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2007, Europhysics Letters (EPL)
We generalize the Momentum Average approximations MA (0) and MA to study the effects of coupling to multiple optical phonons on the properties of a Holstein polaron. As for a single phonon mode, these approximations are numerically very efficient. They become exact for very weak or very strong couplings, and are highly accurate in the intermediate regimes, e.g. the spectral weights obey exactly the first six, respectively eight, sum rules. Our results show that the effect on ground-state properties is cumulative in nature. In particular, if the effective coupling to one mode is much larger than to the others, this mode effectively determines the GS properties. However, even very weak coupling to a second phonon mode has important non-perturbational effects on the higher energy spectrum, in particular on the dispersion and the phonon statistics of the polaron band.
European Physical Journal B, 2005
Polaron formation is investigated in a one-dimensional chain by taking into account both the local Holstein and the non-local SSH electron-phonon interactions. The study of the adiabatic regime points out that the combined effects of the two interactions are important mainly in the weak coupling regime. Thus, using the weak-coupling perturbation theory, spectral weights, effective masses, polaronic phase-diagram, and band structures are discussed. Contrarily to what happens in the Fröhlich and Holstein models, we find that the ratio between the coherent spectral weight and the mass renormalization ratio is greater than 1. Moreover, we show that the non-local electron-phonon interaction is responsible for the largest deviations of the band structure from the cosine shape of the free energy band.
Physical Review B, 2013
We use the approximation-free Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique to study the effects of a finite dispersion of the optical phonon mode on the properties of the Holstein polaron, especially its effective mass. For weak electron-phonon coupling the effect is very small, but it becomes significant for moderate and large electron-phonon coupling. The effective mass is found to increase (decrease) if the phonon dispersion has a negative (positive) curvature at the centre of the Brillouin zone.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1994
Polaron effects on the binding energy of a hydrogenic impurity in a semiconductor quantum well A Ercelebi and G Sualp-Recent citations Energy levels of magneto-optical polaron in spherical quantum dot-Part 1: Strong coupling A. J. Fotue et al-Electric and magnetic optical polaron in quantum dot-Part 1: strong coupling A. J. Fotue et al-Electromagnetic weak coupling optical polaron and temperature effect in quantum dot M. Tiotsop et al
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2013
Polarons and electron-phonon interactions PACS 72.10.Di -Scattering by phonons, magnons, and other nonlocalized excitations PACS 63.20.kd -Phonon-electron interactions
Physical Review Letters, 2011
The Momentum Average approximation is used to derive a new kind of non-perturbational analytical expression for the optical conductivity (OC) of a Holstein polaron at zero temperature. This provides insight into the shape of the OC, by linking it to the structure of the polaron's phonon cloud. Our method works in any dimension, properly enforces selection rules, can be systematically improved, and also generalizes to momentum-dependent couplings. Its accuracy is demonstrated by a comparison with the first detailed set of three-dimensional numerical OC results, obtained using the approximation-free diagrammatic Monte Carlo method. 72.10.Di, 63.20.kd Although the study of polarons is one of the older problems in solid state physics [1], a full understanding of their properties is still missing. This is especially true for the excited states which influence response functions like the optical conductivity (OC). OC measurements have revealed the role of the electron-phonon (el-ph) coupling in many materials, e.g., cuprates [2] and manganites [3]. In particular, the shape of the OC curve is important, as it signifies large versus small polaron behavior [4].
Physical Review B, 1996
We consider the interaction of a confined electron with bulk polar-optical phonons in a cylindrical quantum well wire with infinite boundary potential. Expressions for the polaron self-energy and mass are derived within a variational scheme over reasonably broad ranges of the wire radius and the phonon-coupling strength. The formulation is based on the standard canonical transformation of the strong-coupling ansatz and consists of a variationally determined perturbative extension serving for the theory to interpolate in the overall range of the coupling constant. Contrary to the general trend that the electron-phonon interaction is inherently stronger in systems of lower dimensionality, our results indicate that, at weak coupling, the binding energy of the polaron can be smaller and its mass less inertial compared with the bulk case when the wire is made narrow.
Physics Letters A, 1999
We apply weak-coupling perturbation theory to the Holstein molecular crystal model in order to compute an electronphonon correlation function characterizing the shape and size of the polaron lattice distortion in one, two, and three dimensions. This correlation function is computed exactly to leading order in the electron-phonon coupling constant, permitting a complete description of correlations in any dimension for both isotropic and arbitrarily anisotropic cases. Using this exact result, the width of the polaron is characterized along arbitrary directions. The width of the polaron thus determined disagrees in every dimension with some wellknown characterizations of polarons, signalling in particular the breakdown of the adiabatic approximation and the characterizations of self-trapping associated with it.
Physics Letters, 2000
We study the influence of the phonon spectrum on polaron formation and show that three self-trapping regimes can occur. If the lattice and the electronlattice Hamiltonians are dominated by the same type of phonons, the selftrapping transition is smooth. If there is an imbalance, the transition can either be abrupt or completely eliminated. The binding energies are larger in
Physics Letters A, 1989
The intermediate coupling theory of Lee, Low and Pinesis employed to calculate the ground state energy and the effective mass of a multidimensional optical polaron. The average number of virtual phonons in the cloud around the electron in the ground state is also calculated in this approximation. The dimensional scaling relations satisfied by these quantities are obtained.
Physical Review B
We use the variational exact diagonalization to investigate the single polaron properties for four different dual models, combining a short-range off-diagonal (Peierls) plus a longer-range diagonal (Holstein or breathingmode) coupling. This allows us to investigate the sensitivity of various polaron properties both to the range of the diagonal coupling and to the specific diagonal coupling chosen. We find strong sensitivity to the range for all dual models as the adiabatic limit is approached; however, considerable sensitivity is observed for some quantities even in the antiadiabatic limit. Also, strong dependence of the results on the specific form of the diagonal coupling is observed everywhere in the parameter space. Taken together, these results suggest that a careful consideration must be given to the specific coupling and its proper range, when quantitative comparisons with experiments are sought.
Monodeep Chakraborty, Sankeerth S. Narayan, Vigneshwaran R., and Mona Berciu 5 Centre for Quantum Science and Technology, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India-600037 Computer Science Engineering Department, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India-600037 Mechatronics Engineering Department, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India-600037 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z1 Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6T 1Z4 (Dated: April 21, 2022)
Physical Review B, 2005
The polaron features due to electron-phonon interactions with different coupling ranges are investigated by adopting a variational approach. The ground-state energy, the spectral weight, the average kinetic energy, the mean number of phonons, and the electron-lattice correlation function are discussed for the system with coupling to local and nearest neighbor lattice displacements comparing the results with the long range case. For large values of the coupling with nearest neighbor sites, most physical quantities show a strong resemblance with those obtained for the long range electron-phonon interaction. Moreover, for intermediate values of interaction strength, the correlation function between electron and nearest neighbor lattice displacements is characterized by an upturn as function of the electron-phonon coupling constant.
Physica B-condensed Matter, 2009
The transition from band to hopping conductivity of small polaron is examined within Holstein's molecular crystal model. The conditions under which each of these mechanisms prevail are formulated in terms of the values of the coupling constant S and adiabatic parameter B. Particular attention was paid to the possible influence of the polaron induced modification of phonon spectrum.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2004
An analytical variational method is applied to the molecular Holstein Hamiltonian in which the dispersive features of the dimension dependent phonon spectrum are taken into account by a force constant approach. The crossover between a large and a small size polaron is monitored, in one, two and three dimensions and for different values of the adiabatic parameter, through the behavior of the effective mass as a function of the electron-phonon coupling. By increasing the strength of the inter-molecular forces the crossover becomes smoother and occurs at higher e-ph couplings. These effects are more evident in three dimensions. We show that our Modified Lang-Firsov method starts to capture the occurence of a polaron self-trapping transition when the electron energies become of order of the phonon energies. The self-trapping event persists in the fully adiabatic regime. At the crossover we estimate polaron effective masses of order ∼ 5 − 40 times the bare band mass according to dimensionality and value of the adiabatic parameter. Modified Lang-Firsov polaron masses are substantially reduced in two and three dimensions. There is no self-trapping in the antiadiabatic regime.
Physical Review B, 2006
We study the effects of lattice type on polaron dynamics using a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo approach. Holstein and screened Fröhlich polarons are simulated on a number of different Bravais lattices. The effective mass, isotope coefficients, ground state energy and energy spectra, phonon numbers, and density of states are calculated. In addition, the results are compared with weak and strong coupling perturbation theory. For the Holstein polaron, it is found that the crossover between weak and strong coupling results becomes sharper as the coordination number is increased. In higher dimensions, polarons are much less mobile at strong coupling, with more phonons contributing to the polaron. The total energy decreases monotonically with coupling. Spectral properties of the polaron depend on the lattice type considered, with the dimensionality contributing to the shape and the coordination number to the bandwidth. As the range of the electron-phonon interaction is increased, the coordination number becomes less important, with the dimensionality taking the leading role.
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2012
When an electron interacts with phonons, the electron can exhibit either free electron-like or polaron-like properties. The latter tends to occur for very strong coupling, and results in a phonon cloud accompanying the electron as it moves, thus raising its mass considerably. We summarize this behaviour for the Holstein model in one, two and three dimensions, and note that the crossover occurs for fairly low coupling strengths compared to those attributed to real materials exhibiting conventional superconductivity.
Solid State Communications, 1993
In systems with strong electron-lattice coupling neither the electrons nor the phonons are any longer well defined quasi particles. What evolves ate new quasi particles : the small polarons. Electrons and phonons can be considered as the excitations of small polarons and can be tested by spectroscopic means. In principle small polarons can move through the lattice in a coherent fashion forming Bloch like states. Direct experimental verification of such states has remained till now ambiguous. We show here that an unequivocal proof for itinerant polarons is the appearance of a new branch of lattice modes. These modes correspond to the motion of the polaron induced local lattice deformations surrounding the charge carriers. They are expected to have large amplitudes and low frequencies as compared to the intrinsic optical modes in the system. These new modes should be detectable by inelastic neutron scattering and are expected to have a very specific lineshape quite distinct from ordinary phonons.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2004
The polaron features for long-range electron-phonon interaction are investigated by extending a variational approach previously proposed for the study of systems with local coupling. The ground-state spectral weight, the average kinetic energy, the mean number of phonons, and the electron-lattice correlation function are discussed for a wide range of model parameters focusing on the adiabatic regime and comparing the results with the short-range case (Holstein model). A strong mixing of electronic and phononic degrees of freedom for small values of the electron-phonon coupling constant is found in the adiabatic case due to the long-range interaction. Finally a polaron "phase diagram" is proposed.
Journal of Luminescence, 1994
a D epa rt m en t of Ph ys i cs 03 19, Un i ve rsi t y of C a l i fo rni a at S an Di e go , La Jo l l a. C A 92 09 3. U SA. b Ins t i t ut e of N o nl i n e ar S ci e n c e 0 402 , U ni v ers i t y o f C a l i fo r ni a a t San D i e go, La J ol l a. C A 920 93. U SA. c D ep a rt m en t of C h e mi st r y 03 40, U n i ve rs i t y of C al i fo rn i a a t Sa n D i e go , La J ol l a. C A 92 093. U S A .
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