Consciousness: Problems wit Perspectives


The paper deals with some misconceptions concerning ‘privileged’ (and at the same time ‘mysterious’?) access to our own experiences from the first-person perspective, points to the limitations of this immediacy, and questions the solipsist privacy of subjectivity. Based on the conviction that the identification of ‘point of view’ with ‘perspective’ proves to be prob- lematic, the author argues that we may take different perspectives from the same (person) point of view. As embodied and embedded cognitive persons we practice the interchange of perspectival attitudes towards our own subjectivity in our daily lives far more easily and frequently than we are prone to admit in our theories. This kind of methodology, part of which is also the objectivist third-person approach, does not have the power to revise the irreducibility between the subjective and the empirical, although it does appeal to the mind open to the intersubjective space, in which the irreducible can still be communicated, compared and complemented. Keywords: consciousness, point of view, first/second/third-person perspective, subjectivity, heterophenomenology, intersubjectivity

Key takeaways

  • Maybe, as I argued elsewhere (2005), instead of asking the question of what consciousness is, we should be advised to ask when a mental state is conscious.
  • (1992: 131; emphasis added) Subjective experience is also distinguished by the perspectival nature of consciousness: "Subjectivity has the further consequence that all of my conscious forms of intentionality that give me information about the world independent of myself are always from a special point of view.
  • Paradoxically (although in accord with the above idea that the immediacy of the first-person perspective may lack a needed cognitive distance), we get to be aware of our own embodied conscious states and in a way learn about them only through interaction with other living conscious beings, which makes one be both the subject and object of one's own conscious activity.
  • " (2003: 20) Now, although the bridge metaphor used by Dennett in illustrating his method suggests a balanced and roughly symmetrical relation between the two sides, and although the author of heterophenomenology declaratively insists on taking (first-person) subjectivity as seriously as possible, it soon becomes clear that for Dennett both the aim and ideal of studying consciousness is the (third-person) objectivist methodology -the same one that proved successful in providing us with scientifically grounded knowledge of, say, meteors or 12 With qualia we seem to have created a theoretical construct that works in our theories better than in our conscious experience.
  • Each conscious self is mentally equipped to apply and practice different perspectives on one's own subjectivity.