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Banyak keluhan yang dapat timbul di rongga mulut . Salah satunya keluhan mulut kering atau dalam dunia kedokteran disebut Xerostomia. Pada sebagian orang dapat mengetahui dan merasakan bahwa mulutnya terasa kering , sedangkan pada sebagian orang lainnya tidak mengetahui atau merasakan dirinya mengalami xerostomia. Xerostomia merupakan problem yang dapat ditemukan dan mengenai jutaan penduduk di dunia pada semua usia.
Saliva is a complex oral secretion, which producd by major and minor salivary glans about 1.5 liters in 24 hours. In the oral cavity, saliva has several important functions include cleansing action, lubrication, facilitates for chewing and swallowing, food, speaking, buffer system.protecting teeth and a paart of mucosal immune system. These functions will be optimum if salivary secretion produced in normal quantitiy and quality. When salivary flow is diminished, it may express disorder in the form of xerostomia or oral dryness. Several factors can contribute as causing this condition, such as radiation to head and neck region, local diseases that affect salivary gland, systemic diseases, side effect of drugs and age. There are many problems usually presented by patients with xerostomia. These problems reflect the major funcitonal roles of saliva. So, the dentist must know the management of xerostomic patients, that aimed at elimination of the etiology of xerostomia, clinical manifes...
E Gigi, 2014
Xerostomia is a symptom of subjective perception of dry mouth, generally associated with reduced salivary flow. This was a descriptive study that aimed to determine the profile of xerostomia among the community in Kembuan village, North Tondano. There were 83 samples obtained by using purposive sampling technique. Data were obtained by questionnaire and examination of salivary flow of the respondents. The results showed that there were 33 respondents with xerostomia. Females were 18 respondents meanwhile males were 15 respondents. The age group 61-70 years consisted of 15 respondents showed the highest percentage 45.45%. Diabetes mellitus is found in 11 respondents (78.57%). Antihypertensive agents were the most common drugs that were used by the respondents (38.46%). Conclusion: In Kembuan village, North Tondano, xerostomia was more frequent among the groups: age 61-70 years, females, suffering from diabetes mellitus, and using anti hypertensive agents
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
In general annoyance of noise appears after many years of exposure. The speeds of disturbance depend on level of noise, impulsive component and duration of exposure, personal sensitivity that unknown characteristic. Noise belonging to acute stress needs short period to occur different from sorrow that takes long period. Stress will activate the regulator nerve and maintain intern environment to creates the homeostasis. Stress condition in long period will influence hormonal system, autonomic system until the exhaustion stadium and a few emotional expressive will be fixed for example dry mouth. Stress will also influence immune system so it is not effective to destroy the virus, microorganism and irregular cell that finally cause oral diseases.
Sterokimia merupakan studi tentang struktur tiga dimensi molekul yang mencakup tiga aspek yaitu isomer, geometri, konformasi dan kiralitas molekul. Ketiga aspek tersebut merupakan landasan untuk memahami struktur dan reaktivitas senyawa.
Makassar Dental Journal
Introduction: Xerostomia is a dry mouth condition caused by many factors, including the potential of neuroinvasiveness and neurotropism from severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov-2). Tetanus causes muscle spasm, rigidity, and also as a risk factor for xerostomia. Objective: To discuss the pathogenesis of xerostomia in patients with coronavirus di-sease-2019 (Covid-19) and tetanus. Case: A 66-year-old male was referred to Oral Medicine Department from Neurology De-partment. Extraoral showed dry and exfoliative lips. Intraoral showed one finger mouth opening, a brownish plaque in dorsum of tongue, no saliva pooling in floor of mouth. Polymerase chain reaction SARS-Cov-2 was positive. Patient was diagnosed with xerostomia. Management: Cleaning the oral cavity with gauze moistened of 0.9% NaCl and 0.12% chlorhexidine diglu-conate, and applying the vaseline album on lips. Conclusion: The pathogenesis of xerostomia is an important factor as po-tential consequence of pa...
Insisiva Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva, 2017
Introduction: Xerostomia, commonly referred to as dry mouth syndrome, is a result of reduced or absent salivary flow producing mucosal dryness. Patient with xerostomia report symptoms such as mucosal dryness, burning sensation, oral discomforts, alterations in taste, and swallowing become more difficult, the lips are often dry with cracking, peeling, and atrophy. The use of drugs most often caused xerostomia. Several classes of used drugs can cause xerostomia, including antidepressants, anticholinergics, antispasmodics, antihistamines, antihypertensives, sedatives, diuretics, and dan bronchodilators. One of that drugs can causexerostomia is amlodipine as an antihypertensive drug, a class of Calcium channel blockers (CCBs). Objective: to report management of xerostomia caused by the use of amlodipine. Case: 55-year-old female patient came with complaints of dry mouth, thick saliva and difficult to swallow since five months ago. Patients went to the dentist in hospital then the dentist scaling her teeth but complaints have not improved. Patients returned to the dentist in hospital 2 months ago and then the patient was referred to the Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Airlangga. The patient had a history of hypertension and taking amlodipine 5 mg once daily since 2 years ago. Sialometry test showed foamy saliva that count 0.03 ml/min. Management: Given chlorine dioxide mouthwash, dry mouth gel, and chewing sugar free gum contain xilitol. Conclusion: management of xerostomia can be done with the use of chlorine dioxide mouthwash and dry mouth gel that can reduce dry mouth symptoms.
Introduction: CKD patients with regular hemodialysis at the Undata Palu Regional General Hospital were also found to have xerostomia. Aims: To identify xerostomia, salivary flow rate and salivary pH in patients undergo hemodialysis in RSUD Undata, Palu. Methods: Fifty patients who undergo hemodialysis were included for a cross-sectional study. Xerostomia was assessed by the Summated Xerostomia Inventory-Dutch version (SXI-D), salivary flow rate used spitting method and salivary pH used pH strips paper. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Results: Based on the characteristics of respondents who experienced xerostomia, the majority were 46-56 years old, male sex, worked as IRT and PNS, had basic to secondary education and used special medicine and xerostomia were in the moderate to severe category, mean saliva flow rate of 6 ml/minute while the saliva pH is at pH 6. Conclusion: In this study found in patients undergo hemodialysis experienced xerostomia characterized by a decre...
Saliva, which is necessary for oral homeostasis, oral function and maintenance of oral health, is very important for the quality of life. There are various oral complications related to xerostomia. Secretion of saliva and its composition are largely age independent in healthy people. Dry mouth complaint is common in elderly people as a result of a radiotherapy, medication use and systemic disorders. Diagnosis of hyposalivation is based on the patient's history and clinical examination. Salivary flow rates can be measured with sialometry. It is very important to elicit an accurate drug and family history. Current treatment approaches for mana-gement of xerostomia are directed toward providing relief of symptoms and resulting complications. In order to decide on the most effective way for the treatment of xerostomia in geriatric patients, well organized clinical studies are needed.
Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas segala limpahan Rahmat, Inayah, Taufik dan Hinayahnya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah ini dalam bentuk maupun isinya yang sangat sederhana. Semoga makalah ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai salah satu acuan, petunjuk maupun pedoman bagi pembaca. Harapan saya semoga makalah ini membantu menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagi para pembaca, sehingga saya dapat memperbaiki bentuk maupun isi makalah ini sehingga kedepannya dapat lebih baik.Makalah ini saya akui masih banyak kekurangan karena pengalaman yang saya miliki sangat kurang. Oleh kerena itu saya harapkan kepada para pembaca untuk memberikan masukan-masukan yang bersifat membangun untuk kesempurnaan makalah ini.
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JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Media Medika Muda, 2012
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi
Media Medika Muda, 2013
Media Kesehatan Gigi : Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar, 2019