Voice Monitored Wheel Chair Control


People suffering from Parkinson's disease or from paralysis (paraplegia or quadriplegia) have the inability to move their limbs and other voluntary organs, they are dependent on someone's help to move around all the time and this makes them feel incapable and brings down their morale to survive. A solution to this becomes inevitably necessary in order to provide them with the necessary mobility and independence as they are inferior to nobody. The existing large scale manufactured versions of the wheelchair are either manually driven i.e. by the help another individual or hand driven. Paralyzed patients however do not have the ability to move their limbs but do possess the ability of speech which is the whole concept behind this voice driven wheelchair. The aim of this wheelchair is to provide a whole new platform of independent existence to these patients in the form a voice guided wheelchair. An implementation of the manufacture of this wheelchair on a large scale, the reduction of cost by simplicity in setting up and working. This will enable the wheelchair to be provided at an affordable price to the common man, this acted as another big driving force.

Key takeaways

  • Voice monitored system consists of a command microphone, intruder sensor, microcontroller, voice recognition system, lcd display, dc motor, power supply and H-bridge.
  • When the operation state is change to (01) and WAIT pin is ~ET it is ready to get voice input and then do the recognition process.
  • To select a register, you can use RS input pin in 4-bit/8-bit bus mode.
  • The primary purpose of a regulator is to aid the rectifier and filter circuit in providing a constant DC voltage to the device.
  • An H bridge is an electronic circuit that enables a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction.