PCR Amplification-Based Microbial Typing


The classification, Identification, and typing of microorganisms are of crucial importance in hospital epidemiology; medical, environmental, industrial, and agricultural microbiology; and microbial ecology studies. Methods for the characterization of microbes have traditionally relied on tests based on phenotypic methods. However, DNA-and PCR-based genomic fingerprinting methods have emerged as the most rapid, reliable, and simple ways to characterize and type microbes (for extensive reviews, see references 49, 93, 174, and 185). A variety of phenotypic and genotypic methods are being used for microbia! typing, Identification, and classification. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease of application, reproducibility, requirement for sophisticated equipment, and level of phylogenetic and taxonomie resolution ( . PCR-based typing methods are capable of scanning part or all of the entire microbial genome structure. These typing methods are generally amenable to computer-assisted analysis of DNA sequence and fingerprint profiles and comparative typing or databasemediated identification of bacteria ( for examples, see .