Smart Cities: Boon or Bane for Overcrowded Urban India?


Purpose- In an increasingly global world, there is an additional pressure on urban infrastructure. The available infrastructure in Indian cities is deteriorating under the pressure of growing population. Building smart cities seems to be the answer to tackling the issues. Keeping in view, the Government of India has announced 100 smart cities and the same are scattered among the different states/union territories on an equitable criterion basis. However, building the smart cities is not the responsibility of the Government nor is it the domain of large enterprises alone. There are several issues which create the hurdles in the implementation of the smart cities project. This paper aims at discussing some of the significant issues concerning to smart cities project that would direct to urban development with reference to India. The purpose of this paper is to decide whether smart cities are boon or bane for overcrowded urban India. Design/Methodology/Approach-There is an emerging need for the smart cities in India. Therefore, the Government of India rolled out the ambitious smart cities project on 27th August, 2015. Further, the Government of India has declared Rs. 48,000 crore for growth and development of 100 smart cities. However, out of 100 smart cities, 98 names of the cities are declared while remaining two names will announced in due course. The Central Government will provide Rs. 100 crore per city per year over the next five years for making 100 chosen cities smart. This project is announced first time in India. Therefore, required documented evidence of such project in India is not available. The study is based on the secondary data and the findings are based on the available information. Findings-The prime objective of the smart cities project is to improve the quality of urban life by tackling insufficiencies in main infrastructure required for better living. This smart cities project will link all cities, citizens, government and many more with each other on a real time basis. The smart city concept is a great idea as the Government of India wants to develop India as a powerful nation. However, lack of infrastructure, lack of basic amenities, poverty etc have created a lot of challenges. The government should try to attend basic issues such as providing good water, proper drainage system, public transport, sanitary and health care facilities etc. Research Implications/Limitations-This study is limited to the smart cities project announced by the Government of India. The Government has announced 100 cities under Smart cities project. Hence, further research would involve in-depth study of many aspects. While this paper throws the torchlight whether it is boon or bane for urban India, the process and views of the citizens also add insight. Practical Implications-This paper proposes that in smart cities project, the rapid growth of cities causes a large number of challenges. These smart cities are currently attracting global investment, which will create new job opportunities and ultimately improve the quality of living. Originality/Value-There is no any literature available or documentary evidence of such smart cities project in India. However, this paper is an attempt to study whether smart cities project is boon or bane for overcrowded urban India. Keywords-smart cities, urban areas, infrastructure, population, urbanisation, urban India