Reality as one of the most intrinsic matters of philosophy has been discussing from the Plato's Ideal world to the virtual environments of the cyber age. In a more speculative point of view, reality, had begun to extend within the invention of the alphabet. Alphabet and so the writing is a kind of extension of reality through the signs and metaphors. What forces the Lascaux's inhabitants to draw the walls of Lascaux shows an analogy within the people of the computer age who participate in computerbased communities. Whether it is a primitive drawing or hyper text of the digital age , the utmost relation between the human and his work should have similar relationship within the 'reality' of their time. But in a time when the reality is experiencing a division (or separation) at first within the language, it is difficult to cover the reality matter: The reality itself and the virtual reality as its extension. Should it be accepted easily as an extension or anything else? How can we approach to the reality which is not real but virtual? Reality that extends, transforms, evolutes is recalling the binary of the term non-real, fake or other synonyms. Virtual reality , as if stated within the traditional terminological approach, " is an event or entity that is real in effect but not in fact" 1 Human, as a part of the event or entity called virtual, experiences a paradoxical situation within the body he owns, and the time he realizes. The statement that every 'body' is a space and the spacing of the event makes the space matter a two fold important matter in the context of the reality which is virtual. From another point of view, Reality which is virtual is, according the forerunner of philosophical account , just a representation of the real world. Such an approach gives the chance to read the works 1 The definition of virtual reality taken from the Webster Dictionary.