popper introduces the idea of a basic statement, an empirical statement that can be used both to determine whether a given theory is falsifiable and, if necessary, to corroborate falsification assumptions. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22162.09923
Popper proposed falsificationism as a solution to the problem of induction. What was that problem and how does falsificationism purport to solve it? Is it a plausible solution? Falsificationism, sometimes called critical empiricism is a branch of the critical rationalism in philosophy of science. It was originally advanced by Karl R. Popper, an Austrian-British philosopher and philosopher of science and is a further development of two fundamental problems in epistemology, which he describes in his main work “The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1959)”. One of the two problems is the so-called “Hume’s problem of induction”, the question of the validity or the grounds of the general propositions of empirical science, especially the laws of nature. Although the problem of induction was formulated in empiricism, it is a problem of all philosophies or sciences that permit inductive inferences as proof procedures. It is a modern variant of nominalism, which denies the reasonable orders of rationalism, but also based on measurements generalizations of science, an observer-independent reality.
The delimitation between science and pseudoscience is part of the more general task of determining which beliefs are epistemologically justified. Standards for demarcation may vary by domain, but several basic principles are universally accepted. Karl Popper proposed falsifiability as an important criterion in distinguishing between science and pseudoscience. He argues that verification and confirmation can play no role in formulating a satisfactory criterion of demarcation. Instead, it proposes that scientific theories be distinguished from non-scientific theories by testable claims that future observations might reveal to be false. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29821.61926
Journal for General Philosophy of Science - Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 1977
In two articles Friedrich Rapp argues that there is a methodological symmetry between falsification and verification in contradistinction to the logical asymmetry that obtains between them. (The Methodological Symmetry-between Verification and Falsification,
Popper's supporters argued that most criticism is based on an incomprehensible interpretation of his ideas. They argue that Popper should not be interpreted as meaning that falsifiability is a sufficient condition for the demarcation of science. Some passages seem to suggest that he considers it is only a necessary condition. (Feleppa 1990, 142) Other passages would suggest that for a theory to be scientific, Popper requires (besides falsifiability) other tests, and that negative test results are accepted. (Cioffi 1985, 14-16) A demarcation criterion based on falsifiability that includes these elements will avoid the most obvious counter-arguments of a criterion based on falsifiability alone. brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
Thomas Kuhn criticized falsifiability because it characterized "the entire scientific enterprise in terms that apply only to its occasional revolutionary parts," and it cannot be generalized. In Kuhn's view, a delimitation criterion must refer to the functioning of normal science. Kuhn objects to Popper's entire theory and excludes any possibility of rational reconstruction of the development of science. Imre Lakatos said that if a theory is scientific or non-scientific, it can be determined independently of the facts.He proposed a modification of Popper's criterion, which he called "sophisticated (methodological) falsification". DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30572.82568
Family Process, 1988
lacing a great value upon the conduction of empirical tests for validating the practicality of abstract theories and statements, Popper grounds his line of
In this essay, I argue that falsificationism does not provide an adequate demarcation between science and non-science. Such inadequacy will be elaborated by examining a modus tollens argument in favour of falsificationism and the limitations of falsificationism itself.
The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 2015
Confirmation and falsification are different strategies for testing theories and characterizing the outcomes of those tests. Roughly speaking, confirmation is the act of using evidence or reason to verify or certify that a statement is true, definite, or approximately true, whereas falsification is the act of classifying a statement as false in the light of observation reports. After expounding the intellectual history behind confirmation and falsificationism, reaching back to Plato and Aristotle, I survey some of the main controversial issues and arguments that pertain to the choice between these strategies: the Raven Paradox, the Duhem/Quine problem and the Grue Paradox. Finally, I outline an evolutionary criticism of inductive Bayesian approaches based on my assumption of doxastic involuntarism.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1982
A disturbing feature in science is the frequent emphasis on verification of popular theories rather than on falsification of hypotheses. As Dayton and Oliver (1980) stressed recently "The verification of ideas may be the most treacherous trap in science, as counterexamples are overlooked , alternate hypotheses brushed aside, and existing paradigms manicured. The successful advance of science and the proper use of experimentation depend upon rigorous attempts to falsify hypotheses." While all disciplines of science suffer from this problem, the reliance of behavioral research on observational techniques requires that one exercise extreme caution in data interpretation. To avoid compromising the conclusions of field and laboratory studies, it is necessary to test rigorously alternative hypotheses and to rely on valid statistical techniques. In his recent review of a 1981 paper by Itagaki and Thorp, Rose (1982) concluded that the earlier paper contained "... misconceptions concerning the nature of pheromones and intraspecific communication and misinterpretations of results within the paper." From our perspective the only potentially significant criticism concerned our general approach in evaluating experimental results. The opposite approach advocated at least de facto by Rose is illustrative of the problem mentioned previously. The specific criticisms by Rose and our opposite approaches to data interpretation are discussed below. Although theoretically it takes only one case to reject a "properly framed" hypothesis, one must be sure that the results of a test are real (with regard to type I errors), exclusive of alternative hypotheses, and directly applicable to the overall question. The overall null hypothesis (H0) in our study was that long-distance chemical communication of sexual identity, agonistic state, and stress condition does not occur among adult crayfish. To falsify the overall null hypothesis, it was necessary to show that (1) statistically significant results led to rejection of H0, (2) these results were consistent with other data, and (3) the data were not equally well explained by alternative hypotheses. Two alternative hypotheses were that (1) the number of I073
Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 2009
Biology is generally accepted as a mainstream scientific discipline. However, philosophers of science have questioned the scientific method applied in biological sciences, specifically in evolutionary biology, ever since Karl Popper formulated his principle of falsification. Thus the only major theory in biology, Darwin's theory of evolution, was referred to by Popper as a metaphysical programme. He contended that the theory of evolution is a tautology and laws (if any) in the biological sciences should be unrestricted and universal. As biologists since then have pointed out, biology is a unique science, which requires unique methods to explain its phenomena. The principle of falsification and its application to biological sciences, the uniqueness of biology as a science necessitating different and equally valid scientific methods are discussed.
Falsificationism presents a normative theory of scientific methodology; Scientists put forward hypotheses or systems of theories and test them through experience via experimentation (Popper, 2002: 3). Falsifiability for Popper is the criterion for scientific statements to be classed as empirical, while falsification denotes the requirements necessary for a theory to be classed as falsified i.e. if we accept a statement that contradicts the statements of the theory (Popper, 2002: 66). Falsificationism thus identifies normative science and what the limits are to research, and the demarcating line between science and non-science (Ladyman, 2001: 62) (Popper, 2001a: 295). This essay will proceed as follows; (1) firstly, Popper’s Falsificationism’s strengths as a theory of scientific method will be explained and evaluated in comparison to (2) the impact of Kuhn’s theory of paradigm shifts, (3) Lakatos’ falsificationism (scientific research programmes), and (4) Feyerabends rejection of scientific method. Overall, (1) Popper’s theory falls victim to (2) Kuhn’s account, but the debate thus becomes between (3) Lakatos and the rejection of method via (4) Feyerabend, concluding with an interpretation of falsificationism as succumbing to Feyerabendian considerations
In empirical sciences, one of the best-known measures for a theory's strength is its falsifiability. This principle, originally introduced by philosopher Karl Popper (1902–1994), holds that good theories make bold and empirically testable claims that survive repeated attempts of falsification, i.e., attempts to prove that a theory is invalid. According to Popper, scientific progress requires provisional falsifi- able theories and their refutations that show where the existing theories need to be corrected. This is not, however, how majority of research in Information Systems Science appears to operate. Instead, much research follows an inductivist approach where researchers attempt to extend theories to new domains and obtain positive empirical confirmation. Such research, however, is weaker than falsifica- tion in terms of validation. We exemplify this research practice by tracing the history of IS use model development and by presenting examples of studies that suggest how falsification can be applied in IS research to examine existing theories’ boundary conditions. We summarize this essay by suggesting how falsification can be integrated fruitfully into replication and comparison studies.
In this article, an original philosophy of science describes both a symmetry and a synthesis of the methods for the verification and falsification of a theory of science. The basic concepts of this extended approach to the philosophy of science involve a distinct validation process, scientific proofs, a many-valued logic termed, U4, new terminology and basic probabilities associated with new terms that will be outlined in this article. This method can already be found applied internationally for the philosophy of science, especially in regard to physics.
Mathematical and Computational Forestry Natural Resource Sciences, 2010
The reason that Professor Zeide (Zeide, 2010) objects so strongly with Popper's falsification view of scientific theory ) is because Professor Popper and Professor Zeide are defining, interpreting and using the terms "induction", "verification" and "falsification" in different ways: they have different ontologies and metadata. There are many possible types of "induction" (logical, empirical-scientific, statistical, mathematical (which deductive, not inductive) ...etc.) but Professor Zeide seems to be defining (by usage) an "induction" I do not recognise, and seems not that of . Consider the certain demonstration that a particular swan is black (let us assume the bird is a bird and not a fish, it a swan and not a goose, or ugly duckling) by examining every feather (and assume a black swan is defined in terms of its feather colours). This is NOT "verification" in the inductive sense, as used by Popper (1968), or Hume (1748) or the ancient Greeks (e.g. Sextus Empiricus , 200), even though the word may be used in this way in colloquial English language (validate: "to prove that something is true", OED(2010)). "Inductive verification" is only meaningful in relation to the general assertion "all swans are white", which is posited as a result of induction from a number of particular cases of swans being white. Also, Popper (1968) is referring to general empirical-scientific theories when he says we can never be certain of the truth of scientific theories, the same point made about any logical induction by Hume (1748). Examples of such theories are Newton's and Einstein's theories of inertial motion and gravitation; the steady state and big-bang models of the universe; quantum mechanics; dark matter and dark energy. History confirms that we cannot be certain of the absolute truth of these grand theories. However, this does not mean we cannot be (reasonably) certain of simple empirical laws, like Boyle's law for gases, or Reineker's or the 3//2 self thinning law for unthininned forests, since these are simple descriptive relationships of empirical data under specific conditions. However, these empirical descriptions should not be claimed to be "true", since the models are only descriptive, and may not work under extreme conditions. We may note that Aristotle (350BC) believed induction could prove a "truth", but he also considered empirical evidence unnecessary for proof of truth. Many empirical descriptive relations are fitted from sample data using statistical methods, and of course we cannot be sure of absolute truth of statistical estimates. In common sense terms most people
Philosophies, 2022
Popper argued that a statistical falsification required a prior methodological decision to regard sufficiently improbable events as ruled out. That suggestion has generated a number of fruitful approaches, but also a number of apparent paradoxes and ultimately, no clear consensus. It is still commonly claimed that, since random samples are logically consistent with all the statistical hypotheses on the table, falsification simply does not apply in realistic statistical settings. We claim that the situation is considerably improved if we ask a conceptually prior question: when should a statistical hypothesis be regarded as falsifiable. To that end we propose several different notions of statistical falsifiability and prove that, whichever definition we prefer, the same hypotheses turn out to be falsifiable. That shows that statistical falsifiability enjoys a kind of conceptual robustness. These notions of statistical falsifiability are arrived at by proposing statistical analogues to intuitive properties enjoyed by exemplary falsifiable hypotheses familiar from classical philosophy of science. That demonstrates that, to a large extent, this philosophical tradition was on the right conceptual track. Finally, we demonstrate that, under weak assumptions, the statistically falsifiable hypotheses correspond precisely to the closed sets in a standard topology on probability measures. That means that standard techniques from statistics and measure theory can be used to determine exactly which hypotheses are statistically falsifiable. In other words: the proposed notion of statistical falsifiability both answers to our conceptual demands and submits to standard mathematical techniques.
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