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The extended, well documented and richly illustrated monograph dedicated to LITHOSTRATRIGRAPHY OF SICILY, written by Luca Basilone from the University of Palermo, deserves a special presentation. It displays the results of over ten years of field work carried out under the expert and careful guidance of Raimondo Catalano and from related detailed sedimentologic, microcropaleontologic and microfacies analysis. The work is pertinent in particular to several geological sheets of the new geologic map at the scale 1:50 000 of the Italian CARG project, but it has a much broader context, that extends well beyond the sheets boundaries.
The extended, well documented and richly illustrated monograph dedicated to LITHOSTRATRIGRAPHY OF SICILY, written by Luca Basilone from the University of Palermo, deserves a special presentation. It displays the results of over ten years of field work carried out under the expert and careful guidance of Raimondo Catalano and from related detailed sedimentologic, microcropaleontologic and microfacies analysis. The work is pertinent in particular to several geological sheets of the new geologic map at the scale 1:50 000 of the Italian CARG project, but it has a much broader context, that extends well beyond the sheets boundaries.
Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione, 2020
This work, part of a broader project on “Literacy and Development in Southern Italy from Italian Unification to the Giolittian Era (1861-1914)”, analyzes, through the sources of the State Archives of Catania, the connection between the processes of modernization and literacy in the South, during the first years after the extension of the Casati Law, looking at the modalities, effectiveness and effective fulfillment of schools institution, by the Catania hinterland Municipalities, as a primary element of economic and social progression of the territory. At the same time, particular attention is given to the role of local ecclesiastical institutions in primary education.
One of the entries (n.° 170) in: Sicilia 1477-1861. La Collezione Spagnolo-Patermo in quattro secoli di Cartografia, Paparo Editore, Napoli 2014.
Bollettino- Societa Geologica Italiana
The Scaglia Toscana represents a stratigraphic unit belonging to the Tuscan Domain of the Northern Apennines Such a stratigraphic unit results lithologically heterogeneous, and is representative of a very long time span (from the Early Cretaceous to the Oligocene) during which very important geological events took place, such as the convergence and collisional events giving rise to the edification of the Northern Apennines orogene We have studied several key outcrops of the Scaglia Toscana exposed in the Rapolano Termearea (Southern Tuiscany, Northern Apennines) in order to contribute to the reconstruction of the depositional setting and palaeogeographical features of a secotr of the Tuscan Dornain from the Cretaceous to the Early Miocene, and to hypothesise a possible geodynamic evolution The Scaglia Toscana exposed in the Rapolano Terme area has been deply investigated through lithostragraphic and biostratigraphic analyses mainly carried out in three key areas indicated in the fig...
… topografica della Colonizzazione greca in Italia e …, 2006
Sicilia 1477-1861. La Collezione Spagnolo-Patermo in quattro secoli di Cartografia, Paparo Editore, Napoli 2014., 2014
"We must in any case remember that to understand the territory and to recognize that the present is simply one moment in a long series of historical layers are both necessary components for any comprehension of the construction of the image of Sicily. It is also not always properly acknowledged how important the classical tradition was in shaping many generations of European scientists, philosophers, and statesmen – suffice it here to mention the presence of men like Sir Walter Raleigh (entry 77) or Thomas Hobbes (entry 86) among the authors of works that included maps of Sicily." (from the English version by Tommaso Astarita of the "Introduction")
One of the entries (n.° 201) in: Sicilia 1477-1861. La Collezione Spagnolo-Patermo in quattro secoli di Cartografia, Paparo Editore, Napoli 2014., 2014
in corso di stampa (Atti del Vi International Conference Instrumenta inscripta)
Irattanclo specificamente problcmi di geogralia storica, L. Ro bcrt così scrivcva r-rc.l 1951; "[... ] l'épiglaphic ct la Dun]ismdtique ne sont elles pas Ìcs dcux mamelles .l'une mèmc scictcc?"'. Da allor'a, ie t^nte riccrche, che lo stesso Rol:crt ha dedicato allo studio cli singoli problerri di nrulismatica'e che molti airri epigralisti hanno intr'apre sor, sranno a testinoniare quanto possa esscrc ft[ttuosa 1'unione fra queste due scieDze dell'antichità.
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MONASTERO DI SANTO SPIRITO Frammenti ceramici e lapidei dall'antichità al medioevo , 2013
Stratigrafie del Paesaggio, 2022
Erytheia Revista De Estudios Bizantinos Y Neogriegos, 2010
Notiziario Archeologico Soprintendenza Palermo, 2017
Un monastero sul mare / A Monastery by the Sea. Ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI), pp. 325-333., 2016
La Sicilia preistorica: dinamiche interne e relazioni esterne : atti del Convegno internazionale di studi : Catania-Siracusa 7-9 ottobre 2021 / a cura di P. Militello, F. Nicoletti, R. Panvini, 2021
Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater
ARCHAEOLOGIA MARITIMA MEDITERRANEA An International Journal on Underwater Archaeology, 5, 2008, pp. 23-44., 2008
Philomusicaonline, 2010
Tradizione, Tecnologia e Territorio I, 2012
Aristonothos Scritti Per Il Mediterraneo Antico, 2012
La ricerca antiquaria nell’Italia nordorientale. Dalla Repubblica Veneta all’Unità, a cura di Maurizio Buora e Arnaldo Marcone, in Antichità Altoadriatiche, LXIV (2007), pp. 317-366, 2007
Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana