The Punica as a novel


In this paper, I will argue that we should read the Punica not only as an example of epic, but also as an example of the novel. In order to develop this argument, I will seek to connect the structure, language, and themes of the Punica with those of the Alexander romance tradition. First, I will provide an overview of some of the basic features of the Punica which suggest this connection. Then, I will turn to a more focused examination of the importance of imitatio Alexandri for both Hannibal (Pun. 3, and Scipio (Pun. 13,[762][763][764][765][766][767][768][769][770][771][772][773][774][775][776][777]. By the end of the paper, we will see how Silius crafts his poem not only as an historical epic, but also as an historical novel.