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1999, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems
Although distributed object computing has developed rapidly over the past decade, and is now becoming commercially important, there remain key application areas inadequately supported by current standards and implementations. This paper describes research aimed at support for one of these areas: distributed soft real-time/ multimedia applications. The approach is to provide a low level platform which offers generic middleware services useful for the implementation of a range of multimedia capable distributed object systems. The design of the platform is influenced on the one hand by the real-time/ multimedia-oriented computational model of the RM-ODP and on the other hand by recent research results in the efficient engineering of communications systems and operating systems. The platform provides support for quality of service (QoS) and application specific protocols as required by multimedia capable distributed object systems. A novel scheme for flexible QoS specification and management is described. A performance evaluation of the platform is given and a sample application program is presented to illustrate the platform's API. Keywords: distributed object computing, distributed multimedia, CORBA, quality of service.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1995
This paper presents the Distributed InterProcess Communication System (DIPCS) as a framework for managing communication in a distributed multimedia system. Within DIPCS, connection level management is provided through a novel distributed process group model called ADP-Group communication. The ADP-Group paradigm defines a new type of group message passing, called qos-reliable. Qos-reliable semantics are appropriate to controlling real-time multimedia communication, by allowing a spectrum of performance and reliability specifications to co-exist within one group. DIPCS also provides an abstract programming model of multimedia devices, easing control of a heterogeneous multimedia system. Distributed multimedia applications can be rapidly developed using simple group operation primitives. We show how ADP-Group message delivery semantics can be directly mapped into an efficient Integrated Services Network support policy.
With multimedia transport, user entities reside in subscriber terminals and communicate with one another over a network by sending and receiving multiple data streams as application level information (e.g., graphics, audio, and text in a catalog browsing service). The evolving multimedia applications generate requirements for complex transport capabilities, i.e., functional features, in the end-to-end communication system such as handling of heterogeneity among communicating terminals, supporting finer levels of user-specifiable quality of data transport service, and synchronization of various data streams for delivery at users in real time. Accordingly, the communication system may be viewed as extending the basic capabilities provided by the backbone network (e.g., bandwidth allocation) into a set of transport capabilities suitable for complex applications. This paper presents: 1) an object-oriented view of user interface to the communication system with an elegant separation of data transport functionalities, and 2) an approach to the design of underlying transport protocols. The object-orientation decomposes an application-level data transport into a set of network channel objects, with each channel object handling a separate data stream. The object interactions are modeled using a "dataflow programming" style, which allows a richer set of protocols to implement the communication system and offers flexibility to accommodate complex and heterogeneous subscriber servicedterminals. The "data-flow programming" method also allows a high degree of communication level parallelism among data transport through channels. The view of multimedia communication system as a "parameterizable black-box," as underscored in the object-oriented structuring, allows easier interworking of the communication system with existing networks and easier integration of multimedia transport into programming environments. Index Terms-Transport connection, functional form of usernetwork interface, quality of transport service, granularity of channel objects, attribute-based channel specification, control flow among channel objects, communication reconfigurations.
This paper describes essage Passing Interface 1 (PI1 , a proposed library interface standard for supporting point-to-point message passing. The intended standard will be provided with ortran 77 and interfaces, and will form the basis of a standard high level communication environment featuring collective communication and data distribution transformations. The standard proposed here provides bloc ing and nonbloc ing message passing between pairs of processes, with message selectivity by source process and message type. Provision is made for noncontiguous messages. ontext control provides a convenient means of avoiding message selectivity con icts between di erent phases of an application. The ability to form and manipulate process groups permits tas parallelism to be exploited, and is a useful abstraction in controlling certain types of collective communication.
The communication between multimedia components located on the same physical machine, but in different address space, uses mechanisms designed for distributed environments. The present paper proposes an inter-component communication model in this context through the use of a shared memory mechanism. This model is based on the shared memory primitives offered by different operating systems. The model can be used in different middleware platforms. To evaluate the model, an application written in Java was developed, that, through functions written in C language, has access to the primitives of manipulation of the shared address space.
2017 IEEE 25th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2017
Buffering architectures and policies for their efficient management constitute one of the core ingredients of a network architecture. However, despite strong incentives to experiment with, and deploy, new policies, the opportunities for alterating anything beyond minor elements of such policies are limited. In this work we introduce a new specification language, OpenQueue, that allows users to specify entire buffering architectures and policies conveniently through several comparators and simple functions. We show examples of buffer management policies in OpenQueue and empirically demonstrate its direct impact on performance in various settings.
This document defines a Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol (RDMAP) that operates over the Direct Data Placement Protocol (DDP protocol). RDMAP provides read and write services directly to applications and enables data to be transferred directly into Upper Layer Protocol (ULP) Buffers without intermediate data copies. It also enables a kernel bypass implementation. Recio, et al.
Computing Research Repository, 2003
Message passing programs commonly use buffers to avoid unnecessary synchroniza- tions and to improve performance by overlapping communication with computation. Unfortunately, using buffers makes the program no longer portable, potentially un- able to complete on systems without a sufficient number of buffers. Effective buffer use entails that the minimum number needed for a safe execution be allocated. We explore a
2011 17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2011
Real-time systems and applications are becoming increasingly complex and often comprise multiple communicating tasks. The management of the individual tasks is well-understood, but the interaction of communicating tasks with different timing characteristics is less well-understood. We discuss several representative inter-task communication flows via reserved memory buffers (possibly interconnected via a real-time network) and present RAD-Flows, a model for managing these interactions. We provide proofs and simulation results demonstrating the correctness and effectiveness of RAD-Flows, allowing system designers to determine the amount of memory required based upon the characteristics of the interacting tasks and to guarantee real-time operation of the system as a whole.
Multimedia, IEEE, 2002
Proceedings Third IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2000) (Cat. No. PR00607), 2000
In this paper we highlight major technical requirements for designing and developing future distributed multimedia information system using Internet technology. The key requirements of this system are t o a llow users to access and search and to communicate multimedia documents consisting of text, audio, video, and image. We emphasize the role of object-oriented technology for information management and real-time communication protocols to guarantee QoS. We present a r eference a r chitecture for Web-based r eal-time distributed multimedia system which integrates enabling technologies including real-time streaming, multimedia indexing and searching, and distributed object management.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
One of the most challenging aspects to designing a Java messaging system for HPC is the intermediate buffering layer. The lower and higher levels of the messaging software use this buffering layer to write and read messages. The Java New I/O package adds the concept of direct buffers, which-coupled with a memory management algorithm-opens the possibility of efficiently implementing this buffering layer. In this paper, we present our buffering strategy, which is developed to support efficient communications and derived datatypes in MPJ Express-our implementation of the Java MPI API. We evaluate the performance of our buffering layer and demonstrate the usefulness of direct byte buffers.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2000
Continuous media servers manage delay sensitive data such as audio and video clips. Once a server initiates the display of a clip on behalf of a client, it must deliver the data to the client in a manner that prevents data starvation. Otherwise, its display may suffer from disruptions and delays, termed hiccups. A hiccup-free display is important to a number of applications such as video-on-demand for entertainment, distance learning, news dissemination, etc. Buffer sharing enables a server to trade memory for disk bandwidth to service multiple clients by sharing data in memory, using a single disk stream. However, an uncontrolled buffer sharing scheme may reduce system performance.
Multimedia database systems (MMDBSs) have to be capable to handle efficiently time-dependent and timeindependent data, and to support Quality-of-Service (QoS). To support continuous playout of time-dependent data, reservations of the limited resources disk I/O bandwidth and network bandwidth have to be combined with appropriate buffer management. Based on the special requirements of the DEDICATION pre-study, i.e., building a cheap prototype system for asynchronous distance education, we have designed the buffer management mechanism Q-L/MRP. Q-L/MRP is a buffer preloading and page replacement mechanism for multimedia applications with heterogeneous QoS requirements. Q-L/MRP extends L/MRP with two features: (1) it supports multiple concurrent users, and (2) it supports QoS with a dynamic prefetching daemon. This dynamic prefetching daemon is able to dynamically adapt to the changes in network and disk I/O load. Furthermore, QoS requirements from the users like frame rate are mapped into the buffer mechanism. Our performance analysis shows that Q-L/MRP is very suitable for the special environment in DEDICATION and outperforms other buffer management mechanisms. Since we have implemented Q-L/MRP in software only, it is also suitable for other multimedia applications on other systems with different hardware configurations and workloads.
Digest of Papers. COMPCON Spring 89. Thirty-Fourth IEEE Computer Society International Conference: Intellectual Leverage, 1989
... reference net-work communication and extensible memory ob-jwts. transparcnt shared libraries to supply binary com. patibility and an object programming facility integrated with transparent network communication. Page 2. 2.1. ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual ASCI Conference, 1996
Abstract. Current paradigms for interprocess communication are not sufficient to describe the exchange of information at an adequate level of abstraction. They are either too low-level, or their implementations cannot meet performance requirements. As an alternative, we propose distributed shared objects as a unifying concept. These objects offer user-defined operations on shared state, but allow for efficient implementations through replication and distribution of state. In contrast to other object-based models, these implementation ...
ABC++ is a portable object-oriented type-safe class library for parallel programming in C++. It supports active objects, synchronous and asynchronous object interactions, and object-based shared regions on both shared- and distributed-memory parallel computers. ABC++ is written in, and compatible with, standard C++: no language extensions or pre-processors are used. This paper focuses on its use of an object-oriented technique called smart messages to support object interactions. Smart messages demonstrate the effectiveness of object-oriented programming in encapsulating low-level details of concurrency and in improving software portability.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020
Buffering architectures and policies for their efficient management are core ingredients of a network architecture. However, despite strong incentives to experiment with and deploy new policies, opportunities for changing anything beyond minor elements are limited. We introduce a new specification language, OpenQueue, that allows to express virtual buffering architectures and management policies representing a wide variety of economic models. OpenQueue allows users to specify entire buffering architectures and policies conveniently through several comparators and simple functions. We show examples of buffer management policies in OpenQueue and empirically demonstrate its impact on performance in various settings.
Multimedia networking refers to the transfer of related audio, video, images, text and/or data among networked computers. Because of their very large filesize and their continuous nature, these transfers are problematic. Unlike the majority of proposed solutions for transmitting continuous media, which either request a dedicated connection or use connectionless protocols, we propose a solution which uses a connection-oriented protocol (TCP/IP). A dynamic feedback and buffering mechanism allows us to continue with the transmission even in the case that the network load increases, decreasing the necessary bandwidth by gradually reducing the quality of the transmitted stream. Transmission quality is restored when the network traffic reduces. An object-oriented approach is used to build both server and client, allowing easier system debugging and expansion. Multithreading is used to solve some problems which require concurrent solutions.
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 1991
We describe the rationale for the design and the architecture of a Memory Management Unit (MMU) for object-oriented systems. The CAMOES 1 MMU supports arbitrary size protected objects mapped on a single virtual address space. Support for object invocations is provided in the form of an operations cache closely coupled with the addressing hardware. The MMU only executes in hardware those functions crucial for performance; other functions and, namely, the management of internal buffers and associative memories, and object management policies, are handled in software. This functional organisation is suitable for current generation processors based on RISC principles and is able to support open multi-lingual environments.
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