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2014, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2014)
UML and MARTE are standardized modeling languages widely used in industry for the design of realtime systems. However, formal verification at early phases of the system lifecycle for UML/MARTE models remains an open issue mainly for dependability features. In this paper, we show how we can provide a formal verification of time properties from a UML/MARTE description. For this, we translate this latter description expressed (Timed Computation Tree Logic). We illustrate the proposed approach on a case study derived from a real-time asynchronous system (Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)-based airborne system).
Dependability is a key feature of critical Real-Time Systems (RTS). In fact, errors may lead to disastrous consequences on life beings and economy. To ensure the absence or avoidance of such errors, it is important to focus on RTS veri�cation as early as possible. As MARTE UML pro�le is the standard de facto for modelling RTS, we suggest to ex- tend UML diagrams by a formal veri�cation stage. More precisely, in the �rst part we propose a transformation approach of Interaction Overview Diagrams and Timing Diagram merged with UML-MARTE annotations into Time Petri Nets (TPN) models Then, in the second part, we show how we can derive Timed Computational Tree Logic formulae from Ob- ject Constraint Language-Real Time (OCL-RT) constraints. This formal veri�cation is performed by the Romeo model-checker. Finally, we illus- trate our approach through a case study derived from a RT asynchronous system (Integrated Modular Avionics/based airborne system).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Time properties are key requirements for the reliability of Safety Critical Real-Time Systems (RTS). UML and MARTE are standardized modelling languages widely accepted by industrial designers for the design of RTS using Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). However, formal verification at early phases of the system lifecycle for UML-MARTE models remains mainly an open issue. In this paper 1 , we present a time properties verification framework for UML-MARTE safety critical RTS. This framework relies on a propertydriven transformation from UML architecture and behaviour models to executable and verifiable models expressed with Time Petri Nets (TPN). Meanwhile, it translates the time properties into a set of property patterns, corresponding to TPN observers. The observer-based model checking approach is then performed on the produced TPN. This verification framework can assess time properties like upper bound for loops and buffers, Best/Worst-Case Response Time, Best/Worst-Case Execution Time, Best/Worst-Case Traversal Time, schedulability, and synchronization-related properties (synchronization, coincidence, exclusion, precedence, sub-occurrence, causality). In addition, it can verify some behavioural properties like absence of deadlock or dead branches. This framework is illustrated with a representative case study. This paper also provides experimental results and evaluates the method's performance.
Comput. Informatics, 2020
For critical embedded systems the formal validation and verification is required. However, the real-time model checking suffers from problems of statespace explosion and clock explosion. The aim of this paper is to ensure an improvement of the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded systems (MARTE), which is de facto standard, with formal semantics for verification finality. Therefore, we propose an operational method for translating UML sequence diagrams with MARTE annotations to Time Petri nets with Action Duration specifications (DTPN). Based on true concurrency semantics, the semantics of these specifications are defined in terms of Duration Action Timed Automata (daTA). Formal Verification of UML MARTE Based on a Real Time Model 1023
International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, 2016
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is using in the design notation in industry and academia projects. Interesting by the critical Real-Time System verification, it is important to ensure its dependability in order to avoid eventual errors. In this paper, the authors aim to extend the UML diagrams by adding a formal verification stage. They tackle with the UML2 timing diagram (TD), as interaction diagram in order to describe the system's behavior in temporal way. For that, the authors give a formal description for TD using Time Petri Nets (TPN). Then, they propose a formal verification by means of Romeo Model Checker. In particular, they show how to formulate quantitative properties using TCTL (timed computation tree logic). In addition, the authors show how they can derive the TCTL formulae from Object Constraint Language-Real Time (OCLRT) constraints. Finally, they illustrate the proposed approach through a real case study.
The real-time UML profile TURTLE has a formal semantics expressed by translation into a timed process algebra: RT-LOTOS. RTL, the formal verification tool developed for RT-LOTOS, was first used to check TURTLE models against design errors. This paper opens new avenues for TURTLE model verification. It shows how recent work on translating RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri net model may be applied to TURTLE. RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns are presented. Their formal proof is the subject of another paper. These patterns have been implemented in a RT-LOTOS to TPN translator which has been interfaced with TINA, a Time Petri Net Analyzer which implements several reachability analysis procedures depending on the class of property to be verified. The paper illustrates the benefits of the TURTLE RT-LOTOS TPN transformation chain on an avionic case study.
The TTM/RTTL framework allows for the speciflcation, devel- opment and veriflcation of discrete real-time properties of reactive systems. Timed transition systems (TTMs) is the underlying compu- tational model, and real-time temporal logic (RTTL) is the require- ments speciflcation language. In this paper, we provide a conversion procedure for mapping a timed transition system into a flnite state fair transition systems. This means that eÆcient (untimed) tools for state exploration can be used to check the properties of real-time systems. The procedure has been implemented in the Statetime toolset for the TTM/RTTL framework.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1994
The problem of formally analyzing properties of real-time systems is addressed. A method is proposed that allows specifying system properties in the TRIO language (an extension of temporal logic suitable to deal explicitly with the "time" variable and to measure it) and modeling the system as a timed Petri net. It is argued that such an approach is more general than analyzing program properties. The proof method is based on an axiomatization of timed Petri nets in terms of TRIO so that their properties can be derived as suitable theorems in much the same spirit as classical Hoare's method allows proving properties of programs coded in a Pascal-like language. The method is then exemplified through two classical "benchmarks" of the literature on concurrent and real-time systems, namely an elevator system and the dining philosophers problem. A thorough review of the related literature and a comparison thereof with the new method is also provided. Possible alternative methods, theoretical extensions, and practical applications are briefly discussed.
When a semi-formal language (like UML-RT) and a formal specification language (like CSP+T) are combined to obtain a Real-Time System (RTS) software specification, it is important to ensure the possibility of verifying the derived system design. A formal semantics of CSP+T temporal operators in terms of CSP trace semantics is presented here, and also a compositional refinement of CSP+T process terms to perform the system's software verification. The semantics of the system requirements is preserved from their initial specification to the final system implementation. The inclusion relationship between the traces of increasingly refined process terms assures semantics preservation.
Third IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'05), 2005
The formal description technique RT-LOTOS has been selected as intermediate language to add formality to a real-time UML profile named TURTLE. For this sake, an RT-LOTOS verification platform has been developed for early detection of design errors in real-time system models. The paper discusses an extension of the platform by inclusion of verification tools developed for Time Petri Nets. The starting point is the definition of RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns. In particular, we introduce the concept of components embedding Time Petri Nets. The translation patterns are implemented in a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN in the format admitted by the TINA tool. The efficiency of the proposed solution has been demonstrated on various case studies.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2000
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 2017
Formal verification methods using Time Petri Net have called the attention of researchers and practitioners in real-time systems design during the last two decades. Special attention was dedicated to methods that could be integrated to the design process since the very beginning, that is, in the requirement phase. However, real-time systems requirements are always concerned with quantitative temporal properties, and therefore, a verification technique should give some feedback on target values for these properties. This paper presents an alternative algorithm-based on reachability-to treat the real-time verification of discrete systems. The proposed method is based on an enumerative technique to generate the complete state space that has some advantages-since it has to be done only once-and disadvantages-since the process is combinatorial. However, our proposal leads to better results when compared to other available techniques, especially to complex problems, besides being able to evaluate quantitative and qualitative properties in the same process. Timed Computation Tree Logic is used as specification language, and Timed Transition Graph (TTG) is introduced to represent system functional behavior. A new algorithm is proposed to build a TTG and applied to a case study to illustrates the operation of the proposed algorithm.
Logic in Computer Science, …, 1990
This research extends CTL model-checking to the analysis of real-time systems, whose correctness depends on the magnitudes of the timing delays. For specifications, the syntax of CTL is extended to allow quantitative temporal operators. The formulas of the resulting logic, TCTL, are interpretation over continuous computation trees, trees in which paths are maps from the set of nonnegative reals to system states. To model finite-state systems the notion of timed graphs is introduced-state-transition graphs extended with a ...
There is a lack of new verification methods that overcome the limitations of traditional validation techniques and are, at the same time, suitable for real-time embedded systems. This paper presents an approach to formal verification of real-time embedded systems modeled in a timed Petri net representation. We translate the Petri net model into timed automata and use model checking to prove whether certain properties hold with respect to the system model. We propose two strategies to improve the efficiency of verification. First, we apply correctness-preserving transformations to the system model in order to obtain a simpler, yet semantically equivalent, one. Second, we exploit the structure of the system model by extracting its the sequential behavior. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in the efficiency of verification. This research has been sponsored by the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) in the frame of the SAVE project.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2011
Time Petri Net (TPN) models have been widely used to the specification and verification of real-time systems. However, the claim that most of these techniques are useful for realtime system verification can be discussed, based on two assumptions: i) to be suitable for real-time systems verification, a technique must be able to check timing properties, both safe and behavioral, and ii) the underlying algorithm must be efficient enough to be applied to complex systems design. In this paper we will discuss the suitability of commonly accepted verification techniques that use model-checking as a verification framework and TPN as a description model. We present a new algorithmic approach that allows computation of end-to-end time between activities over an abstract state space model. The proposed approach needs to compute the abstract state space only once improving the efficiency of the verification process and turning it suitable for large problems. We also introduce a new sufficient condition for abstract states space to preserve the branching time properties that yields more compact graphs than the condition already used in actual approaches. The approach would fit a design environment also based on Petri Nets called GHENeSys (General Hierarchical Enhanced Petri Nets). The results obtained, using our verification approach are compared with similar available approaches.
Formal Methods in System Design, 2010
This article proposes two approaches to tool-supported automatic verification of dense real-time systems against scenario-based requirements, where a system is modeled as a network of timed automata (TAs) or as a set of driving live sequence charts (LSCs), and a requirement is specified as a separate monitored LSC chart.
The main objective of this paper is to present an approach to accomplish verification in the early design phases of a system, which allows us to make the system verification easier, specifically for those systems with timing restrictions. For this purpose we use RT-UML sequence diagrams in the design phase and we translate these diagrams into timed automata for performing the verification by using model checking techniques. Specifically, we use the Object Management Group's UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time and from the specifications written using this profile we obtain the corresponding timed automata. The 'RT-UML Profile' is used in conjunction with a very well-known tool to perform validation and verification of the timing needs, namely, the UPPAAL tool, which is used to simulate and analyze the behaviour of real-time dynamic systems described by timed automata.
Proceedings Eighth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. TIME 2001, 2000
We present a new real-time temporal logic for the specification and verification of discrete quantitative temporal properties. This logic is an extension of the well-known logic CTL. Its semantics is defined on discrete time transition systems which are in turn interpreted in an abstract manner instead of the usual stuttering interpretation. Hence, our approach directly supports abstractions of real-time systems by ignoring irrelevant qualitative properties, but without loosing any quantitative information. We analyse the complexity of the presented model checking algorithm and furthermore present a fragment of the logic that can be efficiently checked.
The Unified Modeling Language UML is well-suited for the design of real-time systems. In particular the design of dynamic system behaviors is supported by interaction diagrams and statecharts. Real-time aspects of behaviors can be described by time constraints. The semantics of the UML, however, is non-formal. In order to enable formal design verification, we therefore propose to complement the UML based design by additional formal models which refine UML diagrams to precise formal models. We apply the formal specification technique cTLA which is based on L. Lamport's Temporal Logic of Actions, TLA. In particular cTLA supports modular definitions of process types and the composition of systems from coupled process instances. Since process composition has superposition character each process system has all of the relevant properties of its constituting processes. Therefore mostly small subsystems are sufficient for the verification of system properties and it is not necessary to use complete and complex formal system models. We present this approach by means of an example and also exemplify the formal verification of its hard real-time properties
We present an approach to the formal verification of real-time embedded systems by using model checking. We address the verification of systems modeled in a timed Petri net representation and introduce a technique for reducing verification complexity. We translate the Petri net based model into timed automata and make use of available model checking tools to prove the correctness of the system with respect to design properties expressed in the temporal logics CTL and TCTL. Experimental results demonstrate considerable improvements in verification efficiency when the degree of parallelism of the system is considered.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2000
The specification of reactive and real-time systems must be supported by formal, mathematically-founded methods in order to be satisfactory and reliable. Temporal logics have been used to this end for several years. Temporal logics allow the specification of system behavior in terms of logical formulas, including temporal constraints, events, and the relationships between the two. In the last ten years, temporal logics have reached a high degree of expressiveness. Most of the temporal logics proposed in the last few years can be used for specifying reactive systems, although not all are suitable for specifying real-time systems. In this paper we present a series of criteria for assessing the capabilities of temporal logics for the specification, validation, and verification of real-time systems. Among the criteria are the logic's expressiveness, the logic's order, presence of a metric for time, the type of temporal operators, the fundamental time entity, and the structure of time. We examine a selection of temporal logics proposed in the literature. To make the comparison clearer, a set of typical specifications is identified and used with most of the temporal logics considered, thus presenting the reader with a number of real examples.
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