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In the beginning of this report the reader will find information on what is technological change and how it is implemented. There are three general categories of I.S. developments: infrastructure developments, software developments, and database developments.
The publication aim to examine the main trends and tendencies related to technological development with the help of the keyword search method. After an overview of related literature, a "mind-map" model was presented, each part of it was used as the focus subject of the keyword search. Based on a detailed review and evaluation of each keyword area, the paper attempts to explore key features and characteristics, using qualitative cluster analysis. Based on the conclusions and the results of the study, the framework of a comprehensive literature review research can be defined, in order to further examine the connections and correlations of technological development trends.
College & Research Libraries, 1988
This article addresses some problems associated with technological change. The author examines the nature of data and technology, organizations, and computer-mediated work. Concepts of sociotechnical systems design are related to library automation. Finally, a set of strategies for facilitating technological change is proposed. "It should be borne in mind that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, more doubtful of success, than to initiate a new order of things. "-Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Technovation, 1989
This paper is based on a series of case studies of technological change in large American manufacturing firms. The case studies were primarily concerned with human resource issues, i. e. changes in jobs and skills induced by advanced automation. This concern is normative as well as descriptive. Thus the paper makes a case for the following recommendations: (I) management should ensure the inclusion of human resource issues in the planning as well as in the implementation stages of factory automation, (2) coordination of training and retraining programs should be accorded as high a priority as the introduction of new equipment, and (3) management should be forthright about its plans concerning the introduction of advanced technology.
Wiley Series in Software Radio
The first part of this report examines the relationship of technological change to employment and work. After a L.-ief introduction, chapter 1 discusses new technology and labor productivity versus employment, emphasizing the effects of labor-saving machinery and changes in specific sectors of employment, such as electrical machinery, communications services, financial services, printing and publishing, and textiles and clothing. Chapter 2 looks at the effects of technological change on occupational structure and skills. Chapter 3 concerns coping with the effects of technological change on employment. The second part of the report looks at training for new technology. After an introduction, chapter 4 examines the issues involved in training under conditions of change and uncertainty. Chapter 5 discusses apprenticeship, project work, and "sandwich" courses that combine school-based programs with hands-on training. Chapter 6 gives a brief overview of four in-house training programs at Avionics, Corning Glass, Motorola, and Siemens. Chapter 7 gives an overview of technology training institutions that provide similar services for small and medium-sized companies in CONTENTS u PART 1 TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE. EMPLOYMENT AND WORK 10 Electrical machinery vs. overall engineering Postal and telecommunications services Financial services 12 Printing and publishing 12 Textiles and clothing 13 CHAPTER II. EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE ON OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE AND SKILLS 17 CHAPTER III. COPING WITH THE EMPLOYMENT EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE 19 Redeployment and related measures at firm level 21 Labour flexibility 22 Flexibility vs. security of employment: Striking a balance 23 Sharing the cost of the adjustment to technological change 24 Collective agreements and legislation on technological change and security of employment 24 Aims of training policies and programmes 25
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2011
Technologies are a main source for the innovative evolvement of innovative products in small and medium enterprises (SME). In addition, the implementation of other technologies in the company can enable SMEs to address new application fields. If new technologies and their potential are identified and implemented into the company in a strategically convenient way, it can cope with the continuously growing requirements of the markets and participate in global economic growth. However, most SMEs do not examine strategic matters. The SMEs are not informed of or are scared by the laborious process behind such a strategy. In many instances, companies do not have a clearly enunciated corporate strategy or a vision of the future on which the technology strategy can be elaborated. This paper introduces a methodology for a sustainable technology strategy based on competence management through a technology-function matrix. The methodology targets SMEs and their specific conditions. Different b...
Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2019
The study suggests a new definition of technology with a systemic-purposeful perspective: Technology here is a complex system of artifact, made and/or used by living systems, that is composed of more than one entity or subsystem and a relationship that holds between each entity and at least one other entity in the system, selected considering practical, technical and economic characteristics, to satisfy needs, achieve goals and/or solve problems of users for the purpose of adaptation and/or survival in environment. Technology is formed and evolves with different minor and major innovations. Several examples illustrate these concepts and a simple model operationalizes the proposed definition with a preliminary statistical evidence. Overall, then, technology changes current modes of cognition and action to enable makers and/or users to take advantage of important opportunities or to cope with consequential environmental threats.
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2020
Technological evolution is widely thought to be the primary process that brings about economic growth. It is one of the main targets of evolutionary economics, but how technological change induces economic growth has remained unexplained. Based on the new theory of value, this paper explains how technological change leads to long-run improvement in real wage rates and income per capita. Section 2 gives a brief overview of the new theory and presents two theorems (minimal price and the convergence theorem) that afford the basis of analyses in Sections 4 and 5. Before these, Section 3 compares two price systems, traditional and new, and compares efficiency from two points of view. Traditionally economics with equilibrium has been concerned with those conditions that provide allocative efficiency. However, technological evolution comprises a series of half-blind selections of 'better' production techniques and exhibits another kind of efficiency that can be named dynamic efficiency. The latter is more important than the former. Allocative efficiency is self-destructive, while dynamic efficiency is cumulative in its effects. Section 4 shows how technological change works cumulatively and how it leads to real wage increases and income per capita. Section 5 shows that the new theory can explain the emergence and growth of global value supply chains as a part of technology choice arising through international trade. This paper is mainly focused on supply-side theory, while problems concerning the demand side are considered in Section 6. Section 7 concludes.
Technology is an engineering concept explaining the current state of pruduction structure, It has to do with the relationşhip betvveen factors and output in a production process över time. It is not a concrete variable to measure readily. It has never been a crucial matter with some exceptions, such as K.Marx and J. Schumpeter, in the history of economic theory; i.e., it is a sort of "black box” and needs to be taken as "given”. It has different stages and takes place in different forms depending on the size of the c.hange and environment vvhere it is applied for. When the changes and diffusions of technologies emerge, they become clusters of technological change, and, affect the whole social and economic structure of the nations. Thus, economists today can not ignore vvhat is going on with the changes in technology; because, it is changing our daily life, so we have to consider it. To help that purpose, this study first generally analysis technogical change in detail in different perspectives - process of technological change, vvhether it is embodied or disembodied, neutrality of it, measurement of it and taxonoıny of it - and second, discusses the new techno- economic paradigm which is defined as the recent advancements in technology.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2006
This paper develops and assesses a broad functional category approach to arriving at metrics for assessing technological progress. The approach is applied to three functional categories of information technologystorage, transportation and transformation by first building a 100 plus year database for each of the three functional categories. The results indicate generally continuous progress for each functional category independent of the specific underlying technological artifacts dominating at different times. Thus, the empirical results reported in this study indicate that the functional category approach offers a more stable and reliable methodology for assessing longer time technological progress trends. Therefore, this approach offers the promise of being more useful in technological forecasting for largescale change even as its ability to forecast specific dominant technological trajectories has been compromised.
Henrik Bruun and Janne Hukkinen in their article 'Crossing Boundaries: An Integrative Framework for Studying Technological Change' are set to outline the contours of a comprehensive framework, composed of EE, SCOT, and ANT, to serve for the study of technological change. The authors analyse EE, SCOT, and ANT in terms of the connections between the three approaches and their potential to complement each other. According to them the value of such an integrative framework is that it helps students of technology to choose research approaches. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the validity of using such a integrative framework as a tool for history of design studies.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2001
This paper presents an example of a less known socially appropriate approach for managing technological change that is able to empower individuals, teams and even larger social groups to become more competent in coping with changes and consequent social instabilities brought about by the introduction of new technology. An original approach and methodology, both called COPIS, are shortly described that can serve for teaching people the required Change-Management knowledge in the fonn of typical workshops and through performing practical projects. The reported approach has been successfully used in the post-socialist countries of the Balkan region.
Journal of Tertiary Education Administration, 1986
Committee has sought to introduce technological change in a rapid and controlled manner over the last five years. As an expert computer scientist, Professor Sale will also discuss future developments in information technology and its likely impact on tertiary institutions in the coming decade.
Word Count: 5,616 Technology evolution refers to changes in production processes or institutional arrangements that make it possible with a fixed set of resources to produce either (1) a greater quantity of a given product or service or (2) to produce new or qualitatively superior products or services. Technology evolution is the primary cause of rising living standards in modern economies, and the divergence of technological capabilities across countries is the chief reason for international differences in living ...
Economics Letters, 1987
This paper presents a new method for testing for technological change. The innovation here is the introduction of a production function which is sufficiently flexible to detect the change. The production function is assumed to be a function not only of the relevant inputs but also of technology-changing parameters.
The introduction of new process technologies can cause significant disruption to ongoing operations. This paper examines the sources of such disruption and attempts to identify organizational response mechanisms effective in countering them. To better understand the nature of organizational tasks involved, two distinct characteristics of technological change -technical complexity and systemic shift -are identified. Results from a study of 48 new process introduction projects suggest that these characteristics are associated with the duration of disruption experienced. Traditional economic measures of project scope are shown to be relatively poor indicators of disruptive potential. Further, the organization's response to the introduction, both before and after physical installation of the new equipment, is an important determinant of project success in terms of both disruption experienced and operating gains achieved. However, evidence is presented to indicate that different kind...
The purpose of this research paper is to understand technological change that had taken place in the higher education institution when the record management software was upgraded to the newer version. This paper involves the literature of change management principles including Kurt Lewin change model, Kotter eight steps to transforming organisation, behavioural change, and force field analysis. These principles are being applied while analysing the case study of British University in Dubai upgrade of record management software. The findings through analysis show the widest gap that exists between the forces of changes and the appropriate action plan to make the changes work for better. The stages of changes are explained in detail during the transitional period of time. The university can adapt the study in order to understand what went wrong and apply the recommendation to successfully complete the transition process of software upgrade. Several methodologies were applied in this paper including primary quality research where the researcher interviewed the staff members of The British University in Dubai in particular the Head of Student Administration to evaluate the changing pattern during the software upgradation. Also the literature review section was used to study and analyse change management principles.
Erkenntnis, 1989
Economic analysis has given rise to several conflicting accounts of technology and of the rate and directions of technological change. In this paper we examine some of the contrasting images of technology that have arisen in economics and we discuss some of the conceptual and methodological questions connected with the study of technological change (TC for short). We argue for a microeconomic approach in which TC is considered against the background of industrial, institutional and market structures. But we suggest that attempts to introduce into this framework cognitive models of scientific progress are doomed to failure, because of the fundamental differences between scientific and technological knowledge and the basic disanalogies between TC and scientific progress. In particular, we argue that the efforts of and others to treat technology and TC in a Kuhnian framework, by applying notions like technological paradigm, normal technology, and technological revolution, are misleading. By contrast, we hold that, given the influence of economic markets, industrial and institutional structures on the development of technology, it is more plausible to regard TC as a continuous and incremental process, rather than as suffering Kuhnian crises and revolutions. The paper is organised as follows. Section 1 introduces some basic concepts needed for the analysis of technological change. Section 2 contains some general remarks on technology in economics and reviews some of the main macroeconomic growth theories. In Section 3, we turn towards the more 'applied' perspective of microeconomic analysis, within the theory of the firm and industrial organisation, with emphasis on the recent work of Nelson and Winter (e.g., 1982). In Section 4 we deal with the conceptual relations between science and technology and the general question of the applicability of Kuhn's model of scientific change to TC. This serves as a basis for examining in Section 5 Dosi's approach to TC which embeds elements of Erkenntnis 30 (1989) 101-127. O 1989 by Kluwer Academic Publishers. M. R. DI NUCC1 PEARCE AND D. PEARCE microeconomic analysis within a Kuhnian conceptual framework. Lastly, in Section 6, we discuss what seems to be a basic principle governing TC which we call the principle of industrial-technological continuity. 1. TECHNOLOGY: The study of technology and technological change is a hybrid discipline that provides a natural meeting ground for philosophers, economists, sociologists and historians of the engineering and applied sciences. This is all to the good. Interdisciplinary research and the pooling of methods and expertise from different fields should lead to a better understanding of technological progress and its impact on society. Yet because of its hybrid nature, the study of technology is characterised by distinct and often contrasting research traditions. They diverge not only in their methodologies, but in their basic terminologies too. Even within a single discipline like economics, conceptual differences are striking, beginning with the notion of technology itself for which there is no universally accepted definition. Sometimes even compatible accounts of TC look very different from one another because they employ the concept of technology in a wider or narrower sense. Starting from the original meaning of technology as a body of knowledge about techniques, we can regard technological change as consisting of new knowledge about such techniques, and think of technological progress as comprising a special case of technological change. Following Freeman (1979), we distinguish technological from merely technical change, since the latter need not involve essentially new knowledge, but may refer simply to the adoption or diffusion of existing or improved techniques. 1 Borrowing a now standard classification first used by Schumpeter, TC can be analysed through the sequence invention -innovationdiffusion. The invention phase can be seen as related to the sphere of R&D. Research is directed at the enlargement of present knowledge and can be subdivided into basic and applied research. The stage of development deals with the application of research results (e.g., for the construction of prototypes and models), and should lead to an extension of the technical horizon, or of the technology, considered as the state of technical knowledge of an economy. The phase of innovation
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