Notes Towards an Ash'arite Theodicy

While many attempts at theodicy explain evil as unavoidable, even for an omnipotent being, except at the cost of a greater good, another approach to theodicy is based on the idea that at least some moral standards do not apply to both God and human beings, and, hence, that God is no less morally perfect if he allows the existence of avoidable evil. This thesis is associated with Ash'arite theology, which also promotes a divine command theory of morality. In this paper it is shown that these two aspects of Ash'arite theology are independent, that is, that divine non-culpability for avoidable evil does not imply a divine command theory of morality. It is hoped that this paper may be considered as an endorsement of the mutual respect between Shi'i and Sunni theologians and as a contribution to intra-Muslim comparative theology.