Transgressing frontiers through the radicalization of pedagogy

The Radicalization of Pedagogy: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt


While anarchist geographies have a long tradition, albeit scattered and temporally diffuse, there has been a limited engagement within the notion that pedagogical concerns have a tremendous latent energy to spark the flames of a more emancipatory politics. Although there are some recent notable exceptions, where geographers have offered tremendously important interventions that help us think through the anarchist and autonomous spaces that can be procured in our educational practices, the connection to pedagogy within anarchist geographies has thus far been only partial at best. This incompleteness is surprising for two key reasons. The first is that anarchism more broadly takes pedagogy as a primary site of resistance and transgression, as it allows for and actively fosters the possibility of building a new world ‘in the shell of the old’. The second reason that the limited engagement of anarchist geographies with pedagogy is surprising is because education is absolutely central to the production of geographical knowledge, and particularly in the production of critical geographies. In this introductory chapter we set forth an argument that brings pedagogy to the center of our collective writing practice in an attempt to incubate, instill, and inspire a renewed desire for resistance against the dominating structures that condition our lives.