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State space planning algorithms have been considered as one of the main classical planning techniques to solve classical planning problems since 1960. In this paper, we show that Transaction Logic is an appropriate language and framework to study and compare these planning algorithms, which enables one to have more efficient planners in logic programming frameworks. Specifically, we take STRIPS planning and forward state space planning algorithms, and show that the specification of these algorithms in Transaction Logic lets one implement complicated planning algorithms in declarative programming languages (e.g. Prolog). We first provide a formal representation of these planning algorithms in Transaction Logic, which can be used to automatically translate STRIPS planning problems in PDDL to Transaction Logic rules. Then, we use the resulting Transaction Logic rules to solve planning problems and compare the performance of those algorithms in our simple interpreter implemented in XSB Prolog. We use several case studies to show how the linear STRIPS planning algorithm is faster than forward state space search. Our experiments highlight the fact that a planner implemented by logic programming framework can become faster if an appropriate planning algorithm is applied.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Automated planning has been the subject of intensive research and is at the core of several areas of AI, including intelligent agents and robotics. In this paper, we argue that Transaction Logic is a natural specification language for planning algorithms, which enables one to see further afield and thus discover better and more general solutions than using one-of-a-kind formalisms. Specifically, we take the well-known STRIPS planning strategy and show that Transaction Logic lets one specify the STRIPS planning algorithm easily and concisely, and to prove its completeness. Moreover, extensions to allow indirect effects and to support action ramifications come almost for free. Finally, the compact and clear logical formulation of the algorithm made possible by this logic is conducive to fruitful experimentation. To illustrate this, we show that a rather simple modification of the STRIPS planning strategy is also complete and yields speedups of orders of magnitude.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Heuristic search is arguably the most successful paradigm in Automated Planning, which greatly improves the performance of planning strategies. However, adding heuristics usually leads to very complicated planning algorithms. In order to study different properties (e.g. completeness) of those complicated planning algorithms, it is important to use an appropriate formal language and framework. In this paper, we argue that Transaction Logic is just such a specification language, which lets one formally specify both the heuristics, the planning algorithm, and also facilitates the discovery of more general and more efficient algorithms. To illustrate, we take the well-known regression analysis mechanism and show that Transaction Logic lets one specify the concept of regression analysis easily and thus express RSTRIPS, a classical and very complicated planning algorithm based on regression analysis. Moreover, we show that extensions to that algorithm that allow indirect effects and action ramification are obtained almost for free. Finally, a compact and clear logical formulation of the algorithm lets us prove the completeness of RSTRIPS-a result that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been known before.
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2004
In Part I of this series of papers, we have proposed a new logic-based planning language, called Ã. This language facilitates the description of transitions between states of knowledge and it is well suited for planning under incomplete knowledge. Nonetheless, à also supports the representation of transitions between states of the world (i.e., states of complete knowledge) as a special case, proving to be very flexible. In the present Part II, we describe the DLV à planning system, which implements à on top of the disjunctive logic programming system DLV. This novel planning system allows for solving hard planning problems, including secure planning under incomplete initial states (often called conformant planning in the literature), which cannot be solved at all by other logic-based planning systems such as traditional satisfiability planners. We present a detailed comparison of the DLV à system to several state-of-the-art conformant planning systems, both at the level of system features and on benchmark problems. Our results indicate that, thanks to the power of knowledge-state problem encoding, the DLV à system is competitive even with special purpose conformant planning systems, and it often supplies a more natural and simple representation of the planning problems.
Artificial Intelligence, 2003
In Part I of this series of papers, we have proposed a new logic-based planning language, called Ã. This language facilitates the description of transitions between states of knowledge and it is well suited for planning under incomplete knowledge. Nonetheless, à also supports the representation of transitions between states of the world (i.e., states of complete knowledge) as a special case, proving to be very flexible. In the present Part II, we describe the DLV à planning system, which implements à on top of the disjunctive logic programming system DLV. This novel planning system allows for solving hard planning problems, including secure planning under incomplete initial states (often called conformant planning in the literature), which cannot be solved at all by other logic-based planning systems such as traditional satisfiability planners. We present a detailed comparison of the DLV à system to several state-of-the-art conformant planning systems, both at the level of system features and on benchmark problems. Our results indicate that, thanks to the power of knowledge-state problem encoding, the DLV à system is competitive even with special purpose conformant planning systems, and it often supplies a more natural and simple representation of the planning problems.
Artificial Intelligence, 2001
In Part I of this series of papers, we have proposed a new logic-based planning language, called Ã. This language facilitates the description of transitions between states of knowledge and it is well suited for planning under incomplete knowledge. Nonetheless, à also supports the representation of transitions between states of the world (i.e., states of complete knowledge) as a special case, proving to be very flexible. In the present Part II, we describe the DLV à planning system, which implements à on top of the disjunctive logic programming system DLV. This novel planning system allows for solving hard planning problems, including secure planning under incomplete initial states (often called conformant planning in the literature), which cannot be solved at all by other logic-based planning systems such as traditional satisfiability planners. We present a detailed comparison of the DLV à system to several state-of-the-art conformant planning systems, both at the level of system features and on benchmark problems. Our results indicate that, thanks to the power of knowledge-state problem encoding, the DLV à system is competitive even with special purpose conformant planning systems, and it often supplies a more natural and simple representation of the planning problems.
Abstract—In this paper we discuss how some features of the new logic programming language DALI for agents and multiagent systems are suitable to programming agents equipped with planning capabilities. We discuss the design and implementation of an agent capable to perform STRIPS-like planning, and we propose a small but significant example. In particular, a DALI agent, which is capable of complex proactive behavior, can build step-by-step her plan by proactively checking for goals and possible actions.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1998
This work stands out the use of Transaction Logic (TR) in case-based planning. The TR provides a correct and complete logical theory based planner that can be computationally implemented keeping the formal theory semantic. The TR is efficient on states treatment besides to create a retriever and cases adaptation easier than others formalized systems. Transaction Logic provides a clean fashion in knowledge representation and its semantic based on path of states is next to planning necessities, making possible the formalization of whole case-based planning system without the existence of the semantic gap between theory and implementation.
LINEAR PLANNING LOGIC AND LINEAR LOGIC GRAPH PLANNER: DOMAIN INDEPENDENT TASK PLANNERS BASED ON LINEAR LOGIC Sıtar Kortik Ph.D. in Computer Engineering Advisor: Varol Akman Co-Advisor: Uluç Saranlı September, 2017 Linear Logic is a non-monotonic logic, with semantics that enforce single-use assumptions thereby allowing native and efficient encoding of domains with dynamic state. Robotic task planning is an important example for such domains, wherein both physical and informational components of a robot’s state exhibit non-monotonic properties. We introduce two novel and efficient theorem provers for automated construction of proofs for an exponential multiplicative fragment of linear logic to encode deterministic STRIPS planning problems in general. The first planner we introduce is Linear Planning Logic (LPL), which is based on the backchaining principle commonly used for constructing logic programming languages such as Prolog and Lolli, with a novel extension for LPL to handle pro...
The ability to express "derived predicates" in the formalization of a planning domain is both practically and theoretically important. The recent PDDL2.2 language supports derived predicates, which can be expressed by "domain rules".
The present paper is based on an implemented planning system running in Quintus Prolog under SUN/OS on Sparc Stations. This one has been developed to compete another system previously implemented in Allegro Common Lisp. There have been three essentially di erent prototypical applications for generating technical therapy plans: a ood prevention system, a chemical bre production installation, and a ballast tank system for o-shore platforms. This work on planning has been embedded in a comprehensive approach towards knowledgebased process supervision and control within the joint project Wiscon which has been funded by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology under grant no. 413{4001{01 IW 204 B. The paper developes a collection of planning algorithms lucidly derived by formalizing algorithmic ideas and heuristics within the logic programming paradigm. This is based on the second author's student's project work.
This work aims at verifying the effective possibilit). of using Linear Time Logic (LTL) as a planning language. The main advantage of such a rich and expressive language is the possibility of encoding problem specifc information, that can be of help both in reducing the search space and finding a better plan. To this purpose, w~e have implemented a planning system, PADOK (Planning with Domain Knowledge), where the whole planning domain is modelled in LTL and planning is reduced to model search. We briefly describe the components of problem specifications accepted by PADOK, that may include knowledge about the domain and control knowledge, in a declarative format. Some experiments are then reported, comparing the performances of PADOK with some w~ll established existing planners (IPP, BLACKBOX and STAN) some sample problems. In most cases, our system is guided by additional knowledge that cannot be stated in the languages accepted by the other planners. In general, when the complexity of the problem instances increases, the behaviour of PADOK improves, with respect to the other planners, and it can solve problem instances that other systems cannot.
We discuss some features of the new logic programming language DALI for agents and multi-agent systems, also in connection to the issues raised in [12]. We focus in particular on the treatment of proactivity, which is based on the novel mechanism of the internal events and goals. As a case-study, we discuss the design and implementation of an agent capable to perform simple forms of planning. We demonstrate how it is possible in DALI to perform STRIPS-like planning without implementing a meta-interpreter.
European Conference an Planning, 1997
Transaction logic (TR) is a formalism that accounts for the specification and execution of update phenomena in arbitrary logical theory, specially logic programs and databases. In fact, from a theoretical standpoint, the planning activity could be seen as such a kind of phenomenon, where the execution of plan actions update a world model. This paper presents how a planning process can be specified and formally executed in TR. We define a formal planning problem description and show that goals for these problems may be represented not only as questions to a final database state, but also as the invocation of complex actions. The planning process in this framework can be considered as an executional deduction of a TR formula. As a highlight of this work we could mention that it provides a clean and declarative approach to bridging the gap between formal and real planning. The user not only “programs” his planning problem description, but also gains a better understanding of what is behind the semantics of the plan generation process.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2006
This paper presents an approach to artificial intelligence planning based on linear temporal logic (LTL). A simple and easy-to-use planning language is described, PDDL-K (Planning Domain Description Language with control Knowledge), which allows one to specify a planning problem together with heuristic information that can be of help for both pruning the search space and finding better quality plans. The semantics of the language is given in terms of a translation into a set of LTL formulae. Planning is then reduced to "executing" the LTL encoding, i.e. to model search in LTL. The feasibility of the approach has been successfully tested by means of the system Pdk, an implementation of the proposed method.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1998
In this work we investigate the use of propositional linear temporal logic LTL as a speci cation language for planning problems and the use of analytic tableaux as a tool for plan search, following the \planning as satis ability" approach 11]. We claim that LTL can be a good speci cation language for planning problems, because of its rich expressive power and the underlying simple model of time and actions. We propose the use of Tabplan, a tableau calculus for bounded model search in LTL (fully described in 7]), as a system for plan synthesis. We show how to code a given planning problem by means of di erent LTL theories, each encoding making the model construction procedure simulate a di erent search strategy, namely planning by progression and partial order regression planning in the style of 14].
This manual describes the syntax of PDDL, the Planning Domain Definition Language, the problem-specification language for the AIPS-98 planning competition. The language has roughly the the expressiveness of Pednault's ADL [10] for propositions, and roughly the expressiveness of UMCP [6] for actions. Our hope is to encourage empirical evaluation of planner performance, and development of standard sets of problems all in comparable notations. 1 Introduction This manual describes the syntax, and, less formally, the semantics, of the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). The language supports the following syntactic features: ffl Basic STRIPS-style actions ffl Conditional effects ffl Universal quantification over dynamic universes (i.e., object creation and destruction), ffl Domain axioms over stratified theories, ffl Specification of safety constraints. ffl Specification of hierarchical actions composed of subactions and subgoals. ffl Management of multiple problems in mul...
This work aims at verifying the effective possibil- it). of using Linear Time Logic (LTL) as a plan- ning language. The main advantage of such a rich and expressive language is the possibility of en- coding problem specifc information, that can be of help both in reducing the search space and find- ing a better plan. To this purpose, w~e
Although during the last decade in several papers applicability of Linear Logic (LL) theorem proving to AI planning has been emphasised, there is still no experimental data nor prototype available, which would allow to justify performance of LL planning. In this paper we present results demonstrating that performance of a Linear Logic planner may be comparable to state-ofthe-art domain-independent planners. While planning with LL, we first abstract a planning problem propositionally. Then the propositional problem is translated to a Petri net and skeleton plans are computed by applying Petri net reachability checking. After a skeleton plan, consisting of not instantiated operators, has been generated, we instantiate the plan. Suitable constants for operators are determined by heuristic-driven constraint solving. 1 There is another planner called RAPS (Reactive Action Planning System), which is available at
We present a plan representation and a generalized algorithm template, called UCP, for unifying the classical plan-space and state-space planning approaches within a single framework. UCP models planning as a process of refining a partial plan. The plan-space and state-space planning approaches are cast as complementary refinement strategies operating on the same partial plan representation. UCP has the freedom to arbitrarily and opportunistically interleave plan-space and state-space refinements within a single planning episode. This allows it reap the benefits of both state-space and plan-space planning approaches. We discuss the coverage, completeness and systematicity of UCP. We also present some preliminary empirical results that demonstrate the utility of combining state-space and plan-space approaches.
The ability to express "derived predicates" in the formalization of a planning domain is both practically and theoretically important. In this paper, we propose an approach to planning with derived predicates where the search space consists of "Rule-Action Graphs", particular graphs of actions and rules representing derived predicates. We present some techniques for representing rules and reasoning with them, which are integrated into a method for planning through local search and rule-action graphs. We also propose some new heuristics for guiding the search, and some experimental results illustrating the performance of our approach. Our proposed techniques are implemented in a planner that took part in the fourth International Planning Competition showing good performance in many benchmark problems.
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