Meshing Volumes Bounded by Smooth Surfaces

2005, Proceedings of the 14th International Meshing Roundtable


This paper introduces at hree-dimensional mesh generation a lgorithm ford omains bounded by smooths urfaces. The algorithm combines aD elaunaybased surface mesher with aR uppert-like volumem esher, to get ag reedy algorithm that samples the interior and the boundary of the domain at once. The algorithm constructs provably-good meshes, it gives control on the size of the mesh elements through auser-defined sizing field, and it guarantees the accuracy of the approximation of the domain boundary.Anoticeablef eature is that the domain boundary has to be known only through an oracle that can tell whether ag iven pointl ies inside theo bject and whether ag iven line segmenti ntersects the boundary.T his makes the algorithm generice nough to be appliedt oaw ide varietyo fo bjects, ranging from domains defined by implicit surfaces to domains defined by level-sets in 3D grey-scaled images or by point-set surfaces.