ICT and its Role in Sustainable Tourism Development


The paper discusses an investigative study into the uses and applications of information and communication technology for sustainable tourism development. It develops the proposition that use of such technologies can be a practical approach which destinations may use to mitigate some of tourism’s negative impacts. Adopting a destination-focused perspective and through the undertaking of a worldwide study, this research examined how ICT can be used in the management of sustainable tourism. It presents an array of ICT-based tools/applications for use by destination managers and discusses the opportunities in destination management for applying ICT to Sustainable Tourism Development. Keywords: computer-mediated sustainability, eTourism, ICT, sustainable tourism

Key takeaways

  • This research proposes that sustainable tourism development (STD) can become an effective concept in destination management through the application of ICT.
  • The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (2004) identified tourism satisfaction as a baseline issue for STD.
  • The motivation for this current research stems from the realisation that developing research in the ICT and STD domain can be invaluable for destinations as they strive to become more holistically sustainable.
  • Through the use of ICT, DMOs can create and enhance networks (Milne & Ateljevic, 2001) as well as provide a means of enabling destination stakeholders in becoming more efficient in their communication strategies and support greater cooperation in the delivery of the tourism products and services (Buhalis & O'Connor, 2006).
  • Research could focus on testing destination managers' use of this technology and determining how it works in managing STD and truly assessing their approach in applying ICT for sustainable tourism.