Interpolation and the Laguerre-Pólya class


A long standing open problem, known as the Karlin-Laguerre problem, in the study of the distribution of real zeros of a polynomial is to characterize all real sequences T={γ_k}_{k=0}^∞ such that they satisfy the property Z_c (T[p(x)])≤Z_c (p(x)), where Z_c(p(x)) denotes the number of non-real zeros of the real polynomial p(x)=∑_{k=0}^{n} a_k x_k and T(p(x))=∑_{k=0}^{n}γ_k a_k x_k. The main result of this paper shows that under a mild growth restriction, an entire function of exponential type f(z) for which the sequence T={f(k)}_{k=0}^{∞} satisfies the above condition must have only real zeros. The paper concludes with some applications to the Riemann hypothesis.