Dysfunctional Love and Behaviour


It is now universally believed that mentality of the individual is inevitable to be present in the way of thinking and doing which drives the person for the particular, especially, negative attitude and vehaviour. Such behaviour is studied under psychoanalytic theory which sees literature giving focus on the author who generally writes to gratify secretly some 'forbidden wish' and it is known as 'psychobiography'; on the characters to study their motivations, impressions and responses psychologically; on the text to language and symbols for exploring wishes, repressed desire and inner reality. The behaviours of the characters might be seen irrational, fearful, infuriating, lustful, tempted, and unexpected and so on. Defenses operate in the mind of the characters which generally do not allow realizing repressed desire and the text's language supports it. The characters whirl in the chain of fears, dreams, thanatos, regression, sexuality, libido, romanticisation, object petit a, illusion, conflict and so on. This mental turmoil is focused on psychoanalytic theory of literary criticism.