Interferon-Alpha in Cardiac Erdheim-Chester Disease

2011, Journal of the American College of Cardiology


A n 80-year-old man, known for years to have chronic renal failure due to retroperitoneal fibrosis, was referred for worsening dyspnea. The cardiac magnetic resonance showed moderate pericardial effusion and a right atrial wall thickness of approximately 2 cm, sparing the fossa ovalis (A, Online Video 1). The poor contrast uptake of the atrial wall was suggestive for an infiltrative disease. Cardiac Erdheim-Chester disease, a non-Langherans cells histiocytosis, was confirmed by the finding of CD 68ϩ histiocytes on a previous perirenal tissue biopsy specimen (B, labeled in orange), and of the peculiar radiographic long bones osteosclerosis (C).