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2007, Algorithmica
We consider graphs that can be embedded on a surface of bounded genus such that each edge has a bounded number of crossings. We prove that many optimization problems, including maximum independent set, minimum vertex cover, minimum dominating set and many others, admit polynomial time approximation schemes when restricted to such graphs. This extends previous results by Baker and Eppstein [3] to a much broader class of graphs.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2004
Many problems that are intractable for general graphs allow polynomial-time solutions for structured classes of graphs, such as planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth. In this paper, we demonstrate structural properties of larger classes of graphs and show how to exploit the properties to obtain algorithms. The classes considered are those formed by excluding as a minor a graph that can be embedded in the plane with at most one crossing. We show that graphs in these classes can be decomposed into planar graphs and graphs of small treewidth; we use the decomposition to show that all such graphs have locally bounded treewidth (all subgraphs of a certain form are graphs of bounded treewidth). Finally, we make use of the structural properties to derive polynomial-time algorithms for approximating treewidth within a factor of 1.5 and branchwidth within a factor of 2.25 as well as polynomial-time approximation schemes for both minimization and maximization problems and fixed-parameter algorithms for problems such as vertex cover, edge-dominating set, feedback vertex set, and others.
2008 49th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2008
For every fixed surface S, orientable or non-orientable, and a given graph G, Mohar (STOC'96 and Siam J. Discrete Math. (1999)) described a linear time algorithm which yields either an embedding of G in S or a minor of G which is not embeddable in S and is minimal with this property. That algorithm, however, needs a lot of lemmas which spanned six additional papers. In this paper, we give a new linear time algorithm for the same problem. The advantages of our algorithm are the following: 1. The proof is considerably simpler: it needs only about 10 pages, and some results (with rather accessible proofs) from graph minors theory, while Mohar's original algorithm and its proof occupy more than 100 pages in total. 2. The hidden constant (depending on the genus g of the surface S) is much smaller. It is single exponential in g, while it is doubly exponential in Mohar's algorithm. As a spinoff of our main result, we give another linear time algorithm, which is of independent interest. This algorithm computes the genus and constructs minimum genus embeddings of graphs of bounded tree-width. This resolves a conjecture by Neil Robertson and solves one of the most annoying long standing open question about complexity of algorithms on graphs of bounded tree-width.
Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '96, 1996
For an arbitrary fixed surface S, a linear time algorithm is presented that for a given graph G either finds an embedding of G in S or identifies a subgraph of G that is homomorphic to a minimal forbidden subgraph for embeddability in S. A side result of the proof of the algorithm is that minimal forbidden subgraphs for embeddability in S cannot be arbitrarily large. This yields a constructive proof of the result of Robertson and Seymour that for each closed surface there are only finitely many minimal forbidden subgraphs. The results and methods of this paper can be used to solve more general embedding extension problems.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 1999
For an arbitrary fixed surface S, a linear time algorithm is presented that for a given graph G either finds an embedding of G in S or identifies a subgraph of G that is homeomorphic to a minimal forbidden subgraph for embeddability in S. A side result of the proof of the algorithm is that minimal forbidden subgraphs for embeddability in S cannot be arbitrarily large. This yields a constructive proof of the result of Robertson and Seymour that for each closed surface there are only finitely many minimal forbidden subgraphs. The results and methods of this paper can be used to solve more general embedding extension problems.
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 1996
This paper develops new techniques for constructing separators for graphs embedded on surfaces of bounded genus. For any arbitrarily small positive " we show that any n-vertex graph G of genus g can be divided in O(n + g) time into components whose sizes do not exceed "n by removing a set C of O( p (g + 1=")n) vertices. Our result improves the best previous ones with respect to the size of C and the time complexity of the algorithm. Moreover, we show that one can cut o from G a piece of no more than (1 ?")n vertices by removing a set of O( p n"(g" + 1) vertices. Both results are optimal up to a constant factor.
Comgeo, 1998
A disk graph is the intersection graph of a set of disks with arbitrary diameters in the plane. For the case that the disk representation is given, we present polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTASs) for the maximum weight independent set problem (selecting disjoint disks of maximum total weight) and for the minimum weight vertex cover problem in disk graphs. These are the first known PTASs for N P-hard optimization problems on disk graphs. They are based on a novel recursive subdivision of the plane that allows applying a shifting strategy on different levels simultaneously, so that a dynamic programming approach becomes feasible. The PTASs for disk graphs represent a common generalization of previous results for planar graphs and unit disk graphs. They can be extended to intersection graphs of other "disk-like" geometric objects (such as squares or regular polygons), also in higher dimensions.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2011
Given an n-vertex graph G, a drawing of G in the plane is a mapping of its vertices into points of the plane, and its edges into continuous curves, connecting the images of their endpoints. A crossing in such a drawing is a point where two such curves intersect. In the Minimum Crossing Number problem, the goal is to find a drawing of G with minimum number of crossings. The value of the optimal solution, denoted by OPT, is called the graph's crossing number. This is a very basic problem in topological graph theory, that has received a significant amount of attention, but is still poorly understood algorithmically. The best currently known efficient algorithm produces drawings with O(log 2 n)• (n + OPT) crossings on bounded-degree graphs, while only a constant factor hardness of approximation is known. A closely related problem is Minimum Planarization, in which the goal is to remove a minimum-cardinality subset of edges from G, such that the remaining graph is planar. Our main technical result establishes the following connection between the two problems: if we are given a solution of cost k to the Minimum Planarization problem on graph G, then we can efficiently find a drawing of G with at most poly(d) • k • (k + OPT) crossings, where d is the maximum degree in G. This result implies an O(n • poly(d) • log 3/2 n)approximation for Minimum Crossing Number, as well as improved algorithms for special cases of the problem, such as, for example, k-apex and bounded-genus graphs.
A general instance of a Degree-Constrained Subgraph problem consists of an edge-weighted or vertex-weighted graph G and the objective is to find an optimal weighted subgraph, subject to certain degree constraints on the vertices of the subgraph. This paper considers two natural Degree-Constrained Subgraph problems and studies their behavior in terms of approximation algorithms. These problems take as input an undirected graph G = (V,E), with |V| = n and |E| = m. Our results, together with the definition of the two problems, are listed below. The Maximum Degree-Bounded Connected Subgraph problem (MDBCS d ) takes as input a weight function $\omega : E \rightarrow \mathbb R^+$ and an integer d ≥ 2, and asks for a subset E′ ⊆ E such that the subgraph G′ = (V,E′) is connected, has maximum degree at most d, and ∑ e ∈ E′ω(e) is maximized. This problem is one of the classical NP-hard problems listed by Garey and Johnson in [Computers and Intractability, W.H. Freeman, 1979], but there were no results in the literature except for d = 2. We prove that MDBCS d is not in Apx for any d ≥ 2 (this was known only for d = 2) and we provide a $(\min \{m/ \log n,\ nd/(2 \log n)\})$ -approximation algorithm for unweighted graphs, and a $(\min\{n/2,\ m/d\})$ -approximation algorithm for weighted graphs. We also prove that when G has a low-degree spanning tree, in terms of d, MDBCS d can be approximated within a small constant factor in unweighted graphs. The Minimum Subgraph of Minimum Degree ≥ d (MSMD d ) problem requires finding a smallest subgraph of G (in terms of number of vertices) with minimum degree at least d. We prove that MSMD d is not in Apx for any d ≥ 3 and we provide an $\mathcal{O}(n/\log n)$ -approximation algorithm for the class of graphs excluding a fixed graph as a minor, using dynamic programming techniques and a known structural result on graph minors.
Discrete Mathematics, 1989
It is shown that the genus of an embedding of a graph can be determined by the rank of a certain matrix. Several applications to problems involving the genus of graphs are presented.
Computational Geometry, 2015
We initiate the study of the following problem: Given a non-planar graph G and a planar subgraph S of G, does there exist a straight-line drawing Γ of G in the plane such that the edges of S are not crossed in Γ by any edge of G? We give positive and negative results for different kinds of connected spanning subgraphs S of G. Moreover, in order to enlarge the subset of instances that admit a solution, we consider the possibility of bending the edges of G not in S; in this setting we discuss different trade-offs between the number of bends and the required drawing area.
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We give a deterministic algorithm to find the minimum cut in a surface-embedded graph in near-linear time. Given an undirected graph embedded on an orientable surface of genus g, our algorithm computes the minimum cut in g O(g) n log log n time, matching the running time of the fastest algorithm known for planar graphs, due to Łącki and Sankowski, for any constant g. Indeed, our algorithm calls Łącki and Sankowski's recent O(n log log n) time planar algorithm as a subroutine.
Recently, there has been increasing interest and progress in improvising the approximation algorithm for well-known NP-Complete problems, particularly the approximation algorithm for the Vertex-Cover problem. Here we have proposed a polynomial time efficient algorithm for vertex-cover problem for more approximate to the optimal solution, which lead to the worst time complexity Θ(V 2 ) and space complexity Θ(V + E). We show that our proposed method is more approximate with example and theorem proof.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2003
Let G be a 3-connected graph with n vertices on a non-spherical closed surface F 2 k of Euler genus k with sufficiently large representativity. In this paper, we first study a new cutting method which produces a spanning planar subgraph of G with a certain good property. This is used to show that such a graph G has a spanning 4-tree with at most maxf2k À 5; 0g vertices of degree 4. Using this result, we prove that for any integer t; if n is sufficiently large, then G has a connected subgraph with t vertices whose degree sum is at most 8t À 1: We also give a nearly sharp bound for the projective plane, torus and Klein bottle. Furthermore, using our cutting method, we prove that a 3-connected graph G on F 2 k with high representativity has a 3-walk in which at most maxf2k À 4; 0g vertices are visited three times, and an 8-covering with at most maxf4k À 8; 0g vertices of degree 7 or 8. Moreover, a 4-connected G has a 4-covering with at most maxf4k À 6; 0g vertices of degree 4.
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2006
Twenty years ago, Ajtai et al. and, independently, Leighton discovered that the crossing number of any graph with v vertices and e > 4v edges is at least ce 3 /v 2 , where c > 0 is an absolute constant. This result, known as the "Crossing Lemma," has found many important applications in discrete and computational geometry. It is tight up to a multiplicative constant. Here we improve the best known value of the constant by showing that the result holds with c > 1024/31827 > 0.032. The proof has two new ingredients, interesting in their own right. We show that (1) if a graph can be drawn in the plane so that every edge crosses at most three others, then its number of edges cannot exceed 5.5(v − 2); and (2) the crossing number of any graph is at least 7 3 e − 25 3 (v − 2). Both bounds are tight up to an additive constant (the latter one in the range 4v ≤ e ≤ 5v).
Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '91, 1991
We give an algorithm for imbedding a graph G of n vertices onto an oriented surface of minimal genus g. If g > 0 then we also construct a forbidden subgraph of G which is homeomorphic to a graph of size exp(O(g)!) which cannot be imbedded on a surface of genus g-1. Our algorithm takes sequential time exp(O(g)!)n O(1) . Since exp(O(g)!) = exp(exp(O(glog(g)))), our algorithm is polynomial time for genus g=O(loglog(n)/logloglog(n)). A simple parallel implementation of our algorithm takes parallel time processors. We give also the smallest known upper bound, namely exp(O(g)!), on the number F(g) of homeomorphic distinct forbidden subgraphs for graph imbeddings onto a surface of genus g.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2013
Parameterised approximation is a relatively new but growing field of interest. It merges two ways of dealing with NP-hard optimisation problems, namely polynomial approximation and exact parameterised (exponential-time) algorithms. We exemplify this idea by designing and analysing parameterised approximation algorithms for minimum vertex cover. More specifically, we provide a simple algorithm that works on any approximation ratio of the form 2l+1 l+1 , l = 1, 2, . . ., and has complexity that outperforms previously published algorithms based on sophisticated exact parameterised algorithms.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995
We give a survey of recent techniques for deriving lower bounds and algorithms for constructing upper bounds for several variations of the crossing number problem. Our aim is to emphasize the more general resuits or those results which have an algorithmic flavor, including the recent results of the authors.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2001
A graph G is an apex graph if it contains a vertex w such that G − w is a planar graph. It is easy to see that the genus g(G) of the apex graph G is bounded above by τ − 1, where τ is the minimum face cover of the neighbors of w, taken over all planar embeddings of G − w. The main result of this paper is the linear lower bound g(G) ≥ τ /160 (if G − w is 3-connected and τ > 1). It is also proved that the minimum face cover problem is NP-hard for planar triangulations and that the minimum vertex cover is NP-hard for 2-connected cubic planar graphs. Finally, it is shown that computing the genus of apex graphs is NP-hard.
Information Processing Letters, 1989
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